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Seth Vega

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Posts posted by Seth Vega

  1. I feel there are four ways to win against women: 1. You learn and understand their nature and act accordingly. 2. Just manifest the ideal female for you. 3. Do both 2 and 3. 4. Just be yourself and don't give a fuck. 


    I would do what makes sense in my brain, listen to my heart to what feels right, and listen to my guts to sense danger with the women. 


    A woman is more easily corrupted than a man which is why the man must control her. When a woman is left to her own devices, she will destroy herself and everyone. They are chaos incarnate.


    I'm friends with the person who made this remake on Facebook: 


    I find it so amusing when some angry guy online follows me around because he doesn't like my perspective on anything and trolls me due to butthurt. The more they do it, the funnier and the weaker they seem since that type of behavior stems from insecurity. They would follow me around responding to my comments for months, but little do they know, I have not read any of their vomit which makes them look like a dunce. 

  2. I feel that most modern women/feminists are going to get their karmic punishment for what they have done to men. It will happen in our lifetime on a massive scale. It's already happening. It will be glorious.


    With women, you have to be in control of the relationship or the women will go wild and destroy you. They are very good at detecting your weaknesses and use it against you. 

  3. I wonder if I should use this:

    omega symbol meaning - Online Discount Shop for Electronics, Apparel, Toys,  Books, Games, Computers, Shoes, Jewelry, Watches, Baby Products, Sports &  Outdoors, Office Products, Bed & Bath, Furniture, Tools, Hardware,  Automotive Parts,


    I am often in a trance/elevated state of Consciousness these days due to being as healthy as possible. I am basically meditating constantly with Awareness/Light Meditation. I focus my mind on God, Truth, and Perfection. You become what you think.  


    I wonder what things I should do with my growing abilities. I would likely heal people and be a hero. 


    DarkSakul's new nickname is DarkSack. Do you like it, DarkSack? 🙂


  4. It's awesome being a god. Love, light, and power is never ending. I wonder how long it's gong to take when I finally reach a level of Consciousness that will become so noticeable that the whole world will feel my Power. I already have multiple abilities and one is that I can take control of your body and turn it into something that moves like fire. I cannot control this power though. This power seems to mainly affect females. 


    Man, 10 years of self-cultivation made me evolve so much; from darkness to light. 


  5. Okay. 🙂 I will stop this conversation because it will lead to people asking for pictures to prove myself. If you don't believe me, that is fine. I don't need people to believe me anymore especially internet people. These women can go up to 10 in looks and be six foot or taller (A foot taller than me). Yeah, I'm boasting/bragging, but that is just me talking about me attracting them to me. I actually never had a official girlfriend because I am shy and picky, but that is fading away fast. I usually just talk to them. That girl I am talking about was the first female I asked the number of. It would have been a success but insecurity set in, and I ruined it like usual. 


    I must perfect my mind, body, and soul to perfectly attract the perfect one. 





  6. 12 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

    It's actually not hard at all. It's just having realistic expectations and understanding most of the people you meet will not be a match for all. 

    Good advice, man and you are right. I do aim high. LOL. I probably should lower it a bit and stop being pissed off at them. I'm not really tying to brag, but I attract pretty attractive girls. I even got this girl's number that was like a 8 out of 10, but I fucked that up and that's over now. Yeah, I'm the problem. 

  7. You have to be a lucky ass guy or very skilled in your game or both to find a girl that is just decent and not insane. It's a nuclear mind field when it comes to the selection of women you have. Females are generally of the dark side (Especially Modern Women), but there are exceptions. These exceptions are rare though. They call them unicorns. I call them Goddesses. 


    My best bet is to probably marry a  Mormon woman; it really makes sense. Maybe a traditional Muslim as well who became a mystic. Hmm. My bet best is to actually find my Counterpart whoever that may be which would mean she has to be at the same level as me Consciousness wise. Women must be subordinate to me or equal to me. Slightly superior might be okay. I just don't want a shitty feminist.


    I just caught this Hispanic or Spanish woman staring at me in front of her boyfriend. Supposedly that is the worst type of woman since she an adulteress. She was okay. Her face was nice, but her body was lacking in shape, but she was wearing kind of baggy clothes that look like pajamas. Women are always on the look out for the best option. I guess I am better than her boyfriend. 



  8. Both Lucifer and Jesus are the same. I am from the 13th Illuminati Bloodline called the Merovingian Bloodline and from the  Tribe of Dan. I have the blood of both Lucifer and Jesus. I am at Utah now where the Mormons are. Mormons know the truth. Mormons believe they are gods like Jesus who are supposed to rule their own personal Universe. 


    All these signs are pointing to my destiny and purpose. There are no coincidences. I will become at least nigh-omnipotent and perfect to a degree in this lifetime. 



  9. Everything that happens to me makes me stronger. It's all meant to be. There is no free will. 


    Who would like to be autopotent?


    I know most of you guys don't believe in numerology, but according to one numerology calculator it says that I am basically invincible if I maintain perfect balance, but if I don't, I am still extremely hard to defeat. 


    Well, I got that goth looking girl's number, but we still have not gone on a date, but I talk to her every time I see her at work. She works like 6 days a week and goes to school. For some weird reason she only answered me once via text. She ignored two texts and one call, after that I stopped texting and calling. Most likely she is just busy. I'm not sure what is going on here because she always seems to be very happy to see me in real life. Whatever. I have other girls to talk. Maybe she is not interested anymore and she is just faking it with me now. I am likely just setting myself up for disappointed with this person. Oh fucking well. Let's go insane over a women and destroy the universe. According to some woman, I would go insane when a woman breaks my heart which would lead to everything ending. 

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