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Everything posted by VirginDefiler

  1. less than 2% of people upgraded to windows11. cuz it stinks. good fail tho. wtf were they thinking giving peeps a pc os that mirrors a phone os? smdh. if i wanted a phone experience on my pc i would would run a phone os myself on it. thats just lols tho. also, sorry bout all u going thru stu.
  2. some bomb rush cyberfunk footage yall. hope wheelchair dlc drops soon after game release insta buy
  3. normally i'd put this post in another thread but since it doesnt really belong in another thread. did some shopping n bought a few comics. betty and veronica by adam hughes. kill one billion demons and the sandman presents the furies
  4. somebody made a comic book usin those image art generator programs. pretty cool just flip the pages of her comic
  5. i think we've all been feeling our ages lately. i think its cuz we are living in dark ages. first quarantine, then the economy/market, war in europe, political upheaval everywhere. in the past 2 years i think we all aged alot from the stress of so much happening lately. edit: the globe is experiencing gloomy days makes us all fell more down than we should. then we feel older than we should. its the effect of stress is what im sayin.
  6. speaking of pokemon movie songs... song lyrics are deep af. britteny spears is one of these 5 girls btw. cant tell who tho w ith the diff hairstyles
  7. yea, i saw it too. tbh in his last vid interview he looked gaunt and unhealthy looking like he was addicted to something. baths and drugs dont mix people. showers yes, baths, no.
  8. musk is another crazy nigga to invite all that drama and stress into his life buy buyin his fav entertainment app. 1 rich dude babblin about jews. another rich ahole gettin shot in the streets for playin dice with ghetto dudes. and another rich dude inviting unwanted attention, haters, and strife cuz he wants to play on his fav phone app more. like wtf man. are they putting flouride in everyone's water? cant motherfuckers just stay home in their mansions, count their money, and just relax and enjoy being lucky in life and stfu and not invite trouble into their lives? why not fly under the radar as much as possible and stay private. idk i dont get it.
  9. funny u mention toilet paper cuz this morning i was thinkin up a fiendish practical joke involving toilet paper. next wedding reception party you go to thats at someone's house. go to the bathroom. unroll most of the toilet paper. write with a pen just one word. "SUP!" then reroll it as best you can where its unnoticable you unrolled it. 2 weeks after the wedding reception party, theyll be on the bowl, and they are gonna get the surprise of a lifetime. theyll def spend that day checking under their bed and checking every closet lol.
  10. if u lliked the gameplay of dbz tenckaichi games then youll love this. its 12 dollars on steam has online pvp of coarse
  11. DO WE GOTTA CHAnge our clocks back 1 hour this nov? or not? didnt the govt say we didnt have to anymore? couldve sworn we had this discussion about this a while back. dont remember tho
  12. yunno watching the joe rogan interview of kanye. kanye admits hes been diagnosed as bipolar, and that they put him on psych meds. so if kanye was smart he wouldve just said "oh sorry about what i said, cuz im off my psyche meds, thats why. i say things i dont mean" and that wouldve excused everything. but he didnt. i dont understand why/how his press people didnt wrangle him down. but i assume he mustve fired his press reps. his wranglers. for all that to happen. tbh that joe rogan interview is sad af. cuz he makes no sense for 3 hours. just 3 hours of a crazy dude bibble babbling incoherent shit. and joe strokes his ego the entire time instead of ending the interview early due to him being nutso.
