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Everything posted by VirginDefiler

  1. id say, not much diff between today's modern man and post zombie injection result.
  2. im a member of STARS. i'll be fine. the rest of yall, however, are doomed.
  3. autotune in 1979 by the end tho, youll be like HH delivered da goods. approved.
  4. ... incense doodoo scent sounds like a bad marketing idea. market too niche not mainstream. pass.
  5. i stopped watching op anime at...big momma boss fight w luffy. stopped watching and caring ever since. the show ran way too long. but i will catch the ending tho. when it comes.
  6. one piece is finally ending and bleach final animearc airs sept. damn we almost there guys. the ends to our fav shonen shit. naruto dbz ended. ands now.
  7. radiation in action. just so we can see how uranium/plutonium destroys our dna/rna by being near it, causing cancer.
  8. i saw cleopatra jones movie. still pretty dope. oldest shows i remember was buck rogers. bionic woman dukes of hazzard muppet show incredible hulk 3 2 1 contact
  9. before you click the vid. whatever you do. do NOT have the volume up high. youll be tempted to raise it cuz you cant hear anything at first. but dont because if youre volume is high when it starts cranking up.
  10. i always found that reebox and new balance to have the comfiest sneakers. with vans being the most uncomfortable yet stylish of all sneakers. you get style. but at the cost of pain.
  11. he couldve just gotten a bell. but he has to be a obnoxious dildo.
  12. thats a 50 Fhz ultrasound that made rips into the foil in 3 minutes using vibrations. hmm, waiiiit a minute. . . . now i finally understand everything. and why we men cant ever compete with a vibrator. damn. it all makes sense now. we need to ban vibrators. seriously.
  13. that whole ultrasound thing seems to also work on bacteria too. there was another study on it. tears the bacteria cells apart in a few seconds. but it makes me wonder. if sonagrams are dangerous on unborn babies cuz..wouldnt their delicate brain cells get rattled into destruction but the ultrasound? hmmmmmmm. makes me think twice about having casual sonagrams for a unborn baby.
  14. "A new study by researchers in MIT’s Department of Mechanical Engineering suggests that coronaviruses may be vulnerable to ultrasound vibrations, within the frequencies used in medical diagnostic imaging. Through computer simulations, the team has modeled the virus’ mechanical response to vibrations across a range of ultrasound frequencies. They found that vibrations between 25 and 100 megahertz triggered the virus’ shell and spikes to collapse and start to rupture within a fraction of a millisecond. This effect was seen in simulations of the virus in air and in water. " wheres banshee the xman when we need him?
  15. if you call a white girl with a booty a "whooty"..what do you call a asian with a booty? its not a joke. i genuinely would like to know. there is no punchline to my question.
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