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Everything posted by VirginDefiler

  1. i always found that reebox and new balance to have the comfiest sneakers. with vans being the most uncomfortable yet stylish of all sneakers. you get style. but at the cost of pain.
  2. he couldve just gotten a bell. but he has to be a obnoxious dildo.
  3. thats a 50 Fhz ultrasound that made rips into the foil in 3 minutes using vibrations. hmm, waiiiit a minute. . . . now i finally understand everything. and why we men cant ever compete with a vibrator. damn. it all makes sense now. we need to ban vibrators. seriously.
  4. that whole ultrasound thing seems to also work on bacteria too. there was another study on it. tears the bacteria cells apart in a few seconds. but it makes me wonder. if sonagrams are dangerous on unborn babies cuz..wouldnt their delicate brain cells get rattled into destruction but the ultrasound? hmmmmmmm. makes me think twice about having casual sonagrams for a unborn baby.
  5. "A new study by researchers in MIT’s Department of Mechanical Engineering suggests that coronaviruses may be vulnerable to ultrasound vibrations, within the frequencies used in medical diagnostic imaging. Through computer simulations, the team has modeled the virus’ mechanical response to vibrations across a range of ultrasound frequencies. They found that vibrations between 25 and 100 megahertz triggered the virus’ shell and spikes to collapse and start to rupture within a fraction of a millisecond. This effect was seen in simulations of the virus in air and in water. " wheres banshee the xman when we need him?
  6. if you call a white girl with a booty a "whooty"..what do you call a asian with a booty? its not a joke. i genuinely would like to know. there is no punchline to my question.
  7. have u guys seen the hunter biden porno n coke binging home vids yet btw? just curious.
  8. zabuza threatens kakashi. with a ginormous sword as big as guts sword from berserk. kakashi threatens him back, with his dead best friend's eyeball. this show. is sorta nuts in hindsight. imagine getting threatened by someone's eyeball. "yo gimmie all your money or i'll show you my eyeball"
  9. watching naruto season 1 is giving me mad flashbacks of life in the early 2000s. #nostalgia pokemon season 1 was incredible too.
  10. matter of fact im watching the andromeda strain tv show rn on tubi. its pretty good
  11. hulu was great when it was free. i stopped using it when it stopped being free. i stopped crunchyroll when my ad blocker couldnt stop their ads. that said, i use tubi these days more than netflix nowadays cu it has a ton of old tv shows n movies i grew up watching. netflix is great for new tv shows but tubi is better for old shows like buck rogers all in the family incredible hulk etc. and theres amazon prime too. but u guys should try tubi. its pretty dope regarding movies n tv shows selections they have and free
  12. ups sucks. so does dhl. so does usps. the amazon delivery is better as long as its to amazon lockers.
  13. im watching the tv show, people of earth. its actually quite funny n well written. im up to ep 4 rn
  14. ive never seen fatal fury 2 i need to check that one out.
  15. youtube is celebrating the top 300 1 billion views music vids today. so i decided to check out the playlist. im halfway thru checking out the top 1 billion views songs these songs suck booty. theyre so plain and generic and "produced" and sound like all the other uninteresting generic trash out there. goes to show most peeps on the planet are tone deaf.
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