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Everything posted by VirginDefiler

  1. aw that sucks. i had her dancing gif on my phone screen. good times wednesday, good times. good dancer too
  2. nah, nevermind is their best album. bleach is the best shonen jump anime tho. also, courtney killed kurt.
  3. so this homeless girl back in 2011... became this girl i just saw, this morning, her performing the no reason song, live on cbs morning news.
  4. nope. grey is the only way to please everyone. cept the Greys of course. theyd be offended. but who cares what they think am i rite
  5. why the 80s ruled. cuz this is soooo 80s dude. i saw this movie 1st time in class. awesome.
  6. can u believe ive never seen a single gundam anime ep? or read the manga. i know nothing bout gundam. i know macross and red baron. other mecha stories. but never gundam. silly question. why do the japs love robots so much? historically. culturally. ok i geddit. robots are cool. so are ninjas and vampires. but they REALLY love robots. like alot p.s. im watching the ep now. 36. hmm. hes a cool dude. bet u he has irish cream in that cup instead of coffee. mmhmm
  7. my avatar keeps making me think that every post of mine has the ☕ thrilling emoji sentiment tied to it. im goin bonkers or something. ugh. idk from what anime that pic is from. wish i knew tho. just to see that coffee scene.
  8. another onlyfans thot with a ego trip. when peeps start believing their own hype, smh.
  9. i wonder how much these bands make from merchandised t shirts..prob more than they made frm music record sales
  10. i warn you. brace yourelf tosee a sad story of domestic abuse of a man. theres a fine line between diva drama and just plain crazy. either way avoid both.
  11. er. i gues. i thought you guys were gonna knitpick me putting killer is dead on my list since its combo creation isnt no where as deep as the others. tho i did manage to do a few things combo creationwise while i played. but nier feels very liberal regarding combo creation for a action rpg. but i put killer on the list since its action is very hype and has a godlike story/art direction. and as for being able to beat a game without lvling up but using skill alone. idk man, i cant imagine beating dmc3 or ninja gaiden without using the skills/powers u gain while playing thru story.
  12. was thinking about my fav character action games, then started ranking em in my mind. might as well share 1 nier automata 2 dmc5 3 shinobi ps2 4 ninja gaiden black 5 bayonetta 1 6 killer is dead 7 dmc4se 8-10 idk. havent a clue yet.
  13. unfortunately tracy morgan ruined this movie for me cuz ever since i saw this skit years ago all i can think of when song of south clips befront me is his fuckin skit. tracy morgan ruined my childhood.
  14. anybody seen ep 1 of that '90s show yet? opinions? thoughts? mine are
  15. problem with viola is she apparently too weak compared to bayo. theres no reason to choose her over bayo. hence the buff patch. but it makes me wonder if the buff viola patch will also nerf certain bayo op moves. namely the frog song and the clock tower mecha which is hella broken. the mech has too much hit stun. any enemy gets stun locked into oblivion. as for the train...ive seen peeps do a cool vertical spiral launcher with it. where the train spirals up taking the enemy with it.
  16. youtube has the entire 1st season of outer limits of the 90s on their channel.
  17. this man is whats called a true artist, to turn a plain frumpy boring t shirt into something excitingly hot. and they call picasso a genius. ha! peeps dont know what true genius is!
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