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Everything posted by VirginDefiler

  1. tim rogers made an insane 8+ hour review of cyberpunk 2077. but one of the vids he just talks about clothing/apparel . and its fun and fascinating if youre interested.
  2. banger game aint even out and im already addicted to the few songs released.
  3. i useto be subbed to razorfist. he was like a dennis miller that gamed. he had a great game critique channel ..but then when he got older like the rest of us man children, he also like us, became more n more political...till i couldnt bear anymore n had to unsub. i just wish he had stuck to games or at least create another channel for his political banter.
  4. so a delta 8 weed company is now sponsoring a car at nascar. they might as well just make ganja federally legal already. why bother fighting the inevitable. p.s. i hope they win
  5. been playing dead cells unlocking the new weapons from the queen of the sea dlc. the queen isnt that hard but the 3 mini bosses you gotta beat to reach her are fucking hard.
  6. the gameplay is so too good to be true, it feels sus. cuz the way things play out feels hella staged. but if the gameplay is like this..why play anything else.
  7. that crew looks like they belong on breaking bad. i can hear the meth bubbling.
  8. now in season 4 with danny and johnny working together. talking about their philosophies about what martial arts should be about. every time i see johnny and danny together, i keep thinking of ryu and ken. cuz in sf2 arcade mode ryu playstyle is stoic and keep away and ken playstyle is beserker. and danny is like "hey man, defense and react to shit is the way." and johnny is all " naw man, get in and hit first." and all i see is ryu and ken.
  9. its transparent head, sorta reminds me of those transparent devices you see where the covers are clear instead of opaque plastic. freakiest shit ive ever seen.
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