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Everything posted by VirginDefiler

  1. p.s. im still mad we got alien vs predator, freddie vs jason, but never got robocop vs terminator. i still dream of peter weller n arnold reprising those roles having that battle.
  2. i was also thinking about the robot in robocop. how it had a character arc. the director gave it a character arc. but a fucked up one. it went from being hideous, menacing, scary af, murderous. rampaging monster in its 1st scene. where it obliterates that young ceo in front of horrored peeps. to 2nd scene. dick jones office. it becomes a bumbling clumsy idiot that falls down the stairs like grandma. with the help i cant get up sad state. squeeling like a pig throwing a 3 year old tempter tantraum joke of a enemy. to its 3rd scene where robocop just explodes it instantly cuz its now a weak silly jobber that cant go down stairs. weak as granny. he doesnt even bother talking to it. just. boom. gone. shoo. away you annoying fly type of dismissiveness. robot aint even whole. just legs and falls limp dicked. isnt that interesting how the director verhoven whatevs his dutch name is. he put detail like that in. you went from scared of it. to laughing at it. span of 2 hours. thats good film making right there. heres a dollar.
  3. i was thinking. if we, people, have a "fuck marry kill" list. do horses have a "stallion mustang mule" list too? hmm
  4. not sure, but this vid might be bob saget's last acting erformance before he died. hes the cook
  5. i just finished some resident evil 3 remake on luna+ i never played re3 before but it felt fine. re2 and 3 are on luna rn. i also played Ys monstrum nox or whatev its called. its combat gameplay is actually not bad. but i forgot how tepid and generic jrpg storylines are. nier sorta ruined jrpgs for me.
  6. i was thinking about dmcv today/ dmc series in general. then i remembered chaos legion. if u guys remember that dmc clone capcom made ps2 era. and how similar it is to dmc4. yunno after u beat that hard game. you can play as the gun shooting chick. and with her the game is way harder to beat. her weaons do less damage. i'd like a chaos legion remake, and a god hand remake too pls capcom
  7. i got a silly question to anyone here that might own a electric bicycle. my q is, whats the point of having the bike? i assume an electric bike is to go uphill with it. in that you hit a button, and the motor kicks in and the bike goes uphill for you without peddling? and just to run for you when you get tired of peddling? how many hours does the fully charged battery lasts? how does it plug in? usb C? where exactly is the button that kicks in the motor?
  8. comments section was hilarious. somebody said it had Goblin's gas n shit lol
  9. i dont think the ubisoft games are free too on luna tho. i think u gotta pay a subscript. ubisoft sucks tho like ea. so idc about their shit tbh
  10. luna is free if u got prime now since official release. it use to cost 6.99 monthly when it was in beta but now its free.
  11. luna is a stream service just like google stadia except the netcode is actually good. how good? uh. i have 500gb download speed/50 gb upload speed. very slow upload speed. but. i get a consistent 1 frame delay on my inputs. its almost instant between my input and it registering on screen. to give u an idea i can easily S rank any level in DMCV. last night i was playing dmc5 and i s ranked every mission till i got tired and stopped playing. and fucked up the boss fight and got a A rank from not taking the fight seriously enough. i can royal guard anything. clash etc timing is no problem. um. and the loading times are disgustingly fast. how fast does a stage load in dmc5 on that stream? about as fast as bayonetta loading screens on pc steam. if u ever played bayonetta on steam, that fast. its a very pleasant experience. graphics are not maxed out all the way. since luna decides the settings not you. but settings are very close full max. for example in control game theres no ray tracing on luna stream. but other than that you wont notice a difference graphicswise between pc max settings with a beastly pc and the luna stream. but everyones experience might not be the same as mine. i use a really old af shitty desktop. my 3rd party pc controller, and google chrome browser. i dont use the amazon luna app. which is free download. or their luna controller. both are unnecessary. just chrome and my pc controller. thats it. and i play.
  12. btw. amazon luna game stream service is now open to all. and its free now f u got prime. and resident evil 2 remake will be up there this month. i hink jun 3rd but not sure
  13. saint seiya is like top 3 for me when it comes to anime ost. tho this is a cover song by her.
  14. that looks like the physics shouldnt allow that to work, yet it did
  15. yunno whats really good? garlic bread grilled cheese sandwich. thats when u make grilled cheese but add in the garlic bread ingrdients.
  16. damn he wasnt lying the movie is no where to be found online by stream. wanna see it but cant
  17. roshi has hair. yamcha is def yamcha here. goku. this is sick. goku made a bridge made outta corpes of his enemies just to cross a lake of lava. this is hella dark as fuck for a "kids" movie. like wtf its over. not as bad as i thought but the 2nd hour felt very rushed.
  18. is it true high school lockers open with a card now? cuz in the movie kids are opening their lockers w cards. i thought high schools still rocked the spin locks. also, grampa gohan sucking the meat off the chicken feet in his stew was disgusting af. i had to look away from that. sorta stereotypical racist too edit piccolo killing gramps was an interesting adaptation. but if there were sequels piccolo n goku could never be friends after jobbing his gramps
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