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Everything posted by CESTUS III

  1. So new boss is bastard son(daughter) of Verse and SFV Necalli 🀣 Well, sub-boss Actual final Boss looks escaped from a Bayonetta game
  2. Tbh Hugo and Poison being much better than other random shits is something that has been a retcon after, im speaking how current Dan would do if thrown into FF1 Hugo with SF3, Poison with FFR or SF4 got the power up Back in the FF time they were supposed to be relatively weak, minor enemies that you can take out while fighting multiple enemies Even bosses like Rolento and Sodom in SFA were/are kinda low in the SF food chain (both better than Dan tough), and DamnD is even weaker than them (would not be surprised if Dan-level lol) I guess only FF1 villain that would be considered very strong even for SF standards was probably Abigail
  3. Btw joke aside SFV CA gave me the idea he's improved as martial artist, seems way more technical Iirc in sfv story he even win/draw a friendly sparring with Blanka Of course an angry savage Blanka that want to kill his opponent would probably quickly rip him into pieces, but still something lol Ever found fun how we got used to see him as weak idiot because he's constantly compared to SFers, while if he was a Final Fight character he would wreck lot of punks before getting defeated by some Boss. Think he would even have good chances vs DamnD and get stopped at 2nd stage Boss(Sodom) lol Btw talking about idiot stuff, YT just thrown at me this old gem
  4. It's exactly what they do, and i love that There's so much material, i ever thought i saw everything by them through years and doing this color reference thing i'm discovering lot of pieces/stuff i never seen before lol Well no problem with that, SF2V Retsuden manga and even SF canon have them too lol πŸ˜„ Tbh i would find it bit redundant since we already got Bison doing similar shit with psycho power, BUT if ever we will have to accept a SF chapter with Akuma as main/final Boss i would find him less boring if he get some "SnH philosophy" disciples that may work as sub-bosses... like, they don't need to be Japanese, dress like shotos or even use Ansatsuken... actually they would be infinitely BETTER if they don't I'm speaking just about fighters from different corners of the world/styles recognizing Akuma's status on top of food chain and following his path in Bison-ShadaKings kind of way Fun thing is there seems also used as way to show some kind of proportion of power between them, even if to be fair if its was like that gap should probably be much wider
  5. i thought the same as you, then i saw this (next to Chun li) SFV Dan it's like he's wearing just the head of that thing Of course SFV one is bit different (like a shitty Dan-made version of it) as in-story it's indeed big replica of the small ones he did in SFV story, but concept wise pretty sure somebody at Capcom seen that old piece and used it as starting idea lol
  6. I jumped in on the boob job thing, Juri and Cammy (and Chun, but there it works) feels the ones that got it Agree on better butt in V though πŸ‘Œ Lmao what at you πŸ˜„ If there's one thing SF4 did way better than V was the fact that ugly or not (answer being, yes ugly) the 3D models were done trying to follow as much as possible Ikeno's SF4 art in very loyal way If anything in V most of the ugliest characters (guess Ken, Alex, Abigail the first that come to mind) have in common that ingame models seems to have took liberties from concept sketches (in their defense concept sketches were much more confused compared to SF4, lot of very different hands involved) And also model to model there's often no much consistency, guess courtesy of give the job to bunch of external different people with different style Then if we must argue wich game is prettier, there's no debate, SFV is surely prettier and have more complex models (and great animations)... does'nt change art direction has been a confused mess lol If anything we may even say that while SF4 had clear "official" art style (Ikeno's) is not even possible find a clear artist counterpart for V beside say shit like "they try make them look like clay action figures" thing Personally i hope for 6 they will keep do pretty shit but at same time have an art director able to hold strong grip on people working under him
  7. i find the lack of Joe Higashi disturbing, but got to admit even shitty new kof characters look cool in this short
  8. i was'nt a fan of how they changed Cammy neither tbh SF4 models were poor af but their vision of Cammy and Juri was spot on, with V they just messed it up to score points with the fapping crowd lol Even if to be fair anime in recent years took same route of add extra sugar to their eye candy lol
  9. personally i'm having lot of fun searching them, both because know the reference make me appreciate way more the actual colors and because it's cool when you're like "i know already seen this" and finally figure it out There are some patterns that capcom took doing this, but sometimes they go crazy lmao... like G having 2 Doraemon colors lol Plus considering often they made reference from same saga/series/whatever is fun you end up accidentally find a char color reference when you was searching another one lol Last it's cool that during research you end up find tons of stuff you never seen before, like just yesterday i discovered where Dan's giant puppet costume come from πŸ˜„
