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Everything posted by VirginDefiler

  1. didnt know lego star wars had devil may cry type combos in it. till now.
  2. best rapper i heard is necro. imo. followed by rakim. then eminem. lastly kool g rap. if we are talking about quality of just lyrics and not considering background muic and producing skills. but its all subjective opinion so.
  3. what happened to knowkami's youtube channel i cant find it anymore?
  4. amber heards lawyer is whipping out the ole "vagina can do no wrong. testicles = guilty" nonsense by quoting the things he said about violence and by bringing his past fights he had with other men. no females. but just guya. also that guy deserves getting hit by mike cuz i hate assholes that act stupid on planes. i just wanna land safe n sound. i dont want my pilot distracted damnit
  5. im watching joe rogan getting interviewed by mike tyson right now on tysons yt channel..and it just reminded me how much i miss snoop's interview show GGN he had on youtube. now that was a great interview show on youtube. i wish he hadnt abandoned it.
  6. i hate i dont know how to use the net. i forgot how to put twitter posts here. sigh. anywho asap rocky got arrested for a shooting at lax airport. someone on twitter funnily said it looks like they got dressed by a kindergarden kid. they do look like they got dressed by a lil girl playing house.
  7. tyga is this gen's 2 live crew cuz every single vid of his shows a thouand girls in bikinis twerking. i always wonder what 2 live crew think when they see tyga.
  8. i saw some of the trial. its interesting everyone seems riveted by johnny on the stand. i mean idk wtf asking him when he got the script for pirates has anything to do with a slander trial..but no one bothered to object about him talking about making movies lol
  9. IM TELLING YOU GUYS. damn caps. that us sharing linking yt vids here. the algorythms for us is too similar cuz the random recommended feed vids for me is most of the vids you are about to post or have already posted. ive noticed. but i hate it even transfers over to my alt google accounts. which i hate. but since its all flowing through the same modem/router. only way it doesnt is if i search using bing.
  10. i enjoyed gil doing his bela lagosi n old groucho impersantions.
  11. finished V tv show 2009 series. it was 2 seasons. and it sucks it got cancelled cuz the show needed seas 3 to at least wrap thing up. im sorta mad rn theres no season 3 here. or even a tv movie at least. i havent been this disappointed since i found out Caprica tv show spin off of battlestar galactica didnt get a 2nd season.
  12. the mock infommercial at the beginning was pretty cool.
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