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Everything posted by CESTUS III

  1. Maybe -beyond try to do american marketing style move- it's the reason they chosen to use the young black guy of trailers as default avatar option 🤔 To be completely honest while i woul have got zero problems with Luke being black, these designs were kinda weak compared to some others But may have influenced a bit SF6 Sean look, even if could be coincidence as got similar hairstyle in SFV too Btw if they wanted new black american fighter wish they gave a chance to King Cobra, imho one of coolest dropped SF concepts ever Too bad they straight murdered him, Jamie literally took the whole idea of Kung fu+breakdance wich was his fighting style About Luke concepts my fav was the second line, central position trio with different hair colors, brown hair version on the right in particular But since i give high priority to the "martial art rep" thing i'm also glad that final design got an attention for MMA that basically all concepts seems to mostly ignore in favor of "young army guy" theme But probably if they sticked to normal proportions without giant forearms (most concepts don't have that trait) MAYBE we would have got actual cool/technical MMA guy rather than 90% being about him punching hard
  2. I like Dan but don't think nor hope he get playable slot, specially if they keep 4 char Seasons with current cast having gigantic holes Imho we will find him as NPC when the Dojo open, just like they opened the MC Arena Of previously playable SF chars we already seen FANG and Retsu get this treatment, some will follow for sure in future (Falke hopefully, don't want her getting slot lol) The fact we seen that a kinda cheap "saikyo" moveset (cool for NPC, but does'nt seem main cast quality) exist make me think we're basically watching the template of what NPC Dan will get lol
  3. Expanding it a bit, just found out that not only some Nayshall tournament fighters have been added, but also other NPC that we have meet in other missions Too bad they still spam shitty white plastic clones Funny thing wanted to give credits to this fucking guy in particular Like many other SF chars that got their wannabe look alike, Dan got this dude called Sai Kyo Back to the Nayshall mission i think focused mostly just on wreck him, now in MC arena took my time to let him fight and got fuckton of moves compared to usual NPC, risk to be the one that got most unique stuff lol: -Ryu's normals moveset (but different idle stance) and L Shoryuken (personally i would have used Luke's srk, much more similar looking) - Special kick identical to Retsu's - Evolution of that kick with a second kick that make it look like a M Dankukyaku -A Gadoken -A roll (both forward and backward) -A taunt (generic one, but still) -A fucking super combo wich looks like Hissho Buraiken Here vid of him Guess that's same template they may use on NPC Dan when in future patches Metro City will upgrade and Dan's gym will open ...would be awesome if we can pay for lessons at his dojo and learn shit NPC moves... as if he's a Master like playable cast, but not quite same level 😁 Add NPC moves would help me A LOT create unique looking chars 🤔 Fun thing is when we meet him (Sai Kyo) in Nayshall he's training group of clones at karate punches, wich wink hard at SFV Dan dream lol
  4. Part that piss me off most, is that while i can understand create unique moves like for Retsu or DamnD (the most simple, who just got 1 unique special) eat resources and i can understand it be limited to boss-like NPCs or cameos of former playable characters... But would take literally zero new contents just use same tool we have to mix moves on NPCs and create at least for "most evolved" NPCs (example all those allowed to enter MC/Nayshall arena tournaments) unique movesets made by mixing different characters moves Like as random example with tool we have i can do a "speedy mexican luchador" type of NPC movest in 1 minute: -Rashid moves -Kimberly run special - Kimberly air to air suplex -Zangief HCB suplex/siberian express I keept it super basic too, not even filling all motion slots like usually do on my own stuff, just to show how quickly and low effort could have been done, and yet would offer the illusion of being it's own character (specially considering they can mix these also with existing NPC-only moves) If we want give it one Super Art just to make it feel bit more legit Lv2 Cammy Would be really THAT easy and would make experience much more fun, but the team seems blind on some stuff And if we expand it to creation they even done the effort to ADD limitations that basic NPC don't have lol Falke would be super easy thanks to JP, they can literally slap his basic moveset (and SA1?) on her and for decent effect just give her unique special where she hold the stick like a rifle and shot psycho shit 😁 Rog may take bit more work, but tbh would be still doable without crazy effort give him justice considering would be just npc cameo... even if personally give him 50/50 chance to sneak into SF6 as main char
