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Everything posted by VirginDefiler

  1. man from the past speaks to man from the future. past man "hello, please tell me what its like in the future. " future man "what would you like to know?" past man "well, we eat on porcelien plates and use forks and spoons like any civilized person." future "well, we dont. we eat with our hands, no utensils, and when we are done wolfing food down, we take the paper that our food was wraped in, and toss it over our shoulder, its called burger king." past man "dear God!" past man "well, what about clothes? just my lace shirt took 6 months to make." future man " well, my shirt and jeans took 5 minutes to make, but it took 10 minutes for the pants and shirt makers to intentionally rip holes in them, then theyre worth buying." past man "my goodness!" past man "well, what about music? we have Mozart. a man that was a virtuoso on any instrument. what do people have in your time?" future man " we have Sid Viscious. he doesnt know how to play guitar. but people flock to see him because he does not know how to play." past man "...." past man "i must hurry back to my time! the future is wrong! people are insane in the future! the world is doomed! the future is for barbarians." past man then, passes out. looooooooool
  2. you should try it. but my advice is crank the game difficulty to max from the start cuz the ai is a bit too simple minded and the guard meter system needs the ai to play against you as smartly as it can. and when u fight against the humanoid opponents, namely the sword carrying minibosses, just keep restarting the level just to play against them to see how damn good this guard meter management system is. its the best. THE very best system. ive played alotta fighting games with all their systems the different devs try to invent. everything pales in comparison to bujingai's system. man i wish they had made a fighting game after this game. it be the biggest most popular fighter ever. again if u never experienced buji's combat mechanic especially against the humanoid enemies you just wouldnt understand how freaking exciting thrilling and satisfying it is. traditional fighting games just feel clunky and dull and stiff after u play it. big edit i had a difficult time, trying to describe the guard mechanic and why its THE best system in regarding to fighting. that if u havent exp it yourself u wouldnt get it. so after an hour of thinking about it. how to put the bujingai combat system into words and why it works so well. ok imagine this. its essentially like a game of chess but a math game. yea. its math. so lets say we play each other. u get 10 flower petals. me too. each have 10 to work with. i attack u 3 times. i subtract 3 from your 10. its now 10 to 7. you dont just sit there blocking eating combo and getting ready to get guard broken. course not. so you got 2 choices. dodge or clash by attacking while im attacking. dodging gains you 2 flower petals back. but clashing gains you 1 petal, but i lose 4 petals. so it becomes a game of math. where u decide how to manage this guard meter system of numbers. i subtraact 4 from u by clashing. but u dodge 2x to gain those 4 back. if i dodge i gain 2 petals more safely than trying to clash. but i dont have invincibilty frames on my start up or recovery, so theres risk. but clashing is even riskier cuz if i mistime i gain nothing but damage. its just this beautiful system of doing the risk reward with your math. cuz its math essentially. you dont really hav to do any adding or subtracting or counting because you can do everything visually but small vs large gains to your flower petal meter. lastly, the devs of bujingai created a combat system that is constantly in a ebb and flow that never stops. because they themselves stated officially they wanted to make a 1980s shaw bros kung fu movie in how the combat worked. in a kung fu movie characters are both attacking and defending at the same time which looks like a dance. and thats exactly what they made with the combat. bujingai combat mechanic feels like you are playing this. theres a ebb and flow to the fighting that feels very kung fu movie ish. very free flowing thrilling and constant. while other combat and fighting systems found in fighting games and action games dont in comparison. and thats why i wish the devs of bujingai had realized the golden goose they had when they invented this unique combat mechanic and that it wouldve worked perfectly as a fighting game. it worked as a action game mechanic too but it wouldve shined as a fighting game. roman cancels and focus attacks and all these systems and mechanics different devs from diff studios try to invent. it all pales compared to bujingai's sytem. these devs try to reinvent the wheel but the bujingai devs perfected the wheel. its just sad its in a sub par game. and not even a fighting game. its sad they didnt realize that what they invented couldve been used in a fighting game and they didnt realize what they had. cuz if they had realized what they had, and made a fighting game using the same exact mech. pfft it be huge. the game wouldve been blockbuster huge. but they didnt so 😭
  3. genji 1 was good, but bujingai had a combat system that made me wish someone had made a fighting game based on its combat. see in buji you had autoblock which would make fighting game fans scoff. but heres the thing. u autoblock but in that game, it had an interesting rock paper scissors system. you had guard, attack, and dodge. but everything revolved around the guard meter. getting attacked meant your guard meter going down. if fully down your guard gets broken and u eat combo. so u dodge, to protect your guard meter and u can get your meter back up. but u have to win the fight so u gotta go on offense. and the game becomes a dance of who can guard break first by juggling when u gonna dodge, attack, or guard based on watching your guard and your opponents flower petal guard meter. using this rock paper scissor system the guard meter presents. toss in the dope kung fu movie dance of 2 characters attacking and blocking and clashing. words tryin to describe how incredibly good that buji system felt in your hands, dont do it justice. you gotta exp it yourself to know how a fighting game would feel if it had this system in place. while playing bunjigai..all i said was "man i wish this game had a pvp versus fighting game mode." cuz the AI was never challenging/smart enough to truly push the combat system and challenge you to the limit. if i made a fighting game it would b based off of bujingai combat system. the problem with bujingai was the super shitty boring bland level design, the lack of variety of enemies, with most enemies being non human and non human enemies never pushed the guard meter system. only the human enemies were ever a challenge to your skill lvl and there were too few of em sprinkled in the game. but that guard meter system was addictive and brilliant. sadly the devs created gold. but never did anything else with that golden guard meter system they invented.
