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Everything posted by CESTUS III

  1. Cover scars often is not done by people that fear other people making fun of them, but by people that are not comfortable with themselves specially if there's traumatic past involved I know irl a person who got very bad burns due cooking incident and when possible she would pick clothes that help her cover everything even if nobody would "make fun" of her Btw Vega making her wear the mask would be solid choice and even add layers to the moment when Decapre blocked Vega's claw to protect her sister in ASF, it's been confirmed somewhere or is your own theory? Would make sense btw, Vega is the only high Shadaloo member that would have been bothered by her scar I just did bit digging before this post, on reality Decapre still fight, found confirmation she became a Delta Red member (and some details about their relationship) "Have I ever told you about my family? Shadaloo created other genetically engineered soldiers, just like me. An abominable act, to be sure. But no matter the circumstances of their births, they're family to me. One of them, Decapre, is my twin sister. The mission she was entrusted with...was my assassination. Needless to say, we clashed on more than one occasion. We didn't exactly have a sisterly bond. Thankfully, Shadaloo's downfall also shattered her brainwashing. She's now a hardworking member of Delta Red. Sometimes, we even have time to enjoy lunch together. We may be siblings, but we're both complete mysteries to one another. Time flies by whenever we talk. Seeing you has brought Decapre to mind as of late. What should we discuss the next time we meet, I wonder..." That "hardworking" combined with her talents make me think it's action stuff rather than office role 😁 Wonder how much else WTM Master infos i'm forgetting, i was so focused on unlock everything fast that i likely did'nt gave enough attention to many stories, specially of chars i care about less
  2. Yeah, that's probably the truth, but while i did'nt got any doubt for other Dolls, i had the impression Decapre with her giant ass face scar as character concept was designed to keep the broken beyond repair thing going on... like she could even become some sort of "good" character, but still bit traumatized anti-hero thing, like colder/harsher Cammy The art piece made her look absolutely normal girl able to show affection and that does'nt even try to hide her scar (with mask or even just hair) But to be fair we knew it (at least she's not trying to hide the scar anymore and trying to adapt to normal life) even before, my fault i forgot to have seen SF6 Decapre earlier
  3. Little detail, today on SF6 there's a message for Cammy's birthday, wich have an illustration with Juni and Decapre Most curious to me is that Decapre seem an absolutely normal girl now, guess in these years she solved her stuff @Darc_Requiemalso material for a canon-supported Decapre CaC 😁
  4. I may be too pessimistic but i doubt we're getting big stuff... i think we're just getting new shop stuff, be it regular or collaboration one Wich is still fine to me after the disappointment i got from FP lol
  5. Mask is indeed best piece, will use it to improve my D.Dark, too bad order is NOT one we see in the poster, mask is Lv.19 reward 2nd items is nice too, lucky will unlock at least that today But clothes are the crap
  6. Absolute wasted opportunity of get another good FP More clown ultra modern stuff, straight crap Guess will find an use for it somehow, but still a shame considering last 2 FP were pretty cool, specially the FF one Considering the theme they could have gone for SF2 themed stuff, instead we get esportz vibes crap
  7. Look i don't even disagree completely lol I pick Dudley or Rog over Ed any day as boxing rep (specially considering Ed is far from pure boxing char)... for what's worth Dudley still is in my ideal S2 But i'm not going to complain about Ed bringing some uniqueness to SF6 when in very same poor S1 one slot out four is wasted to bring back Akuma because fanbase pretend to get the third ansatsuken shoto as soon as possible (and some were even outraged he did'nt made base cast lmao) Would have LOVED get Dudley instead Ed, but even more would have used that devil-shoto slot for something else that help actual cast variety Again, SF fans keep SF alive but are also a problem, i'm glad whole S1 was'nt designed to blowjob the bad taste majority lol
  8. More like SF fans are first SF problem lol SF6 would really need third ansatsuken shoto in S1 made of only 4 chars if was'nt for fans bad taste? Ed at least is unique and bring some boxing in, my most welcome S1 addition followed by Rashid