  5. @Darc_Requiem Idk if you're on PC, i'm on PS5 and wish i could do this shit lol For my Sagat and Hugo (and some other stuff) wish we got at least 20/30 more points for max height... specially since yesterday fought Azam in the tournaments and got fresh reminder Capcom allow itself to cheat with the editor height lmao And tbh also minimal height is'nt that short I understand why they did, at current max height you still see bizzarre animations (like throws with victim floating 50cm from the ground) or even basic mechanics break (example vs small chars normals whiffing above opponent's head)... but tbh can't give less fucks, avatar battles balancement/legitimacy is zero anyway, let us have creative fun lol 😆
  6. Little discovery i just noticed, with Ed patch seems they expanded the number of fighters they use for Metro City arena tournaments... now you can fight also Azam and some of the fighters that were in the Nayshall tournament quest There's not much to gain, none of them give you rewards you can't already find in WTM, but they help bit add variety to the experience (even if Azam is the only "unique" fighter)
  7. Considering how Mega Man is popular thought to post it here too I gave it a try, works surprising well ingame, had easier time find the right moveset than when i'm working on more "SF style" characters 😁 Added shit to the vanilla helmet to make it bit closer to MMX wich had proportions bit more SF like (click for full size)
  8. I gave it a try, works surprising well ingame, had easier time find the right moveset than when i'm working on more "SF style" characters 😁 Added shit to the vanilla helmet to make it bit closer to MMX wich had proportions bit more SF like (click for full size)
  9. I gave it a try, works surprising well ingame, had easier time find the right moveset than when i'm working on more "SF style" characters 😁 Added shit to the vanilla helmet to make it bit closer to MMX wich had proportions bit more SF like (click for full size)
  10. Thanks cool info Guess we can consider it's safe assume is NOT the SFV ASF one, as we seen also external area and did'nt looked like Arctic Wich make guess who brought Bison's hat there... We know FANG touched the hat after ASF, as he got the emblem as necklace You know where they found these images? Same group where thy showed short hair Bosch maybe?
  11. 😁 Not sure of title since i have it in italian, but have two most recent side-missions that are "Leader of Neo Shadaloo?" Metro city -> basically no reward Can't find a vid, try check your Metro City map to see if somewhere there's the side-quest mark... if does'nt try switch to night (or day) "Psycho Power experiment" -> Nayshall -> give you shadaloo upper-body uniform
  12. There are 2 side missions in the update, one in MC one in Nayshall, maybe you have to do these if you're missing one Or maybe maximize Ed style and bond? Idk but once you unlock her it's hard to miss, showing dat ass in the middle of the terrace, took a pic
  13. During day-time rise same steps this guy does in first 10 seconds but don't make a left-turn inside the building like he does at 0:11, just keep rise straight up the steps. You will reach a wide terrace with view of the arena On that terrace you should see an NPC dressed like this You can fight her to win kinda easily the helmet The challenge is "defeat without lose health" wich sound hard but it's actually easy as she des'nt have that much life nor she's strong/smart/aggressive... just set your moveset on fireballs shit and shoot her dead from distance Got helmet in my first run, but i've read people say she does'nt ever offer it as reward, so guess may take more than one try
  14. Should post it in Avatar thread, but nobody goes there beside me Darc, but maybe others may like it
  15. i think it will in future, but unlikely before S2 world expansion... after the minimal effort crap that has been AKI/Ed updates, i don't expect anything for Akuma update either Akuma will get stage too, but very possible WTM wise we just end up get him as Master somewhere in Nayshall, maybe in the cave area (but hope i'm wrong, REALLY need him to get merchant that sell that damn karate hand-stripes item)
