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Everything posted by VirginDefiler

  1. i dont. hes a pretty boy rich famous actor/comedian/"rapper" pretending to be a tough guy action star. rich famous artists are the last people on earth i feel sorry for. and lets be real. he did it only cuz he doesnt respect chris as a man. if it was charles s dutton telling the joke. trust me his ass would not have gotten up and bitch slapped charles dutton. he wouldve pretend laughed all the way home like a bitch. cuz thats 100% death. and not mr. dutton's first murder i might add. so no. i dont feel sorry for him at all. tbh i think hes done. cuz you can do anything in hollywood including murder somebody. cough cough again dutton. but you can never let the powers that be think you are unreliable or flaky on the set. cuz thats a wrap for you. but we shall see if he gets any roles or "nominated" by the establishment ever again. i would say no bro. at least not for years. also. if it aint bad enough he hit chris. he didnt even punch him but open hand slapped him. which brought this back to mind.
  2. i missed all this. but i will say considering the one he is really mad at is jada. reminds me when i play dbfz and i meant to hit the main opponent but end up tagging the assist instead.
  3. saw this movie brainstorm after not seeing it for many many years. and chris was as usual. creepy but great cuz of exactly that. then i saw scanners. next im watching dreamscape again. thats a trilogy of mindfuckery. brainstorm scanners dreamscape. but nothing beats altered states
  4. theres a good ginyu player i wanna show. he has a good youtube channel.
  5. im gona try those. i walked by a wendys. having not into one for years. thought about it but went "nahhh idk what to order. and i really dont wanna stand there in front of the menu for 10 minutes wondering what to order only to then order something that sucks.
  6. i havent eaten at a wendys in 20 years. tell me whats good to order. for example. best thing at a mcdonalds is the filet o fish, then sundaes burger king its the onion rings.
  7. i dont understand all this talk on news orgs about how the kremlin staff is keeping the bad news of how the war is going from Putin. refuing to tell him how bad it is and how little progess theyre making. and i'm like, does this nigga not have internet? cuz all he has to do is turn on his phone and check. he's gotta be aware man. i dont get it.
  8. i'm thinking of getting a tattoo. on my forehead. of a vagina. why? to let everyone know. whats on my mind.
  9. today i was thinking about how perhaps the anime wolf's rain has prob the best soundtrack in a anime show. then i was thinking about how good that story was. that i could remember it. then i started thinking about other animes ive watched through the years. then i noticed i couldnt remember most stories of most animes. then i realized 90% of the animes ive watched are trash. which is why i cant remember their plots. jut forgettable white noise. then i started thinking about how much that anime has infiltrated young people's culture. how..when you go to deviantart its young kids just doing anime bullshit. 95% of deviant is anime related. an entire generation of under 30 atists lost. doomed to copy anime forever wasting their time instead of trying to do something new original invented art styles. its just copy pasting anime trash. then i went to use the wallpaper engine app. and i search and all it a sea of more anime wallpaper dookie. sighh its depressing. keep in mind i dont hate anime. the art form. the cartoons. or mangas. i just hate the cultural grip it ha on people under 30. like its the only thing that exists. yunno theres other art out there than just anime. you dont haveta just draw anime. or put up anime in wallpapers. smh. sorry if im ranting but i'm exhausted with anime. tired of it being used in more places than it should. every wallpaper, meme, and artwork. just enough already. invent something new and different. draw from your imgination. stop copying that style already. its like grafitti artists that just copy the same shit over n over instead of inventing something original. why does every grafitti artist draw words.? yunno you can make a grafitti art without words dontcha? like keith haring for example. its sickening seeing the same style over n over everywhere i go. regardless of what style.
  10. that wnba player is huge man. shes gonna run that prison. whos gonna fuck with her. shes a giant. if she took my dessert from my tray in prison. she can have it lol. bitch got thunderous steps.
  11. my avatar takes great offense to herschel walker. my av can drive. what are you implying mr. walker? that he's stupid or something?
  12. so what does that mean that we dont haveta spring ahead fall back our clocks anymore? tbh idk wtf daylight savings time is.
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