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Everything posted by Darc_Requiem

  1. I don't agree with locking out competing options on PC games. I do find it funny how lot of gamers bitching about this had no issue with Nvidia using their Hairworks and PhysX nonsense to tank performance on AMD GPUs. Now that they're affected, they care. This why I'll call out nonsense that doesn't affect me personally. Being short sighted about these things only bites you in the ass in the end.
  2. Except for the 4090, the entire 40 series is misnamed as it would have been worse if they didn't buckle on the "4080 12GB". They are named a tier higher than they should be.
  3. That's a hard pass for me. While that may be true, plenty of them are happy to take the MS bag of cash. I personally don't care for GamePass.
  4. Quick question for anyone deep into FFXVI. I know they said there are no DLC plans, but there seems to be setup for one. I haven't beaten it yet, but....
  5. It's crazy to me that Nvidia dropped a 60 series card that can't out place the previous gen's 60ti card. Hell it's minimal bump over the 3060 and has less VRAM. There use to be a minimum equivalency to the prior gen 70 series. Are they trying to sell people RX 7600's? Both Nvidia and AMD have been pulling naming shenanigans this gen but Nvidia has really gone beyond the pail with this one. This card is a 4050. TLDR: Need a card? Buy a 6700XT
  6. So is that when we can finally start calling you 4K-Man? All jokes aside, best of luck man. I hope the new job works out well for you. πŸ‘πŸΎ
  7. @RSG3actually explained this earlier. Water amplifies the affects of the Sun. Humid environments makes sweat slow to evaporate, So you'd be sweaty in NC and that would cause you to sunburn more easily.
  8. Henry is a much better man than I. I don't know if I could have handled this as well as he did. Given the way he's been jerked around, him taking the high road just showed what kind of dude he is. Even though she was basically taking his spot in The Flash, he was supportive of Sasha Calle. Dude is a class act. Kudos to his parents for raising a good man. He was fat geek growing up and I think that's part of what has kept him so humble.
  9. It was already renewed for season 4. With substantial cast and budget cuts. The only regulars next season are the Kents and Luthor. Given the situation with the budget....I'm wondering how they are going to follow up the finale. They kind of need money to do a proper conclusion.
  10. I think you meant to say "They should be pumping out these costumes for characters like hot cakes especially when they got cake."
  11. I lived in Louisiana (Baton Rouge) for two years. Yeah it's humid as hell down there.
  12. If they don't own stock in either company or aren't on their payroll, they are idiots. These companies aren't your friend.
  13. Once you beat the demo, it opens up an "the real demo".
  14. No we don't need Rufus is SF. Keep him off the roster.
  15. Oh, you think the Sun is your ally. But you merely adopted the desert; I was born in it, moulded by it. I didn't see the grass until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but a triviality! -RSG
  16. Disappointed man, I started reading that in Bane's voice and was expecting some sort of Bane level rant about the desert πŸ™ƒ
  17. Thirty two year old, as of next month, family mystery solved. πŸ‘πŸΏ(I usually use the medium dark skin tone, but given the subject matter) πŸ˜‰
  18. I think I told this story before, but I thought my white friends were making stuff up when they said they had sunburn. I've never had sunburn a day in my life. Then I poked one of them on the shoulder and he shrieked. So that's how I found out sunburn was real. I was like 8 years old at the time. We can get sunburn but it's really really difficult. My dad got sunburn once and we didn't know what was going on because we couldn't fathom the possibility. As for how he managed it, my dad had a have spotless car. So he was out side, in July on a 97Β°, cloudless day washing and waxing his car at noon. The Camaro was shining like new money though. Still don't know how he managed it. I'd be outside sun up to sun down playing with my friends as a kid, only thing that happened was I'd get darker.
  19. So much this man. It's not an exact comp but this game for me has been a worst playing Bayonetta game with a FAR better Narrative. Spoiler (I'm pretty far in, so don't click unless you are too)
  20. Jordan annoys me at times but not nearly as much as Sarah. She makes everything about Sarah and it gets old. She's my least favorite character on the show by far. Makes me miss Morgan Edge Mancrush Kyle. While he ultimately ended up posing for a crowd after the tornado, the initial interaction at school wasn't him "bragging about being a hero." He didn't bring up the situation at all. Juniour did. All he did was comment on the situation in a way that no one took notice of but Sarah. Then snitched to her mom, and shocked that her mom would tell Clark. She was mad that Jordan hid stuff from her. He was honest with her and now is she mad about that too. She said something to her mother that she had no business saying got slapped, lied to her dad about what she said to paint herself as the victim. "Maybe that's why dad cheated on you" deserves a slap. That was beyond disrespectful and was the most hurtful thing she could have said to her mother and she knew it. She always paints herself as the victim. She cheated on Jordan. Then had the nerve to try to make him be friends with the girl and got mad about it. It literally took her a whole damn season to realize she was in he wrong. Vineyard's don't produce as much wine as her. She's the secondary villain of the show. I call her Gaslighter, because all she seems to do to damn near everyone in the show. I think the only person she hasn't gaslight is Nat.
  21. Final Fantasy 16 is straight up action game. So if that's your bag then, you should be fine. I enjoy the narrative, I do like action games, so FF16 has been an enjoyable experience for me. To call it an RPG is stretch for me. I'm 76% through the game accord to PSN. I don't think I'll finish by Thursday though. So I may try to get some SF6 in the next a couple of days. My only real issue with the game is the length of the Eikon battles. They drag on WAY too long in my opinion.
  22. I wouldn't tell him that though πŸ˜‚At first I found his initial interaction with the other inmates to be unrealistic, then I remembered that when Tyson was locked up they had to put him in solitary because dudes keep starting fights with him. So yes, people are that stupid in reality. Given his performance thus far, they may actually be able to craft a decent season 4 in spite of the budget/cast cuts. It was only one episode but his performance was promising. I'll miss Lana next season. Sarah, not so much. Nothing against her actress but she's by far my least favorite character in the show. Actually now that I think about it. I'll Miss General Lane John Nat Chrissy Lana Won't Miss Sarah Kyle (I don't find him annoying like Sarah, he's just kind of there)
  23. If they nerf Blanka ball, Nephew is going to have a field day. I had to check to see if he was on Modern controls, he wasn't, the way he kept DPing Mena's Blank Balls. Side note: Anyone heard from @-PVL93-? Any time something crazy happens in Russia, I get worried about him.
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