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Everything posted by CESTUS III

  1. yeah if you ask me i have only to offer pretty selfish stance, wich basically you can sum up in make me hyped to download the last patch and try all new flashy shit 😄 Essentially capcom can make me happy with SF4's omega mode style gimmick (wich gave me lot fun back then), but iirc we already know we will get nothing like that for V, just a patch... so my best hope is them going wild with the patch lol
  2. Would just like them take it as just make SFV fun without too much balance obsession while waiting 6 But tbh it's easy position for me because i'm not competitive player, to me SF multiplayer is call friends for some games at my place and some beer lol
  3. Random thought would LOVE last SFV patch to just go crazy af and make it Omega style lol
  4. SF6 being western looking gritty Xbox exclusive would be good moment to leave videogame world without regrets lol, can't imagine better way to quit everything 🤣
  5. Btw for what's worth they may still chose to change his appearance (at least on these small details), after all dark tan skin/silver hair Urien passed from his "battle transformation" to his everyday look... wich is cool
  6. nah definitely intentional, different color from skin parts and used multiple animations in that specific point of the neck In the electricity shocked one it's even possible see it go crazy in classic comical electroshock way Somewhere else, fun thing despite being obviously NOT canon stuff (it's a joke group pic where they pretend SF3 cast it's fake like some sort of movie cast with costumes and wigs), they thought to use a blond man for "unmasked Q", so guess it's bit more confirmation they was aware of that hair detail lol
  7. Well, you can check it yourself 😄 It's just few pixels, but in multiple animations you can see they gave him bit of yellow hair sneaking out of back/bottom of the mask going down "blocking high" (click on the word will make it appear) animation show it easy to spot, but you can see it as recurring thing in plenty of other animations
  8. Because these people must have missed Q being -at least in his SF3 sprite- a 2 meter tall blond man, wich i doubt fit Chun's dad profile
  9. Apparently he was 5cm taller in SF1 then lost height 5'11" (180 cm) (SFI)[9] 5'9" (175 cm) Also lost 8kg after SF1, then got 17kg boost after SF4 lol 168 lbs (76 kg) (SFI)[9] 150 lbs (68 kg) (SFII, SFA, SFIV)[1][2][3] 187 lbs (85 kg) (SFV) As said few pages ago Capcom making these stats is one of the few things i wish i could fix of SF canon lol ( SF team dropping canon numbers But yes, if we stick to SFV (wich tbh have most realistic stats) Ryu is built ike a fucking tank next to KoF jpop crowd Respect to Terry though, miss good old FF/AoF SNK style
  10. Now that you mention it not only he roided up Kyo, but Ryu is definitely standing on a brick too lmao Idk angthing about that Shun'ei crap, but Ryu is i think 6-7 cm shorter than Kyo/Iori/Terry indeed
  11. And i don't disagree with any of these, you misunderstood my position lol Did'nt said they were going to revolution everything or erase SF3 story as we know it, would make not much sense either I'm saying considering how much time passed since SF3 release i doubt they will just ignore SF3 events and jump over them, i find more realistic at some point they will just go through these events (changing/adding bit of stuff here and there as they already did) while telling new stuff Because on one side developers seem more willing to tell their own new shit opening new paths, but on other hand at some point SF3 arc is going to get reached and i doubt they will just skip it
  12. Yes,but with reboot i don't mean a SF chapter used to replicate SF3, i mean that they will gradually reintroduce SF3ers and rewrite their events as they please, while Luke, G and others will bring completely new stuff After all we are already seen some changes, see Urien canon look, Kolin being now a fighter, Gill actions and behaviour, Sean getting a main cast sister etc In this context with reboot i mean that for what concern SF3ers they will -hopefully- go through SF3 timeline events and change them as they please, all whild moving on with new stuff It's not like they're ignoring SF3ers existence to make them disappear, at least Gill and Alex are still portrayed as pretty relevant
  13. Lmao at shinkiro heavy roiding up Kyo to don't have him completely embarassed next to Ryu 🤣
  14. "Real" in the sense that they put tons of these in SFV and -i hope- i'm guessing them right for internet fun, only thing we can do unless Capcom give us official complete list of cameos/reference they did... wich would be awesome, because many times they gone take cool stuff Sometimes they're clear as sun (due visual or theme) sometimes can only guess, i count some -hopefully small- % or error as part of the thing 😄 For what's worth i try to stick to stuff i feel kinda sure, so hope that % to stay low lol In that case i mostly followed color scheme Btw the fact G have not only 1 but 2 colors from fucking Doraemon or Ed having a color from a japanese baseball team (both hinted by Capcom site), should sideline any Cody Castlevania problem lol, they just gone crazy with this shit 😂 Worst ones are those that they half ass done with errors, example "SF1 Ryu" have completely wrong headband and gloves, but still on the site they listed it as SF1 Ryu (wich effectively is even used in SF1 Arcade mode)
  15. Now, if with my love for Elena we can just agree to give her Akuma's SF6 slot, i scored twice with one shot 🤣 Where i must to sign?
  16. Personally i just love the character as character design/martial art so i hope Elena to be part of SF6/SF future But i ever get replies of people getting crazy over it as if is IMPOSSIBLE split the character (as design etc) and past gameplay problems lmao Guess on general problem is FGC usually have low faith in developers being able/willing to fix where they fuck up (and FGC have a point there), so they want ever to stay as far as possible from shit that caused problems in the past... wich i can understand but i still want nice shit lol
  17. Cody's turn 😄 LOT of stuff going on with him (even if to be fair lot we already figured out back to launch day), i think with Chun Li and Poison he may be the one with most references i think to have found
  18. Cody's turn 😄 LOT of stuff going on with him (even if to be fair lot we already figured out back to launch day), i think with Chun Li and Poison he may be the one with most references i think to have found
  19. i may be one of the few that wish Elena to return in SF6... if happen hope she looks like this, skin wise
  20. Tbh at this point i would be ok with a reboot of SF3 events Like 50% SF6 being straight new stuff involving Luke, G, Neo Shadaloo etc Other 50% being stuff like Ryu meeting and starting train under Oro Sean starting training under Ken Alex scrap with Gill (and possibly know if was legit fight or usual Gill troll job) Maybe Chun Li vs Urien, su Chun crowd can finally quit cry Would like also know if there's something more behind Tom vs Gill Thing is at this point SFV dropped LOT of non-SF3 stuff still to develop but also ignore SF3 would be problematic Thing is i fear if SF6 will ignore SF3 will be because they set SF6 BEFORE it and we will be there bunch of years from now guessing if SF7 will be set after SF3 or before lmao
  21. Well we will get also more SFV stuff effectively (patch+guess last CPT dlc) Whatever the more the better Specially considering i'm terrified (but hyped at same time) by SF6 announcement, could use a SFxT side life-boat to escale if they fuck up lol
  22. Idk with SF6 announcement coming feel strange the idea of them releasing stuff that may distract from it Would welcome it though, specially if they completely change the graphic style (but keep Color Edit pls)
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