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Everything posted by Jion_Wansu

  1. Clown World ™ 🤡 Wonder if the shooter gets charged too:
  2. Isn't that the same woman from the clowny meme that was posted on SRK all the time? Guess they never learn. It's not "strange behavior" It's called "get the fuck out my backyard"! EDIT: This guy's telling like it is and the mainstream media is trying to silence him. Better him than Slow Joe.
  3. What's the entry fees for CVS2 (Arcade), SSFIIX (Arcade), and SFIII3S (Arcade)? I like how those 3 are on the arcade. Why isn't MVC2 on the arcade as well?
  4. Haven't played yet but it sounds like the world tour mode is like MK Deception's konquest mode where the street fighter lore/canon runs deeper. On a side note, with SF6 and MK1 maybe now is a good time for SF and MK crossover characters/guest characters and have both timelines/universes see conflicts together.
  5. Some posts from the MK version of SRK (TRMK forums) regarding MK1 🤣 EDIT: This is fascinating. You get the true canon/lore "straight from the horses mouth" between the events from MK to UMK3. Guess Shao Kahn was dying and needed even more power and this is why he merged realms. If only NRS hired him for the lore: I like this one. MKII is much like SFII. Nobody really won those tournaments in canon:
  6. Saw The Flash. Theater had like 10 people in it at 11:00 at night. Is a long movie. If you seperate the actor from the character then it's not a bad movie. Better than Black Adam. Better than the latest Shazam. The previews had another Blue Beetle trailer. Blue Beetle looks like it's gonna shine this summer! Spoilers below:
  7. Damn. Ken pulled a Rey Mysterio? EDIT: Will Singing Wolf be a playable character in SF6 down the road?
  8. Then Ryu and Ken must be like 5'6" or something. In SF2 when Vega has the win pose with arms crossed and wins on time next to an opponent he towers.
  9. Reptile is the slowest character in MK9. This comeback is sick!
  10. Believe some of the heights form the early 1992 stats has Balrog/Vega the same height as Vega/Bison at 6'4". Vega's stance is just lower than Balrog's stance.
  11. They could've made Gotham Knights better if it were on HBO Max. They were leaning towards The Batman slightly with the Owls and detective stuff but nobody watched it so the last few episodes are even worse than the beginning.
  12. Supposedly Harada wanted Raiden to be in a Tekken game!
  13. Think it's from this: Some more: And someone else with a Blue Lady cosplay: Reminds me of that DBZ episode where Vegeta didn't hold back and destroyed that punch strength detection machine and stalled the tournament.
  14. A Takhisis cosply
  15. MK1 is the next Marvel type of game. It's only fitting. When Street Fighter Anthologies came out, Ed Boon bought it for Playstation 2 and posted about it on social media. Can't remember what platform though. Anyways, it appears he prefers Street Fighter over Mortal Kombat. So, maybe that's why he added SF elements to MK over the years. SF6 and MK1 look similar to each other regarding gameplay. Could this mean we might finally get guest characters from both, etc?
  16. If Capcom can't make another Marvel game then we know who can. Seems like MK1 is almost like a Marvel game: EDIT: Remember when SRK went to discourse? The US Chess Federation finally went there too for their forums
  17. Ya'll see Superman & Lois and Gotham Knights last night? Both were good.
  18. Interesting. So, back when they only had FightCade 1, I used keyboard, because I didn't have the equipment available for a stick. I hated it because I couldn't use grapplers at all due to the 360 and 720 input being difficult on keyboard for me.
  19. Said this back in the day too. Everyone knows that the "republicans" and the "democrats" are just kayfabing us. Just like this debt ceiling deal. In the end and behind close doors, they both are laughing their asses off at us. If you vote republican or if you vote democrat then you're a part of the problem. It's time for 3rd parties this time around. Who wants to see Trump/Biden 2?
  20. Now this isn't prison? This is some camp/compound, but it's not prison:
  21. Humans don't learn. There are even signs not to approach wildlife... No Escape!
  22. In that video above, I didn't know that you could cancel the fierce slash (2 punch buttons at the same time) to an SRK with Wan-Fu for a good combo. Kinda like the Ryu/Ken fierce into SRK. Guess you can also cancel a move into the sword throw too.
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