  10. Posting here too as last time with Akira seems it was liked, more color/costume reference stuff Cammy and Honda* this time *props to @MiΓ°garΓ°sormfor infos about Takanoha back to SRK
  11. Random af thread bump, more color/costume reference stuff Cammy and Honda* this time *props to @MiΓ°garΓ°sormfor infos about Takanoha back to SRK
  12. Definitely, i think it's the main inspiration πŸ˜„ Then you throw in some Eminem, Rock Howard, EDward Falcon Steve Fox,, Azel (GodHand) and maybe some Patroklos too Who knows, maybe in SF6 Capcom will give him some sort of Sky Noah for his Neo Shadaloo lol
  13. Tbh they also gradually killed good chunk of brown hair crowd lol Despite lot artworks still give him brown hair, Ryu ingame lost it since SF3, Chun Li lost it in SFV, Zangief lost it in SF4, Vega regained it in SF4 only to lose it again in SFV One redeeming quality of Luke is that he's brown hair guy who dyed blond just the top to get a job in SFV LOL
  14. Idk just quick googled looking for leak and this was one of the first results
  15. Random AF Akira own half cast of Evangelion, whole streak from color #10 to #15
  16. 😞 Season 3 already been leaked? Found it i guess Orochi Team (Orochi versions of Chris, Shermie, and Yashiro) Samurai Shodown Team (Haohmaru, Nakoruru, Darli) Omega Rugal Edgy orochi cunts and not-needed guest is why we can't have nice things 😞 RIP Kim But guess i'm going to save some tears for SF6 cast, guess i will need it
  17. Loving we got Gato, Geese and Jenet and i'm ok with others too But now Team 3 better have Kim πŸ˜„ Btw Japan really love their DLC blonds spam, SFV paved the way lol
  18. Random OT Was doing my color inspirations thing, end up Akira not only have lot of inspirations (more than the ones i'm about to post), but i did'nt noticed at first it had HUGE wink at Evangelion, the whole streak from #10 to #15 are Unit01 followed by pilots lol
  19. For what's worth going by the sprite we can also see he's blond/reddish blond, as bit of his hair is visible behind sneaking out of lower part of the mask/helmet Chip KO and Shocked is probably where it's easiest see it, but is in many of his animations But tbh idk how much we can trust them to stick with SF3 sprites as they already changed stuff from SF3, see SFV Urien now being tanned/white haired as normal physical traits and not only as "battle transformation" (where his normal self was pale and blond)
  20. Cool piece! But thing that crack me up is that i had almost identical idea, wanted do some pieces based on kinda popular sport/movie scenes and one i wanted was exactly that Karelin pic with Zangief lifting Q πŸ˜„ Other i was thinking were Rocky vs Drago staredown (Alex vs Zangief), Bruce Lee vs Chuck Norris clash (Fei Long vs Ken or Allen Snider), Ali towering over Sonny liston (here i had trouble pick who is who lol) At the end i did only this, based on Lyoto "The Dragon" Machida vs Mauricio "Shogun" Rua + Mas Oyama being cool lol
  21. I still think most logic step is Q being G who got defeated/captured and turned into a remote-controlled fighter (by Dr.Woo?). Secret society would be the most easy candidate, even if Gill already defeated him and let him go, but still. Maybe he did'nt considered G a threat at that point... after all he's so sure about his destiny that did'nt even bothered lift the ass from his throne to take on Bison directly lol Of course there's also the thing they have a "G Project" thing going on and the fact Gill seems the only one who seem to have recognized the true nature of G's power (meaning it's likely something known by SS world, maybe even that G was one of them) Thing is i doubt even if true we will know all this soon, imho soonest would be a SF6 focused on G and good guys defeating him -> somebody kidnap what's left of him As usual i feel story progression wise SFV has been an huge wasted opportunity, there was easily room (but likely not money) for a second story chapter, G should have been introduced there, same for NeoShadaloo birth etc A problem of SF future development is that them being so fucking unable to complete arcs limit the room for new stuff At the moment -G arc still have to begin -If they plan something "big" with Q, still have to begin -NeoShadaloo story still have to begin, both birth and Bison ghost thing -They will probably do a retelling of SF3 events -We will never get not cucked by Akuma Boss till the day Ryu finally defeat him/end his bullshit That's lot of stuff, not easy move in new directions
  22. They found pretty cool art style for KoF vibes, fit perfectly Eisuke Ogura's XV concept illustrations I like how they did basically everybody except Ryo Sakazaki
  23. If make you feel better i talk shit about NRS products without play their stuff, feel no remorse 🀣
  24. Idk, i think lot depend on personal taste and dynamics of the game... i really love it in Soul Calibur, i like it bit less in Virtua Fighter, i dislike it in Dead or Alive(but there you have also back option iirc) lol One sure thing is i would never want it in Street Fighter πŸ˜„
  25. never touched a MK game since mega drive/genesis days, but block button works well in Soul Calibur
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