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Everything posted by J-ride

  1. What does Sonic smell like? New shoes? "Add a gorgeous, refreshing scent to your everyday life with this invigorating Sonic the Hedgehog ‘Blue Blur’ unisex cologne! Given the seal of approval from the famous blue blur, this cologne boasts an aroma of fresh citrus, a zing of grapefruit zest and exotic lemon and lime, topped with the scent of the ocean breeze and chilled melon fade. Take pleasure in the rich base tones of leather, suede, and cedar. This fragrance is excellent for giving as a present to a loved one or yourself!" This sounds pretty terrible, not gonna lie. Source:
  2. If you look at the MSM channels they were getting constantly downvoted and ratioed to hell. This is about protecting powerful corporations because they can't stand the serfs not falling in line or listening to them. Indie news channels were getting more views than the MSM channels on youtube.
  3. The Krispy Kreme logo was a dead giveaway. I was going to send it to a cop I know as a gag gift.
  4. Is it real? I looked for it online and I couldn't find it. I think it's photoshopped.
  5. It will be fun if companies lose in court and they will claim they were just doing it because the government told them to and told them to which creates a circle of passing the buck. Honestly government has gotten way too big and powerful and the only positive thing from all this government "helping" is that people have become skeptical AF of the ability of our elites to solve anything.
  6. ^ It's in a tortilla, so it's sushi but they are too lazy to roll it properly, lol.
  7. I'm also getting really tired of "food fusions" that no one wants or asked anyone to create. A local restaurant is offering a sushi burrito and that sounds so disgusting I am not even interested in trying it.
  8. Kruek to me always had that "cute hot" thing going on but I always thought Alison Mack was a complete smokeshow. 10/10 would plow that cultist, ALL DAY.
  9. This was old news but I don't think I would have known about it had Million not made such a big deal about it on SRK. The one question I have about the whole situation is all of her co-stars who act as though this was some huge surprise and they had no idea this was going on. Gonna have to call BS on that homeslice.
  10. I think the other reason Christmas isn't a big drain is that in our family we only buy gifts for the immediate family and the kids. I have 2 kids and 2 nephews so that's not really much of an expense.
  11. I look forward to Christmas each year because starting December 1st Elf on the Shelf gets unleashed, I have two of them and they get into SHENANIGANS every day for a month straight. It's pretty fun for my 4 year old to run around the house and see what they did while she was asleep. But I also tend to go pretty small for Xmas as far as gifts go so it's not soul crushingly expensive.
  12. I'd be more willing to serve on a jury if they would compensate you for childcare or your time in a reasonable way. It's pretty dumb when childcare is so expensive in current year. If I was retired or didn't have small children who aren't in school full time I'd be more willing.
  13. I think the worst offense are collagen lips and huge bolt on breasts on women with tiny frames. I find women who let themselves age naturally while still taking care of themselves by staying reasonably fit look WAAY better than women who get a bunch of surgery. I can see plastic surgery if you get scarred in an accident, but otherwise I don't think it looks good at all.
  14. I was only an alternate on a jury one time. It was the dumbest trial ever, homey got caught with the cash register till in his car about 2 miles from the robbery. He decided to not take a plea bargain and fight that in court. BRUH.
  15. Speaking of R Kelly what happened to him supposedly outing the other pedos in the entertainment industry? Can't promise the goods like that and not give us the sauce! Edit: Sophia Urista needs to do a REMIX!!!
  16. THIS! It's one of the worst things that happened since they passed Qualified Immunity. The result is that when this kind of bullshit happens there is no way to hold anyone responsible. The other issue I take with the Rittenhouse situation is that these "vigilantees" were ASKED to be there because the community wanted help since the police wouldn't do anything. What are people supposed to do? Sit on their hands and hope the insurance company pays them after a business they worked 20 years to build is burned to the ground? We really need to be talking about revoking Qualified Immunity since it's clearly being abused ATM.
  17. Tell that to all the lefty mayors who had stand down orders for the Police Chiefs and let these protestors burn cities for free.
  18. Well the judge honestly seems to hate the prosecutor because he keeps doing dumbass shit that's unprofessional/illegal. He leaked the address of where Rittenhouse was staying (you know so he could get killed) and after they relocated Rittenhouse the judge told the prosecutor he wouldn't be privy to that information anymore and was a complete asshole to him from that point on. This Judge seems to be conservative, but I doubt he would be taking such a proactive role if the prosecutor wasn't a complete retard.
  19. I think Prince of Egypt is a masterpiece and the very best animated film that Dreamworks has made. It's definitely in my top 10 animated films of all time, and it really does seem to be slept on. It's definitely better than nearly all of the Disney animated films barring a few of their very best.
  20. Your post is media narrative and does not at all reflect the facts of the case. This has been my complaint about this case from the beginning, that most of the reporting about the has gotten key facts wrong INTENTIONALLY because of ideological commitment. Him being in possession of the rifle is only a misdemeanor in Wisconsin, so I'd agree that they have him dead to rights on that charge.
  21. Lebron James is the biggest Karen on Earth. I don't think there is a single celebrity on twitter who I find more annoying than him. Which is saying something since I don't even use twitter yet can't go anywhere without hearing about his tweets.
  22. I've been married for a long time, I think most of you just need to learn to get right with God and live life the way He intended.
  23. If you've never choked, shaken, or slapped a woman you are part of the problem. When women fear violent retribution they don't talk to you like Jada does Will.
  24. The worst I ever saw was when I went to business conferences out of town. The married/not married it didn't matter nearly all the women I worked with cheated and had a "conference fling" lined up before they even went. I was forced to get some papers from one of my older coworkers and she answered the door dressed like she was about to film a milf porno and I NOPED the fuck out of that situation. A year later I met her husband and she reminded me about how I tried to tear her marriage apart.
  25. Because of the robust self defense laws in Wisconsin that will likely be the outcome, and as an added bonus we will have legal precedent providing a clear solution. What people seem to forget about this whole ordeal is that once Rittenhouse shot a couple of the "professional protestors" all went home and stopped tearing shit up. It's almost as if there is something to be learned from communities binding together in a show of force against ne'er-do-wells and rooftops speaking Korean.
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