  9. i think SNK should have developed Silber-Takuma rivalry... maybe even Silber fucking up Takuma (and i say it even if he's one of my fav SNK chars), giving Ryo a reason to revenge 😁
  10. Fuck Akuma, give me Ed teaser trailer! 🤬 (thanks @Dragonfave723😄) Amen dude
  11. Ahah i got sucked into Fall Guys level editor I'm at 80% done of an EPIC Santa themed one, but of course i took too long and will be ready just when will be no more needed 🤣 And of course this because i was busy completing a Dracula one that was too late to sneak into Halloween window, but wanted to complete it anyway 🤣🤣🤣 If was still student or in an uneployed period would have killed that shit like back in LBP days, but with full job, couple life, upcoming new home shit to follow and SF6 editor have huge priority FG never had a real chance, but still managed to suck some hours of sleep lol Btw last update of 2023 (i'll be 3 days on alps for NYE) is kinda on boring technical side, but guess better than nothing lol Bit of face rework on already existing ones using new tricks and gimmicks (click for full size)
  12. Oh i understand that, i agree to some extent too... for only 4 chars S1 should have been scheduled to end much earlier I don't know for you, but for me it's been even worse by the fact out of only 4 chars i care like about two (Ed and Rashid) and i feel there are chars essential to make SF6 feel complete, so my first wish is S1 t end asap and pray S2 will bring more useful chars (and possibly more, 5-6) But i made peace with the long wait the day they crushed my hopes of get Ed around 2023 xmas when they said "Ed winter 2024"... i don't even want to hope for January, i think if we was going to get him in Jan we would have got at least a teaser trailer, but we got fucking nothing beside the artwork I suspect they also know it's a crap long pause, and that's the reason they keept the 3rd outfits ace to play in middle of dead time Guess looking for hint we could go to watch how much before launch AKI trailer was shown, don't remember that Well at least at end of the wait i'll get a char i actually like, will play and will steal stuff from, a new stage and i guess decent size WTM update By comparision AKI has been abslute death to me... wait for a char i don't need, get it, much more months of nothing lol Akuma will be similar hype killer to me, but guess a least will get new stage My most optimistic wish about Akuma launch is literally we getting announcement/teaser of S2 characters lmao... and keep in mind first S2 char is going to launch in Summer 2024 🥲
  13. Yeah i'm not denying that, just saying hope beyond picking one of the 99 suggested routes to make DC useful balance patch will give him new fun stuff too... SFV long list of small buffs made Ryu progressively more fun to play, hope same happen here
  14. Everybody talking about more functional Denjin charge, my scrub ass just want fun stuff lol Give me back Solar Plexus Strike that can combo as ever did Make Shoryuken get flashy electric shit while on Denjin Also miss how cool was SFV target combo 🥲 Never happening because would be extra work but would be hype if current desperate Lv3 (electric version) is just Lv3 boosted while on Denjin, then actual desperate Lv3 get different animation... think first left uppercut just the same, then pierce the fucker mid-air with the giant ass punch he did in SFV on Necalli 😆 Retarded shit would make me happy even sitting low/mid tier lol
  15. Glad for you dude 👍 Personally i'm not even super hyped on play as him (but looking forward to steal lot moves for my editor creations 😁), but i believe he may be massive update in terms of story expansion, new contents, npcs etc Wonder wich would be 2nd alt, i guess SFV default uniform is safest bet, considering it was supposed to reflect a time after SFV events (or at least months after Ed's SFV story where he split with Rog and left Shadaloo) ???
  16. From now to ends of times this should replace standard Luke for 24h every 25th December
  17. Merry xmas you all Trying to the thread, i can't be the only one hyped for Ed both as character, world expansion and story push I think lore wise it's going to be the most important addition of whole S1 Hope they will not play cheap on Neo Shadaloo freaks, potentially they can be awesome/crazy stuff
  18. Thanks dude, let's see if when i will do the YT thing (IF i will do it lol😅) people will appreciate Now i'm mostly fixing my previous character-recreations, now that im getting sharper technique and learning gimmicks very early works feel clunky You did something new too?
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