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Everything posted by VirginDefiler

  1. i would not put bayo3 in goty cat. sorry but that story wasnt...the strongest thing thing in the world.
  2. other than gowr and anno idk any good games that came out this year. i need to see the categories of this year on their twitter cuz. shrug. i hope itll be a fun vga this year cuz ever since 2020 quarantine the vga have been dull. hoping some actual memorable premieres pop up.
  3. regarding colognes. i have most of the power scents of the 80s and 90s. my top personal 4 are fahreinheit drakkar noir obsession tobacco vanille with the following in no order grey flannel oscar de la renta paco rabanne halston z-14 lapidus calvin safari aramis jovan musk never tried eros or sauvage but heard of em. theres alotta cologne channels on youtube but i mostly stick with 2 dudes who are old school one is mr.smelly the other is the perfume guy
  4. recently got a new deodorant. davidoff cool water deodorant. ive had couture deodorant before like grey flannel but i prefer this one.
  5. have u guys ever seen abarenbo shogun before? its my fav samurai show. the music is by the same dude that composed the music for dbz its essentially law & order meets fists of fury. best way to describe the show. this classic ass show never gets old❤️
  6. hero, imo, is the greatest kung fu movie ever made. i didnt mention it like i didnt mention crouching tiger, house of flying daggers cuz theyre more recent and not from the early 80s. ive always wondered how hong kong cinema rules and attitudes changed in 1999 when hong kong stopped being british ruled w brit laws and changed to chinese communist govt. like no more sex and drugs depicted im guessing. not to mention how the actors had to give up 90% of their income to the commie party. someone should do a docu on that shit. cuz im quite interested in knowing the exact changes to that film industry with that late 90s political change.
  7. ive been getting heavily into kung fu movies again. especially the early 80s shaw bros kung fu movies. i should say collecting them. i have: drunken master snake in the eagles shadow heroes of the east. 36th chamers. return to 36 chambers disciples of 36 chambers flag of iron crippled avengers five venoms kid w the golden arm dirty ho praying mantis clan of white lotus house of traps legendary weapons of china 8 triagram pole fighter martial club death duel return of one armed swordsman 5 elements ninjas if yall know any more good ones from the 80s lmk
  8. i doubt you guys know. but i'll ask anyway. so im looking for the titles to 2 kung fu movies but from memory and description. cant remember the titles. 1st movie. filmed between early to mid 1980s. theres a girl in her 20s. cute. that has a lil brother. they live in the woods. bandits or some assholes appear. threaten them. and the hero that saves n protects them appears standing in the trees dressed in white, hes a swordsman. but he first appears standing high up in a tree. 2nd movie. early 80s. just a regular dude that knows kung fu but hes good looking. theres a girl thats incognito dressed as a boy. and kung fu dude suspects he is a she. she says what makes u think that? and he says cuz u dont have this..and points to his own adam's apple and she is startled cuz she knows he busted her. this is hard. name that kung fu movie if you can cuz im dying to see these 2 movies again. ive been searching but havent come across em
  9. my mom caught covid at the hospital. smdh. but shes fine tho. theyre giving her meds. she doesnt have a fever or cough. she feels good in that respect. but shes gonna be there for a month. as she heals up her fractured spinal bone. edit oh yea and i told the doc to check her brain health with scrutiny. he said he would.
  10. thanks bros. ❤️ i just feel extremely stressed out rn. feeling helpless about this nightmarish scenario taking place. i just want her brain to be ok. her spine is secondary in a far more distant 2nd position of importance to her overall health.
  11. im hurting right now. my moms fell. on thanksgiving day. and she fractured a bone in her spine. lower back. which is bad but what has me really worried. is that when she fell on her butt she also hit the back of her head n her head was bleeding. and swelled up. and ever since shes been getting more n more incoherent and nonsensical day by day. she is in alotta pain in her lower back but its her head im worried about. she says her head doesnt hurt at all anymore but her incoherent talk is getting..worse. im very worried. i told the docs to get neurologists to examine her brain to see whats up. shes in the hospital rn. her lower back is one thing but her brain is another. more serious issue. 😟 pray for her please fellas.
  12. does the black friday sale extend throughout the weekend into cyber monday sales? or is it just fri and monday that the sales occur?
  13. before 2016 i wouldve rofl at this. but considering trump won. a dude with 0 history of being a civil servant, right off the street and into the oval office... he may actually win. considering 2016's insanity of magaheads voting for someone off the street. no history of public service in any govt job. and how illogical maga people are. not much difference between a kanye fan and a trump fan. or a elon fan for that matter.
  14. my motto towards the two parties is liberal dems=dumb republican conservs=crazy. dumb vs crazy. pick your poison. but recently with maga movement+trump. right now dems are the lesser of two evils. i just want trump to disappear into forgotten obscurity. i dont trust how dangerously egomaniacal and narcissistic he is. and his cult that seems unconcerned about maintaining democracy or the 200+ years of the republic, just plain scares me. i wish trumpism had never happened. at all. jan 6th was more than a riot. it couldve ended the republic. no thanks to that. i trust ben franklin. i follow ben, not trump.
  15. why would u ever go to quatar, a muslim country, and expect to b allowed to drink alcohol. dumb as rocks.
  16. women were once caled toots so i wouldnt recommend it considering the woke/cancel culture would use it as an agenda to bitch against trump and trumpet. tootie from facts of life wouldnt mind. as for advice.
  17. he really whipped out the latin. to pretend hes an intellectual. like it hasnt come out that his educational background isnt what he said it it was. that his knowledge was fraudulent . smdh,that nigga crazy. i mean.... quod nigrum insanus.
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