  4. have u seen METAL UNIT yet?im thinking of snagging the game cuz i really like the heaviness of the hitstun, not to mention the slowdown on the dodge. witchtime
  5. so about the most broken team ive seen so far. adult gohan paired with base goku using his ki charge assist. i faced off against someone w username lvl7gohan. and the matches were the most broken shit since piccolo hellzone loops. before u know it goku gives him seven bars. adult gohan lvls up to 7. next thing i know im getting looped in the corner. masenko, dp, masenko, dp. etc. death. if that aint bad enuff yunno how u can punish his ex legs by cancelling your guard into 2h? well not when hes lvl 7. cuz remember he can cancel ex legs directly into dp cuz hes lvl 7. remember he can also cancel dp into ex legs. and with 2 frame delay shitty netcode for a 2022 game, its impossible to stop him from doing whatever he wants as he goes from ex legs into dp into ex legs into dp till he eventually opens your guard up. . its impossible. oh and hes building meter while beasting you. so hes smoking you, which he wouldnt be doing normally at the very start of the match if it wasnt for goku giving him 6 bars in like 35 seconds lol omfg. i hate this game. i even tried putting a stop to his lvling up by snapping out his android 18 point character to snap in goku to kill goku fast asap. doesnt matter. most likely u wont kill goku 1 touch. before u can kill him he gets goku out n gets lvled up gohan back in. sure youll do better with a dead goku if u do kill him, but gohan will be leveled up close enuff to lvl 7 to lvl up to 7 without him and back into corner mesenko dp loops till your entire life bar gets evaporated. its disgusting. this patch. i hate it, im hating the game like its season 2. phooey. this better not b the final patch. im serious.
  6. woolie n reggie are actually doing a playthru of sh3 game still looks damn good considering how old it is
  7. i played a lil of Thymesia on amazon luna. uh, i died alot. mostly tryin to get use to the funky controls. cuz im not use to the attack buttons not being on the face buttons but the trigger buttons which felt hella weird to me. i never played a souls game or a souls like game. just tenchu which all soulslike games are based on. so i have a good jist of how i should play. but i def had to remap the buttons. so getting use to the controls was harder for me than the enemies. but what i didnt like about the game is that the game's combat mechanics become super complex in less than 15 minutes when they introduced the feather weapon. in this particular game, unblockable attacks are displayed as a green aura. u can stuff an unblockable attack if u toss a feather at the enemy when they glow green. cool. problem is the enemy also glows green when they heal. so it throws off the timing of when u should toss your feather. youll end up tossing a feather when theyre healing, wasting a feather. and then not tossing the feather when theyre glowing to launch that unblockable. but the thing that bugs me most ablout the game is the parry. cuz the parry aint really a parry but a block, cuz u think its a parry till u actually parry..but then u see it sucks balls cuz the parry doesnt stagger at all. which is just plain weird, then u realize by it not staggering that its not a parry but more like a block but since it doesnt stagger it sucks. and literally better to never use. its not a bad game. but its gonna take time getting use to..what to use vs just ignore these few mechanics and never use em cuz they suck. in other words it feels harder than it is, cuz a)control config is weird af, i cant fuck with it when attacks are not being face buttons b)parry aint really parry so dont, and feather timing is harder than it should cuz enemies glow when healing not just when they bout to throw unblockable at you so just dodge cuz fuck a feather.
  8. in ninja soul im on 4th difficulty. that games dope once u figure out to activate speed buff by plinking dash into jump. thats when u realize what the dev is intending for you to do almost 24/7. cuz it makes your ninja op. street fighter taught me well lol.
  9. i just noticed Sifu isnt on steam or amazon pc. hmmmm
  10. i have a galaxy s10e. the only thing i notice vs a budget phone is just vastly greater memory. other than that i really dont notice anything else. considering its a galaxy note..if u dont take notes or draw with its pen, and if u dont use alotta memory. id say just get the a50
  11. this shit is mad castlevania x1000 but looks hella hard.
  12. being able to fuse special attacks with elemental damage of your choice is dope tbh metroidvania...but u get to rock stands like in jojo..and gain boss powers like mega man to use. thats dope too.
  13. if thats true then gen is dead. he still wanna b in the roster tho.
  14. so i beat ninja soul. my health regen build was too stronk for the game to handle. like any rouguelite the build u rock matters. after u beat it the game lets u unlock higher difficulties, theres like 5 or 6 diff lvls. havent beat lvl 2 yet tho.
  15. right now i have an incredible build in ninja soul. im beasting rn. ive got health regen going in most of my weapon magic accessories. i finally managed to beat the boss at the end of the castle entrance. stage 3 i think. and im going thru uneplored territory with ease. feels good while it lasts just gotta avoid getting killed.
  16. yunno what i miss from the past in gaming? rag doll physics. i sorta miss it.
  17. ive always wanted an ipad, but never bought one cuz every time i see those apple prices i...
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