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Everything posted by J-ride

  1. I really think if twitter and facebook were destroyed on the same day it would be a huge benefit to humanity. I deleted facebook years ago and I don't miss it at all.
  2. That and the long load times are why I can't make it through Bloodborne. Maybe I should try again this year, because I'm clearly missing out.
  3. Wingstop is better than Buffalo Wild wings by a huge margin but is probably inferior to a local wing shop if you have one in your area. But I really dislike Buffalo Wild Wings in general as a restaurant so that might just be my own bias. The Atomic Wings at Wingstop are seriously hot and are not a joke. I like Garlic Parmesian or Mango Habanero the best personally.
  4. Elijah Wood talked about how there are powerful people in Hollywood who prey on child actors in an interview but even with him having fuck you money he was still careful to not be too specific. It looks real suspect after the "An Open Secret" documentarian got blacklisted in Hollywood for exposing some of the boy grooming pedos.
  5. I drove an Hyundai Accent standard shift for about 10 years. I never worried about anyone stealing it, because modern day thieves can't drive a stick. Also who the fuck is going to steal an Accent? If they wanted it that bad I would just have given it to them!
  6. My wife has a new boss who is an unbearable bitch. She got a new job after 1 week of her starting (my wife had been with the company for 7 years) and her boss has been sending her catty texts all morning. My wife got fed up and brought me her cell and told me to be as savage as possible. After a few back and forths her boss stopped responding after I started dropping BOMBS on her fat Karen ass.
  7. They always want to virtue signal about MUH PEOPLE OF COLOR while the lefty whites in the NYC and Chicago school districts work harder than the 1960 Dixiecrats to stop integration. Diversity for thee, not for me!
  8. Charlie Day as Luigi is such a perfect casting, lol.
  9. I'm reasonably hyped for Babylon 5. Honestly I'd just be happy if the redid the PS1 era cgi that the show relied on and just rereleased the original series. The storyline, writing and character arcs from that show were SOLID. The author had intended all of the plot points from the beginning so the way ideas teased early in the series tie together later on was really well thought out.
  10. This reminds me of HS when the Christian girls would take it in the butt to save their virginity. Garfunkel and Oates even made a song about it! Edit: Youtube won't let me embed this song, lol what a bunch of moral busybodies.
  11. I can't believe she put USE AND ABUSE ME PLZ on her profile. That's hilarious, not going to lie, I at least respect her being upfront about it. Several of my female coworkers have NO ONE NIGHT STANDS on their tinder profile which IMO is like going on grindr and stating that you are not into dudes.
  12. I'm honestly getting tired of people "confronting" regular people with a cell phone and then trying to make them famous online. Everyone wants to call out Karens but then turn around and do the same shit to someone else.
  13. I loved D1/D2, but I still remember D2's drop rates and I remember how long I had to grind for my Necro/Hammerdin/Barb builds back in the day. I am really not looing forward to doing that again. D1 Sorcerer was still the most fun I ever had in an ARPG. Level 15 fireball ALL DAMN DAY.
  14. At this point, I am willing to buy one of their manscapers if I never have to hear or see one of their advertisements again as long as I live.
  15. Shooting someone at a baby shower is the most gansta thing I have ever heard. Most people just eat little cookies or cupcakes, but nah this MF is too real for that.
  16. The article said that the fight started about how to transfer the gifts, and then it escalated to the point that a gun was pulled and 3 people were shot trying to wrestle the gun from that guy. Really seems pretty silly to pull a gun out over that.
  17. She was found in Wyoming and I'm not sure if you have ever been there but there are huge stretches of that state with very few people so cell coverage is sparse. I always found it odd the female van lifers would talk about camping alone and I thought it was probably not the best idea to broadcast that fact.
  18. Can't wait for the new dongle or controller that Nintendo is going to require to enjoy this film!
  19. Nintendo ninjas are no joke. They got most of the NES roms and SNES roms off of the torrent sites a few years ago. That's absolutely bananas because even Hollywood can't pull a power move like that. Serious flexing.
  20. One thing I have really disliked about BL3 is that they are WAAY too eager to nerf builds which really does cut down the fun and replayablity of that game. After I had the 3rd or 4th build I moved to got nerfed into the ground I just lost interest in playing. The Siren from BL1 is still stupid broken to this day and no one ever bothered to nerf her.
  21. The first matrix movie was incredible, but the sequels just really felt like a missed opportunity to do something great. When your main character has GODLIKE power it becomes really silly to have any villain be much of a foil for them. I think the same issue applies to high fantasy books when the heroes get way too powerful, silly things have to happen so that the heroes have something to do.
  22. It's all fun an games until you find out how big of a dick even a small turtle is sporting. April's going to have a real bad time if they are proportional.
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