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Everything posted by VirginDefiler

  1. u know its a slow news day when triceratops is whats trending on twitter rn.
  2. i fucked up. i missed the steam holiday sale. didnt buy a damn thing. i came close to buying guardians of the galaxy, god of war. ff7 remake etc but i wasnt really feeling it right now. i'll pick those up next sale which i guess is summer sale.
  3. ive never seen the 68 romeo n juliet movie. but damn hese are the most attractive people ive ever seen. he sorta looks like zack efron or whatev hes called. plus they dress cool
  4. i personally hate going to fast food joints. cuz people think theyre home instead of outside n in public. too many trashy assholes are waaaay too cozy in fast food places. saw a fight break out in mckeyDs like 4 months ago. i still got my order in tho lol.
  5. barbara walters died. rip too did not realize gallagher died in 2022.
  6. the more he writes, the more i grow to hate him. dis nigga "chess too simple for me." asshole.
  7. tomato paste seems whack imo. makes me think kung fu/spahgetti western/vampire fake looking blood. why not use um, black cherry syrup.
  8. have not taken advantage of the steam xmas sale yet. but i'll list whatev i get soon. it ends jan 5th i think.
  9. merry mas yall. i got what i wanted for xmas. my mom surviving covid and having her health. yay!
  10. speaking of single dollar bills with female sigs....lets warm things up n make it rain this snowy dreary friday
  11. fake ass too. these days. i like big ass just not surgery. tummy tuck scar are bad. terrible. then strippers try to hide it with belt tattoos. women are crazy i swear. with all the self critique of their bodies.
  12. lets not forget carrie fisher and jen jason leigh that held her looks even into hateful eight. she bad. she real bad like jen connelly. held thoe looks. salma=90s. everyone step off the stage cuz salma owned the 90s.
  13. erika>pamela easy but pamela before she went fake blonde and fake titties was smoking. when she was a brown haired girl. was strong. i seen those brown hair pre silicon nudie pics
  14. earl grey, or fo ti. but i drink tea rarely. coffee its french vanilla or hazelnut. but i only have decaf.
  15. 70s was lynda carter. the amazonian. mmm have u seen her camel toe? that vajayjay is WONDEROUS. distant second. farah fawfectt she had perfect hair n teeth. thats every white man's dream. but i gotta admit the swept feather hairstyle she rocked the world with it. look at that hair. mmmmmmmmmm. damn. distant 3rd is jane seymour. battlestar galactica. died. season1. rip
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