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Everything posted by VirginDefiler

  1. covid? regardless. try what worked for my mom's inflammed post covid lungs. garlic bread, aloe vera water and a teaspoon of omega 3 fish oil daily. all 3 lower inflammation. especially the garlic. just remember it lowers blood pressure
  2. its true the characters and story aarc falls flat but he didnt address why. namely time+budjet alotted. at least thats what u guys say. i hope im spelling budjet right lol, doubt it.
  3. came across this. apparently just 1 dude, the uploader, did all the fx with mostly blender. thats amazing.
  4. double dragon is a underrated movie. plus alyssa milano in her prime.
  5. did velma try to convince scooby of how illogical it is for ghosts and ufos to exist? yunno to the talking dog.
  6. something the younger gen watched. i was too old to watch power rangers. but i had watched the jap show that og power rangers was using. i never got the appeal of power rangers. as someone who watched the og jap show whatever it was called, i never understood why they(tv execs) didnt just dub the og jap show instead of weirdly splicing american actors in present day with old jap action show. but it worked. people liked it. i didnt but i had seen the original jap show as a kid so no. tho i did watch a few eps of different era power rangers and found it entertaining, i wouldve just preferred to watch the original jap shit instead. so i didnt feel it. my gen was battle of the planets.
  7. just finished ep 13. goddamnit!!! that was alll hype af. but my fav ep was 12 from the season. still tho. cant wait for seas 2 but...i hope they slow things down. not skip alot like seas 1. tho not complaining too much about skimming thru things quick...i want things slowed down a bit. wish this anime final ac was made soooner tbh. like years ago cuz. soo good. they better not cancel this shit. i'll riot!
  8. reason why jesus feared the wrath of his mom mary and turned water into wine. he feared, the dreaded flying slipper technique. a technique feared by all. but only taught to moms.
  9. if i remember correctly wagner and liszt were at the premiere of symphonie fantastique in france. it influenced wagner alot. idk about liszt tho.
  10. when i was younger my fav composer was beethoven but later switched to wagner. i like wagner's mysticism and atonal shit. bach to me is ethereal. beethoven is brute force. wagner mystical berlioz is adventurous theres so many great musicians. im not listing them all. that all said. my fav modern orchestral composers are.. from west: john williams(star wars), ennio morricone(good bad n ugly), and basil poledouris(conan d barbarian). from the east: shunsuke kikuchi(dbz) and seiji yokoyama(saint seiya) and koichi sugiyama(dragon quest) sooo good
  11. what i know about mozart was that he knew he was one of the best. tho he admired certain peeps. he greatly admired bach. he had bach's piano music. the bach booklet that had the major n minor scales exercises that bach wrote. mozart called it his bible. but he admired bach's 2 composer sons more than their dad. bach had like 20 kids btw. 10 1st wife 10 with his 2nd if i remember correctly. uh. mozart met beethoven. beethoven was 19. beet played some impromptu music for mozart which greatly imressed him. haydn called mozart the goat too. oh and mozart was intimidated by haydn's skill which is why he stayed away from composing symphonies. haydn was a beast of the symhony form.
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