  16. yeah and baby male That's cool Still think would be awesome if Necro and Effie will join them (despite not being ex Shadaloos they still have perfect background for that), but "E" is taken by Ed lol
  17. Design wise Ed psycho-dodged lot of bullets lol Tbh i was disappointed too, but at same time story explanation they gave (NS members splitting an keeping search victims to save around the world) make sense and open the door for future development... Ed seems key piece of future of Shadaloo in SF6, so i guess when we will get proper world updates (next in S2 i think) there's chance we may see his story progress and meet his comrades Thanks!🙏 - Amrita (just googled it) seems an hindu female name that mean "immortality"... wonder if may be hint she got that Bison gift - Goliath without google it's a famous giant in the Bible, funny the smallest NS member got name of a giant lol Done also for others: - Cypher link to secret code messages used by spies, so guess in the org he play the spy role wich fit him considering he's slick guy that can fucking teleport lol - Mwalimu in swahili apparently mean teacher/master, wich guess make sense considering his big brain - Dobermann is of course the german dog, wich while don't fit much fat version, may fit a lot the super lean and fast muscular transformation - Falke is german word for hawk - Ed felt strange (i thought Rog wanted something easy/quick to say to call him, skipping his full codename) and while i was wrong is indeed is funny case, according to the wiki "According to Takayuki Nakayama, Ed's name actually comes from the word "ED", a term used in anime production to refer to ending scenes and music.[10] Nakayama referred to him as "The ED Boy" in a note, which was misinterpreted by the designer as being his name. Nakayama liked the name, and kept it. " I'm curious what would have been his original "codename" if this did'nt happened
  18. Not a fan of robot girl either, both for the robot thing but also for her look. But i can see japan pull that given their taste My reasoning was i doubt they would invest DLC money for fat girl, is more the type of char that have hope to sneak into vanilla cast rather than DLC Every DLC female they will release is going to have some waifu fanbase potential, be it new char or returning... non conventional beauty is unlikely to grab rare female slot imho (AKI already push a bit the limits in that sense), specially with many easy to sell beautiful female vets still waiting to join
  19. I love them for circus value, bring me back to absurd anime vibes rather than tryhard urban bullshit Ideal scenario to me would have been Neo Shadaloo HQ stage with all freaks watching the fight and cheering for Ed i don't need them to do much more But i don't NEED* any of them playable (they would make fun special NPC to fight against in WTM though, hope to see that) *would still welcome if good pick and well made. My problem is i have higher need of cover important martial arts still missing... have no personal issue against crazy shit like the gorilla, but at same time SF6 as we speak have no Muay Thai rep from Thailand, that's the kind of shit where my priority goes I'm legit super curious about Season 2 picks, specially if they pull another 4-char bullshit
  20. Tbh i will be fine with Cypher and Baba who will offer great variety*, to me is Falke that would be fucking redundant... she was'nt that charismatic/popular, too visually repetition of Ed and we have a la canne user with psycho powers already lol Indeed something that surprised me is no other female beside Falke, specially considering Falke was kinda mediocre addition and generated no fanbase, Neo Shadaloo in theory give them lot of creative freedom. There was the robot girl in SFV but in SF6 there's no hint of her There was also the fat hawaian girl that despite being someway interesting/curious choice (i even made her in creation) have no chance in hell to be DLC material, just don't fit audience's waifu needs *Cypher as pure knife user would be new (and cool for character creation), and teleport as power seems something that would make sense for a vicious opponent Wish they give him stronger cultural theme (i don't care they race-changed him, but previous one had caucasus area/cossack vibes wich gave him bit of direction, would like they build bit something for the new one too) Baba i know would be loved or hated kind of thing, personally would not have problem with it and would fill the "giant" slot, even if i would still prefer Hugo to fill it
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