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Everything posted by CESTUS III

  1. Since we are posting book stuff i post here too the SFV concept sketches scans... too bad no recent characters, would be curious to see HUGE gallery btw Most curious still is "monster" G version, curious to know if was only a very early dropped idea or if there's some still untold lore behind that
  2. Well, Shinkiro have like 5 faces range, at some point you will have bunch of twins lol (but got to admit he got better since old KoF days, but still lol) 🀣
  3. Thanks dude, that's awesome I like in particular see the character proportions with them next to each others in static pose, give me idea they still need to work on scale between each others, because some barely make sense canon wise lol
  4. Well, lot depend of what kind of "protagonist" they have in mind, i mean watch this pic by Nakayama Alex defeated the Boss, but giant asterisk next to that W Abel was barely present in the grand scheme of SF4, basically just helps Guile and Chun Li Rashid is a cool guy who helped a lot, but feels waaay more a supporting character than classic anime hero/game protagonist We don't know shit about SF6 beside what we can guess will continue from V... so anything at this point is very wild guess But my 2cents, I think his destiny is to get something middle way between Alex (pure fighter) and Rashid (supporting role, does'nt face final Boss) My theory is he's going to get an enemy within his range, not the actual super powerful final boss... let's say, something that can be considered sub-boss level We know Ed is on a path to become controlled by Bison, and with his Neo Shadaloo team he can offer a good villain for a "secondary" line of the story, while the actual BIG Villain (G?Or something linked to G? Something else?) go all out with usual planetary threats and characters more powerful than Luke have to deal with him If you think about it Luke vs Ed are evenly matched style wise: two similar size young guys who prefer mostly punching, Luke more powerful while Ed have Psycho-Power One may say Ed have big advantage due PP, but i think it's balanced by him being mind-controlled as a potential weakness... basically Luke will need just to offer good enough fight to wake up true good Ed/break the control "ghost of Bison" have on Ed Yeah i remember that one too lol We can add that even before send to coma Abel, he drop from the sky like a fucking boulder and knocks Abel away like nothing just flexing Then we had this too [starts at 6:18] Zangief successfully mimic (well, his own version lol) fucking Kanzuki's secret technique after see it one time, then get praised for "sharp movements and honed skill" after sparring with Karin Damn i will miss Zangief reaching meme level of mightiness lmao 🀣 That's because Mika already opened her heart to the holy path of Muscle Power, while Ibuki was exposed as blasphemous unbeliever But morning after Ibuki was spotted hidden in a cellar training and taking peds 3 months later
  5. - HOWEVER - SFV story may have 99 problems, but i will miss canon muscle power god Zangief -Break psycho powered katanas by flexing -One shot psychoberseker Abel into spinning coma -Balrog with his best punches was unable to do shit to him (till Ed distracted Gief) Too bad they ruined it a bit by having Alex defeating him in some shitty ending lol PS: Merry XMAS everyone πŸ˜„
  6. Tbh we already know -relatively- a lot about the Secret Society, even if the characters themselves don't show that much For Kolin powers i think most likely scenario is that when they want somebody to gain elemental powers they somehow find out wich element is the one you have more affinity with and "give" it to you... even if is not clear if is something "external" given to you as a gift, or if they have a ritual/method to unlock something wich already exist inside the person. Before SFV used to think the gem they nailed into Gill/Urien's foreheads (wich link to pineal gland/"third eye") was theyr way to unlock the powers, but Kolin not having it mean it's not needed... at least in current canon, idk what was in SF3 Necro may proof was'nt needed even back to old canon, but i'm not sure if his electric powers have to be considered part of all other changes made with scientific experiments (like rubber body, extendable skeleton and the chip in his head) or if that ability has been given to him with techniques closer to Gill/Urien/Kolin elements. Would be cool to know if Necro rubber body has been given him also to work also as self-protection (as rubber can protect from electricity) wich would show a difference with Gill/Urien/Kolin that don't need anything to protect themselves by their own powers and may hint different(inferior) method used for him... but this is pure speculation My 2cents as now is that the forehead gem is not needed for the element thing, but to use the secret techniques Gill and Urien are the only two secret techniques users (resurrection and aegis reflector) and only two with the forehead gem, so maybe while elements are more a ki thing the techniques need also a physical operation to be unlocked Strange fact Seraphic Wings despite being apparently Gill's most powerful technique does'nt have a canon "explanation" and it's not considered one of the 66 secret techniques Another curious thing is the wiki says the maximum number of elements an human can control is 3, but so far the one we seen with most is Gill at 2 (fire and ice)... so i guess at least at that an unknown character (that maybe is'nt even currently alive) had greater potential Some consider Urien at 2 too (electricy and metal) , but i think he's at 1 with his element being electromagnetism wich give him both purple electric stuff and magnetic control over metal particles Kolin at 1 (ice) Necro possible case of 1 (electric, as said before if is'nt different method) G possible case of 1 (metal/gold, as Gill seem to recognize G's power, so seems at least possible he seen in G same kind of elemental power used by SS members)
