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Everything posted by VirginDefiler

  1. kurt cobain, nirvana the band, their 1st album bleach, was a gold album which is like 500,000 copies sold. after selling 500,000 albums, he was homeless. broke. so yea. when youre a hungry artist, youre gonna be fucked by the system.
  2. burlington has way more girls walking in than bricktown so burlington.
  3. i liked solo movie the best, then r1, then tfa, least fav was ros. ep 9. i forgot everything about that movie except emperor palpatine.
  4. angela lansbury was in my fav horror movie, the picture of dorian gray. that story by oscar wilde. dorian gray, is about the monster you cant see. the monster on the inside of people. not on the outside. thats why its the scariest movie ive ever seen. if u never seen the movie u should.
  5. i dont think gohan should be nerfed at all cuz by himself he isnt s tier but that assist plus him is.....dare i say bannable in tournys. cuz with his dad juicing him hes more than top s tier hes god tier.
  7. yunno what i hate more than anything else? the way american banks get nutty every time you buy something direct from china. every time i buy something from, or anything china. my bank thinks its "suspicious" and freezes my debit card. bruh. its weekend and my bank is closed. fuck. even buying shit from genshin impact caused a freeze. dude im buyin genshin primogems im not committing espionage like wtf usa banks?!?!? stop treating a simple normal transaction like if i committed treason for buying from "the enemy" china owns like 60% of america, just deal with it already banks. stop punishing us for doing business. i swear.
  8. the point is, our modern diets are wrong. our diets are not what our caveman ancestors ate. its why our teeth are fucked up with cavities etc. no caveman needs fillings. you shouldnt need fillings ever. teeth are bone designed to last a lifetime. we all have cavities cuz our diets are wrong. our teeth is proof our diets are wrong. if our diets were right our saliva would b alkaline 24/7 and with a alkaline ph saliva, bacteria wouldnt grow and eat away at our teeth, creating cavities. bacteria need acidic environments. they have trouble growing in alkaline environments. i found that out 2 years ago when i had teeth issues.
  9. i know but most fruits become alkaline post ingestion. so i read. im just a parrot. im just posting what ive read. juice in its natural,alkalizing with many health benefits. ikr, it mindfucked me too when i first found out couple years ago about fruits being alkaline post ingestion.
  10. are these steam discounts for real? need for speed heat is less than 5 bucks, mortal kombat 11 is like 10 bucks.
  11. cuz flowers=plant vaginas. cuz thats what they are. edit: and my fav plant vagina is the one i just fnished smoking. specifically GSC
  12. meats and dairy and starchy vegs is acidic. fruits n non startchy vegs are alkaline. maybe the diet.
  13. i didnt even know this existed. never heard of it
  14. that sapd shooting vid reminded me now of one day when i was playing gta san andreas...i was mellowly driving down a highway tunnel. not crashing or speeding or anything. when all of a sudden i heard sirens. i looked behind me and saw lights. i thought to myself. "is this a glitch cuz i aintz speeding. i didnt crash into anyone. why are they hitting the siren on me?" when i then saw that the cops were chasing down some npc. i said aw shit i need to follow this drama. the speeding car whizzed past me. cops in hot pursuit. i decided to follow the action. the cops eventually rammed the car. the driver got out unarmed. cops opened fire as i sat there parked on the highway tunnel. still in my car. watching. anywho. san andreas pd called the ambulance cuz u could hear the ambulance approach. they showed up n took corpse away. good times good times. still the best gta game lol
  15. if u never seen this movie u should. its one of dustin's top 3 movies. all time.
  16. been playin METAL UNIT lately. its fun. her mech's dodge feels alot like a mix of witchtime and the dodge flip from ninja gaiden arcade cab. if u ever played it. she has alot of invinc on it but u still die get hit alot cuz theres some enemies that sadly do contact damage, and plus theres alotta bullet hell in the game. its a very polished game. i really like how she will say pew pew when she bucks off with any machine gun. she says other cute stuff too. p.s. theres light sabers in the game that make the vroom vroom noise. its yea i recommend metal unit alot. def worth it
  17. how does tom brady's wife make more money than him? u guys keep saying this for a decade now yet i dont get how. cuz i havent seen her ass in like 20 years. shes hella old for a model. unless she has her own fashion clothes line like jessica alba..theres no way she makes more money than him. cuz its impossible from just modeling and only modeling. especially when she hasnt been sought after in over a decade. im gonna assume her press people are bullshitting or something. when jp morgan was alive everyone thought he was rich but when he died and they looked at his books he was broke. so im guessing the same thing is happening with giselle. where shes hyping her income up like jp morgan. cuz models dont make that much. even top models.
  18. interestingly enough, im sorta not shocked because he seemed to be worked like a dog. i always thought the act of drawing full scale pictures like he did, in public, in front of large crowds and cameras, was a highly stressful thing considering he was expecting to never fuck up his drawing. add in the fact he was doing it worldwide, meaning touring like a rock musician. mmmm seemed stress inducing to me. i mean u can say theres alotta entertainers and artists that perform in front of cameras and large crowds. yea i guess but everyone expected him to be perfect every time. with every line, every figure, cant fuck up once. fucked up. rip.
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