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Everything posted by VirginDefiler

  1. i finally managed to watch the 8 eps of this arc. how many eps for this season 1 again?
  2. i find blocking peeps to be the gayest shit ever. that said. if i find myself in an online argument with a female. knowing how immature most females are. i just know that theyre gonna try to get the last snarky insulting word in, and block me. so i try to beat em to the punch by gettin the last word in n then blocking them. i dont think ive ever even once blocked a dude. since dudes dont try that "im gonna get the last word in then proceed to block cuz win nah nah nah" childish bullshit. so with a female.. it becomes a contest of who will block who first. consider it as..21st century quick draw.
  3. sometimes i wish sonic wold spoiler his vids cuz thi pages crash my browser harrrrd. to the point even tabs indie from this page crash.
  4. i was about to mention this. i find it amazing that biden managed to get her off a ten year sentence, considering how incredibly retarded it was to transport that much thc across a country's border. dumb af. that said. if this happened in the past, like reagan era, that chick wouldve rotted all those years in prison for something not worth any jail sentence aka weed. lastly, since the dems managed to hold the senate..i hope they make weed legal federally like schumer said they would. hope so. that way we can finally be done with those retarded laws. sad thing is those anti-weed laws were always about synthetic plastic makers removing hemp plastic from the competitive market. it was never about marijuana being a narcotic. i know im gonna sound like a conspiracy nut but its not a coincidence that 2 years after novocaine was synthesized that cocaine was banned. and its not a coincidence that when dupont started making synthetic patented plastics they got hemp banned by getting marijuana banned and slipped in hemp as illegal. nope nope nope. its just big patent loving synthetic corporation lobbyists vs all natural farmers. the farmers never win. the cocaine farmers of south america, and the north american hemp growers. lose. every time. you cant beat old white men in 3 piece suits when youre just a hard working honest but poor farmer with no union and no lobbyists in govt to protect your interests.
  5. mike madson looks n sounds terrible. like he been smoking 1,000 cigs per night., no sleep. lots of coke n hookers. on that hunter biden lifestyle. jeez
  6. no one invited him to the show. but crash gonna crash.
  7. aurora concert being made by the same team that did journey n flower looks interesting.
  8. i wonder if blue protocol will be on amazon luna. regardless im hype about a new P*
  9. mm, idk about death stranding selling all that well cuz sony still hasnt revealed its total sales after its 1st month. last time i checked. stand corrected ii just checked. 5 million sold as of march 2021
  10. jedi survivor day 1 buy for me. automatic duuuuuuuuuuuude. dune game. i cant believe death stranding got a sequel. that said...i hope ds2 is not about carrying packages. action pls. lots of it.
  11. im so jelly nin gets this as exclusive. looks interesting.
  12. awards are superficial n dumb. buuuut. m ok with award shows existing cuz things arent just entertainment but theyre also art. i'll say it again. video games=art just like theatre, film, tv shows, music and books/literature.
  13. kratos is droppin f bombs like no tomorrow. refreshing tbh. but hes been up there longer than ragnorok's runtime. al's legs are gettin wobbly. wrap it up pops.
  14. that bitch threw me da fuck off sayin, "and now the vga begins." like wtf was the hour about? an intro. ohhh, theres jeff. now i understand old ass big al showin up senile.
  15. shes def hot. but wheres the main dude/owner of the vga thats always the host? i sorta miss him rn. no homo. but i do like how he hosts his own show.
  16. did he just say we can play streamed xbox games on any samsung smart tv? no xbox or pc needed?
  17. vid game awards gonna be on in 1/2 an hour. hope good premieres drop.
  18. Passengers movie was the shit w her. if u never seen that movie u should.
  19. another thing to consider, regarding who can use certain words, is the location of where said person, grew up. for example. can a grey alien use the n-word..if he grew up in north dakota. the answer is prob no. but if said grey alien grew up in compton. yes.. yes he can use the n word. location of where u grew up in matters. but also coolnes factor. like mike pence can never ever say the n-word. cuz hes alotta things but cool aint one. he is lit the opposite of cool. but bruce lee. being the off the charts ultra cool mofo he was. could use the n word anytime he wanted n no one would ever say nothin. he is allowed. his coolness factor lets him say anything he wants. coolness factor and where u grew up determines alot about what words u can say. damn all this is interesting. social science is such a fascinating thing.
  20. my point is that. even in the distant future. when mankind will be dealing with his interstellar neighbors. many things will change. among society. and the hardest science. which is social science. all the rules will still apply. including certain people(whites) not being allowed to say certain things about other races(aliens). no matter what changes, no matter what happens. one thing is sure. white people will not be allowed to be cool enough to use certain words. yet, minorities can. god i wish there were more films about this subject. of the complexity of social science. and how certain factions, namely minorities are somehow allowed to toss derrogatory words. with no fear of reprecussions. while other factions that are the majority, simply cant use these certain words. only movies i can think of about shit like this is...enemy mine. and alien nation.
  21. yo. im watching mass effect 2 playthru on yt. and as im watching the complexities of social science. and how hundreds of years in the future when we have aliens from different planets. and species. living and working on planet earth. and like. how all the forbidden stuff u can say, in public. regarding other races. how thats gonna be included when dealing with such alien species. and i imagined the scenario where. someone white like docmario. how he would b working in some cubicle. and he utters some shit like " maaaan, these damn greys. these big headed bug eyed assholes are rubbin me th wrong way with their brown nosing up to the boss. and the grey working in the next cubicle manages to hear him, makes a phone call to the boss to complain. and next thing you know. "uh ..docmario, boss wants to see u in his office." doc goes to the boss'es office. boss: "sit down mr mario." doc: "whats up? why did u wanna see me?" boss: "uh, we've gotten reports about you tossing around racist remarks, or at least deroggatory remarks about fellow co workers." doc "?" boss: "you have been overheard saying the g-word." doc: "huh? what g word?" boss: "the ebens dont appreciate THAT word. i'm sorry but this company is gonna haveta let you go." doc: "but but...i didnt..." boss: "please dont make this more difficult upon yourself. this company cant afford to lose its integrity. just clear out your desk before the end of the day" doc: "but but i heard virgindefiler say the word grey all the time!" boss: "yes. but hes a minority. see, minorities can say anything they want. including using certain words amongst themselves and other minorities. see. in the 20th century, minorities. namely blacks, hispanics and asians could use the n-word and it was ok. but not whites...and you sir, are white. virgin defiler is non white so he can toss the g word around. you....cant. now please leave my office" and as docmario carries his cardboard box full of his workplace personal items and stuff....the grey that overheard him sayin the g-word says.."i'm getting promoted because of what happened..affirmative action bitch haha" while sittin back with his feet on the desk. then doc, being depressed about losing his job over lettin the g-word slip at work.. decides to go to the movie theater. and whats playing you ask? DANCES...WITH XENOMORPHS. starring kevin costner. a film where one white soldier, stationed on a remote far away planet, befriends a tribe of primitive aliens that finds him weird, but likable. and adopt him into their tribe. oh wait. we dont haveta wait hundreds of years for that movie to b made. hollywood already did. its called AVATAR.
  22. samurai maiden is 54 dollars. those niggas are crazy. if it was 29.99 i could understand but that game aint worth a full 60. like the trailers were amazing looking at first glance but when they showed gameplay recently it was just meh at best. oh well.
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