  7. Fun thing is at this point even if they chose to reveal us more about Secrety Society in next games (wich i think is likely), we have no way to know if the new pieces of story we get are completely new/made up at the moment or ifthe new canon fit in some way ideas that they had back to SF3 There are pretty clear hints back then they made SF3 thinking they will have chance to further develop the story in next game not SO long after following events of 3, while today we know things gone differently Who knows how much of the original post-3 lore will be used, current team may ignore it and go completely new route or they can write something that will follow to some extent what they had in mind for the future more than 22 years ago (SF3ThirdStrike) I think we will get something like 80-20 or 70-30 in favor of completely new stuff, but we know Capcom is good at keep record of obscure stuff was planned/dropped as concept even in further past
  8. I still want to see the Namco one that never happened
  9. Yeah, iirc both Gill and Urien used to have a crazy weight (745lbs/338kg) back to SF3 data, but i took it as an intentional hint from capcom that their body, modified through Secret Society tech and genetic manipulation, had much higher bone/muscle density and weight compared to normal people... making them essentially "superhumans" Essentially something like Kengan Ashura manga (wich got released after SF3, just using it as example) character Wakatsuki Takeshi, who weights almost 200kg (440lbs) despite being relatively "small" for that weight(way larger fighters than him weight much less), because he's born with a condition that made his muscle mass super dense ever thought SF3 Gill and Urien used to have a similar condition, but artificially caused by Secret Society eugenics and experiments In SFV Capcom seems to have dropped that idea though, and Urien is listed as "just" 120kg, wich in SF could work for his size, while Gill is listed just as "unknown" iirc We knew also that Q had probably incredible density and weight, would guess higher than Gill/Urien... and maybe he was a Secret Society experiment too, but we still don't know the truth about him (some other freaks from same game like Necro and Twelve are the result of SS experiments though, even if their abilities are pretty different)
  10. Lol SF weights stats have been random af for decades πŸ˜„ SFV have mostly good ones, probably the best we ever got (aside Abigail lol)
  11. Hi dude! Going straight to the point before lose myself in usual review shit, my impression of Luke is very positive, let's say a 7.5/10, but would have been an 8 or more with few adjustement In short he's not perfect and have wide room for improvement, but at same time he's much better than some internet people gave him credit for (specially in terms of early reactions after first trailer or SF-hating eventhubs trolls lol) and reassured me on some things regarding SF6 Longer version ⬇️ Review shit aside, dude is fun af to play Thanks dude! After join i sent a PM to Tatsuroko too, hope he reach us here, he was a cool guy
  12. Dhalsim praying to Agni put him on hinduism boat πŸ˜„ Somebody pointed out Luke tag that have him on Jesus crew I remember back then on SRK when we tried to figure out nationalities, Kolin being -probably- ukranian from Kyiv may link her to some kind of christian belief background, wich may have made for her easier see in Gill some sort or Archangel Michael (saint protector of the city). Guess eastern orthodoxy... but now she believe simply in Gill i guess Considering how many japanese we got in SF safe bet at least some pratice Shintoism, Buddhism or both Example in Akuma's and Gouken's case the religion theme is bit more evident (to begin with they got prayer beads, but not only that) Also Ryu offfer some room for spiritualism, see the whole Kage thing being related to religion Oro aim at become a Sennin, wich mean he believe Taoism to some extent G believe seems to believe in Gaia as the deity of earth, wich is not made up but part of ancient greek beliefs Rashid being muslim guess is safe bet Chun Li pray on her father's grave, not sure her religion but she's a believer of some sort We know Ken married Eliza, but in one SF2 ending we seen him carrying her to church, meaning they did christian religious marriage (not full proof as she may be the only religious one in the couple, but still) Also we know from xmas side story they celebrate christmas in their family From same side story we see Zangief play as Ded Moroz (some sort of russian Santa Claus), but is not much clear if you can count it as religious proof as from what i understand is a figure sometimes considered non-christian, sometimes linked to orthodox If anything back to soviets we may say he was some sort of anti-religion symbol "Due to the suppression of religion during the Soviet regime,St Nicholas was replaced by Ded Moroz or Grand father frost or Father frost the Russian Spirit of Winter who brought gifts on New Year’s not Christmas .He is accompanied to Snyegurochka , the Snow Maiden , who helps distribute the gifts." My 2cents, Zangief believe in Mother Russia and Muscles Necalli and Aztec world is easy link, but hard say if he was a believer of anything beyond devour devour. But guess at least part of him (the Warrior Prophet) was a believer of their gods T.Hawk guess probably share same religion of his native tribe Bonus: Seth have biblical name, a fucking tao in his belly and probably believe in nothing lol
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