  13. nah man. that might have been the guy that shot him by accident but that dude was in the migos car ride before they even were at the location. either their crew or in the crew that was supposed to b there protecting migos. ive seen more angles and vids and takeoff wasnt shot by him 1st shot at least. its still unknown wtf is happening but from what i heard n seen n gathered. at least 1 dude tried snatchin a chain or the money purse and somebody punched somebody. which started the shooting between at least 2 dudes. the dude who everybody thinks is the shooter actually was the 2nd person to shoot cuz the shooting started before the dude in back w the gucci purse raised his gun and started shooting. its quite possible 1st shooter is the dude in white jacket cuz he cuts behind everybody n dude in gucci bag focuses on dude behind camera man which seems to be dude in white jacket. seems like dude in white starts shooting. but its hard to tell. thats why ncis type shit exists. govt got mad tech. they 90% chance can figure out who the 1st person to start the shooting was. but since gucci bag man starts shooting AND running away same time. its quite possible he accidentally shot takeoff. quavo btw is maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad far away from all this happening btw. from opposite angle u can see that after he says "im out before somebody gets hurt" and takes off. no pun intended cuz hes like 20 feet away of takeoff and the group in like 2 seconds lol. so idk how the fuck unless he sensed the extreme danger he was in and quick stepped outta there. but he left his nephew behind which makes me either suspicious quavo was out to set up his own nephew. or just plain forgot him cuz hes super selfish. cuz he def sensed the danger around him to go 20 feet in 2 seconds. idk if he ran cuz u cant see but he at least quick stepped a huge distance in short time. also for whatevr reason dude with chucky in his pack. god damn thats a weird shit to be involved in a real murder/manslaughter case. anway, dude with chucky in his frontpack is like hunched forward alot right next to takeoff n takeoff trips off him before takeoff starts running so its unknown what da fuck is the explanation for his behavior. maybe he go shot, maybe hes snatchin chain off takeoff idk. on watchin the vid again. im 90% sure that what happened was that a dude appears from outta no where, enters the group, all u see is his sneaker, which quickly changes direction. this dude is the dude that seems to have caused the reaction that ensued later. cuz from his motion and how the people around are tossled to the left. it seems what happened is he either grabbed or tried to grab chains off of takeoff. and the force of the act of his arm snatchin chains off takeoff caused takeoff to lurch sideways to the left, plus it caused the dude that was left of takeoff which is dude w chucky doll to lurch to the left n lean forward. which explains his behavior of being hunched over. and the cameraman losing focus and camera being knocked around jossled. it was a domino effect of everybody getting tugged n hit sideways to the left. this explains why takeoff is leaning ontop of chucky dude sideways to the left of him, and why he starts running before the shots. all that commotion started the shooting. fucked up man. robbery gone bad but quavo is fucked up to leave his nephew takeoff behind like that. cuz quavo bounced n left takeoff miles behind. n takeoff seemed to not care at all about getting attacked he just didnt want to b left behind cuz u can see his focus is on his uncle the entire time. and he never looks left of him from the direction of the dude that attaked him. but he stays focused on quavo which dusted him.
  14. new vid of the migos shooting, btw takeoff is the dude w dreadlocks in grey shirt to the right. seems like when the shooting happened he made the mistake of moving or running in the direction of the shots. prob cuz he was in a unfamiliar location n didnt know where to take cover i couldnt find another vid, but the other vid shows offset and quavo throwing puches at this huge dude outside the place. but it isnt clear if the fight happened before or after the shooting. but it might be that quav n offset may have started something outside, went back indoors, and a revenge shooting mightve happpened, idk. cuz why take swings after the shooting when your fam is bleeding dead indoors still. idk
  15. so there was apparently a stampede over in korea on halloween. why...are peeps celebrating halloween in korea tho? isnt that an american holiday..smh. remind me to just stay home every oct 31st from now on.
  16. thats just worse. nothin more dangerous than friendly fire + stormtrooper aim. smdh.
  17. youre kidding?!?!? dice game? i know they would pretend to play dice in their vids...specifically the nature boy vid. but dyin in a dice game where youre a millionaire is just plain stupid.
  18. just like old school resident evil n silent hill. but new
  19. i want dante to fall in love with bayo. then bayo says i'll marry u only if u beat me, therefore bayo final boss. keep in mind she is also your playable character in alternate chapters. 20 chapter game. and then right before he beats her... vergil cockblocks and says "nooooo! my bro doesnt like girls, hes still a virgin. he has to stay that way." then dante go back goes back to fighting vergil in hell, but thats in the credits roll after u beat the game cut scene. lol
  20. all i really want, hope for, is a dmc bayo crossover action game. god to have dante and bayo fighting together would be the hypest shit ever. can something like that ever happen? think about dante and bayo fighting demons AND angels.
  21. ever seen a watch like this? called a concentric watch. damn thats cool. a watch with no face, just the arms swinging around. cool
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