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MEGA Elite
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Everything posted by Darc_Requiem

  1. All jokes aside, I'd forgotten about her. Now I'm remember the ludicrous "raised by a Chinese Shinobi master" story line.
  2. Well that's why Black Lightning is a bit surprising. It's more like a Netflix series than a CW series. Despite being from the same creative team, it was originally a Fox pilot that The CW picked up. Maybe that is why the show has such a different tone. Not that the other shows have completely identical tones though. Black Lightning is just so far removed from the others tonally. Arrow was previously the most "serious" show. Flash is the more "comic booky" show with a lighter tone. Legends of Tomorrow doesn't take itself seriously and is frankly a bit ridiculous which is part of the shows charm.
  3. Okay I've been wondering this for a while. What is a "squigga"?
  4. I know most of the shows are still on break but is anyone watching DC TV shows (Arrow, Flash, Supergirl, Legends, Black Lightning). They've been more enjoyable that the movies for me by enlarge. Black Lightning has been surprising good. When I saw the costume, I honestly wasn't expecting much.
  5. I always preferred Ralph growing up. I'd never seen sais before. Plus Red is one of my favorite colors.
  6. I can't give you a good reason. Bengus is very capable. Some of the art is good and some of its dreadful. The variance in quality makes the poorer pieces look that much worse.
  7. There is an SFV tournament being streamed on Twitch right now. It's in Brazil, so it's in Portuguese of course.
  8. Are you two the same skill level? Or are you better than him? If your friend is a low level player like myself. That's more reflective on him than the game.
  9. Yeah, this forum does look like a place for the community. The stage select for themes is an excellent idea.
  10. Elena's SF3 A New Generation or Second Impact stage
  11. Good idea I really am impressed with what you guys have done with the place. To keep this on topic, how is everyone finding AE? Anyone besides @EvilCanadian and @Volta looking forward to Blanka?
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