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Everything posted by CESTUS III

  1. @Scotiagot to give you credit, you were probably right about timeline jumping beyond SF3... lol never thought they would just threat SF3 arc like that,leaving all that events in a box with 23years of dust over it 🤣 Guess what we see is post-Oro-training Ryu 😯 We already know that "shadow" will be a thing, is called Ed While at it wish they can retcon it as he want to be called Edward, as if he want change his usual name (wich would fit a switch of personality)... no fucking Evil Boss Villain can be called "Ed" damn it lol Btw combining time-skip with Ed's unnatural fast growth dude may be already fully adult, even if they may stop at physical peak like 25yo
  2. idk so far only 3 things that gave me vomit are -Luke frame when he smile giving me "realistic expression" DMC5 nightmares, but lucky rest still give me heavy stylized impression -Logo being absolute crap -Music/announcer, but guess that's supposed to roll with Luke as protagonist Well, guess we may hope to see something more of SF6 when they will announce/show it Iirc SF4 reveal was like that, non ingame teaser and then we got a super early build Ryu vs Ken vid
  3. Lol joke or not good thought Tbh if SF6 love his number gimmick as V did i will not be surprised see exagon be signature gimmick of this one Maybe the action taking place still in 2D style but developed on 3 crossed lines and you switch from one to next one left or right with one single wide side-step Lol who knows
  4. Hoped we got more but whatever, now that shit started we will see more in future Hard to tell what ingame art style will be like, if we can use this teaser as indication impression is more realistic than clayfighterV but thankfully still heavy stylized, no "they're real people now" bullshit that scared me after DMC5 Ryu new design is simple but awesome, too bad for the beard but guess was inevitable after internet wierdos made a cult about that Ryu alt costume. Will have classic look as alt, so no problem here Luke new design looks simple but decent. MMA SFV one was good too, had very "fighter" vibe to it, hope it return too Glad they seem to remember his base hair colour is brown, the everybody is fluo banana yellow blond nightmare may be over still have them, muscle proportions seem simply bit less extreme than SFV, but still have huge forearms i've zero problem with MMA vibes, if anything if may mean there will be an actual tournament and more focus on martial arts clashing and less scifi GiJoe, i welcome it lol Hope fight in exotic crazy locations stay a thing and oct.. exagon is more part of Luke's imagery, doubt SF6 stages will be bunch of ufc arenas
  5. Well, if they go like they did with SFV , gameplay of two characters may be very well what we get I will be ok with it honestly, it will give a taste of art style, action flow and maybe even new mechanics wich would be already lot to speculate on lol Ironically some of the stuff Ryu got in SFV first vid did'nt even made it to the actual game lol
  6. Will drop at 6am here (Italy) lol Personally i like if they planned it on hour that make sense for japan, because mean they still did'nt sold SF6 ass to the west lol The day SF will looks like an american game i will be out Lmao huge line so close to launch trailer 🤣
  7. Tbh i'm still glad things are like that, because if you want go to the other extreme, see how Capcom behave when they don't trust a brand to attract people I want them to keep invest huge on SF If SFV was a big fail i doubt their reaction will have been "so we will do a much greater SF6!" SFV needed Sony money to begin with lol I understand what you say, but other direction was much worse if you want change just be happy new people are in charge
  8. Are'nt tweets, just pics already online Seems in this forum if you copy image's link it get automatically transformed into an image
  9. I admit they got me when Sodom was in the ring in the CPT FF stage, as presence felt very much like Alex being in the american one before be playable The fun thing is i think SFV V-system was perfect for him, they could have done so many gimmicks with his weapons (or armor) But i think it's clear they purposely hold back on some returns (be from very old games or even just SF4) to have still some left in SF6 If SF6 is anything like SFV at handle it, guess we will see long missing returns like Sodom or Eagle (and maybe Haggar?), plus popular ones from 3 and 4 missing in V
  10. Reality is i even doubt legit Capcom Japan bothered confirm it as canon explanation (specially considering they still use "Vega" for him), seems classic Capcom USA bullshit with japs being like "well yeah whatever do as you want"bizzarre passive shit of SF2 days lol But i would be honest, the M thing itself does'nt bother me much, idk how is around the world but here "M." before name as abbreviation for Maestro (Master) is kinda common for martial arts context At that point is more strange they sticked with the whole name at all, considering we don't know shit about Bison's nationality (and i think they already changed mind about it LOL) but an english-speaking one seem unlikely Keeping with that kind of strange shit Ken Masters have no fucking reason to have "Masters" english surname considering he's born/raised in Japan and his father is 100% jap 🤣 Guess is one more "gift" by SF american team lol
  11. Considering they're greek (or anyway somewhere in mediterranean area) the tan as original skin colour could have been good base for both brothers But apparently -at least in the picture we got- Gill used to be much more pale... but tbh it can work given they dropped also a book on his hand may be nice way to show probably Urien was much more active kid passing lot time outside under the sun, while Gill was more a scholar type of kid I can buy it, after all as italian in winter i'm just as pale as Gill in this pic and in summer i'm darker than Urien color there... mediterranean skin is just like that lol
  12. See, it's tastes Personally as much i had fun playing SF3, i consider it's art style the highest peak of entire series and i liked most of newcomers, can't shake the feel cast was small and as visual variety cheap inflated by sprite recycle Cast wise i think USF4 may be the cast that gone overall closest to my taste (even if i hated some SF4 picks and loved some SFV ones)
  13. Tbh i just hope he stay dead regardless what potential he can have for her, SF already have too soft relationship with death Want villains to be a credible threat, and SF already been weak many times at that tbh
  14. Yeah some stances are just opposite despite product being the same, guess it's inevitable speaking about something that cater to very different audiences Easy example that come to mind is cast size If you ask me that just love SF character designs, want to see as many martial arts/nations represented, as much variety as possible and on general have like 5-6 "main" (lol) while playing bit on the side also everybody else... giant cast is best If you ask pro/serious competitive player who's going to study frams matchups and shit, he wish cast stop grow as soon he have his old main in the pocket lol I dream a SF with 100 char he dream one with 10, guess we should be both happy we get middle way lol 😄
  15. yeah if you ask me i have only to offer pretty selfish stance, wich basically you can sum up in make me hyped to download the last patch and try all new flashy shit 😄 Essentially capcom can make me happy with SF4's omega mode style gimmick (wich gave me lot fun back then), but iirc we already know we will get nothing like that for V, just a patch... so my best hope is them going wild with the patch lol
  16. Would just like them take it as just make SFV fun without too much balance obsession while waiting 6 But tbh it's easy position for me because i'm not competitive player, to me SF multiplayer is call friends for some games at my place and some beer lol
  17. Random thought would LOVE last SFV patch to just go crazy af and make it Omega style lol
  18. SF6 being western looking gritty Xbox exclusive would be good moment to leave videogame world without regrets lol, can't imagine better way to quit everything 🤣
  19. Btw for what's worth they may still chose to change his appearance (at least on these small details), after all dark tan skin/silver hair Urien passed from his "battle transformation" to his everyday look... wich is cool
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