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Everything posted by CESTUS III

  1. @Darc_Requiem End up update my Demitri, previously i did the full-red eyes version that can be seen in some artworks but in many others he got just pupil/iris red, so i gave a chance to that version and i saved it as i find it much more expressive Made his face much sharper too (and different skin color), like in some artworks (click for full size) Than i also worked on give my Morrigan model a costume too... i've end up dodge try to impossibly replicate her typical costume and also dodged the super simple casual clothes human transformations, just went with a design that have some links with her traditional palette Keept her eyes color as in very first incarnations, love it feels more unique than the green of more recent interpretations. Overall i love her look, will probably update her costume with better clothes through time, but love the model give me the right vibes (click for full size) I also completed my Batsu as much i could do with current avaible options... will have to give him typical blue japanese school uniform as soon we get one But overall i think i nailed the physical look, has been interesting try to translate it to more realistic look without lose the anime RS feels Make the armor under the jacket has been tricky af lol (click for full size)
  2. Thing is with various flavors/shades Capcom seems to fucking love the "broken toy" concept when it comes to create a female villain Juri, AKI, Decapre (and of course all brainwashed dolls) and even SFV Seth Kolin is gray area, as i believe she have faith she's doing the right thing serving an archangel incarnate to bring peace... but at same time she have brutal fight style wich involve generate ice blades and spikes that can cut or IMPALE her opponent, just like she have no problems get involved in shady deals to get job done (example hire Juri) Still, another broken toy, years of war ptsd and see her homeland destroyed by soldiers made her what she is Maybe Falke too if we consider she accepts to be part of Neo Shadaloo, but beside we still don't know NS official ideals (wich may not be negative at least on paper) we also seen she does'nt seem a bad person... and even if she does anything wrong, war made her what she is Seems they have the greatest difficulty to just deliver a female char who's just evil piece of shit moved by ambition or greed (like many male SF chars), all SF girls are either good or men somehow broke their lives into become negative chars AKI herself while behaving as satisfied person with fullfilled life is living 24/7 some sort of delusional psychedelic farce Got traumatic shitlife past, got involved into become a batshit crazy murderer and suffer physical mutation as part of her training, her father/lover figure (in a creepy way took straight from Leon-Mathilda) is an asexual creepy older killer who melts people with toxins in his body and lick his fingers afterwards All broken toys 😆 For a change could have felt new a female villain that does'nt need justification for any wrong shit she does I remember at some point waiting SF6 i thought would have been fun if Marisa was just hired muscle/bodyguard for JP, think like Sagat for Bison
  3. Yeah was think more Haggar as i remember there was a pretty cool alpha style mugen sprite for him alredy done - - so i thought would be pretty easy just pick it up But yeah Poison and Abigail can make sense too, scale wise Abigail on Alpha style would feel lot like Juggernaut lol
  4. Just for teh lulz Agree on removals, Yun one mostly because should not be there old as in SF3, he would be much much younger (and smaller) in SFA days Would add - Haggar - Hugo (SF3) They would expand the FF influence and we will have the complete original trio of FF heroes -Q (SF3) Would wink Q being around for long time Would add (will include ideal adversary for Bison cape one) -Sodom vs Guy (Sodom wave his two jitte doing threatening gestures toward Guy, who just stares at him with crossed arms) - Retsu vs Dan (Retsu smashes Dan's nose as i the SFA artwork, Dan knocked down on his knees before even start) - Lee vs Chun Li (kung fu salute before start fight) - Geki vs Guy (Geki throw a shuriken, Guy a kunai, the weapons destroy each others clashing mid air) -Geki vs Rolento (Geki throw a shuriken,Rolento a knife, the weapons destroy each others clashing mid air) - Cody vs Haggar (bored Cody takes fighting stance, sad Haggar shake his head before do the same) - Guy vs Haggar (the two have friendly hand shake before fight) - Zangief vs Haggar (Haggar flex his SNSM raised fist pose, Zangief does his SNSM cameo pissed face as he was sitting in the audience banned from compete there) - Hugo vs Zangief (same hands strenght contest Zangief had with Big Bear in CvS) - Hugo vs Haggar (sitting on Hugo's shoulder Poison insults Haggar, Haggar throw rolling barrel. Poison escape out screen while hugo stay and SF3 parry/tank it) -Hugo vs Sagat (Hugo sneak behind Sagat holding giant stone Buddha head, last moment Sagat turn and smashes it to pieces with an high kick) - Guile vs Bison (Guile throw at him a big sonic boom as in SF2tAM. Bison cape off through energy strike CVS2) - Rog vs Sagat (Rog does his punching bag intro throwing it at Sagat,who destroy it midair with high kick. Rivalry,SFA3 Bison seen Rog as new cool thing next to has-been Sagat) -Sagat vs DeeJay (on Sagat side same clash of kicks he does with Adon and Eagle in SFA3. DeeJay reply with kicks too. Depressed Sagat was defeated by DeeJay) This (MvC like) version of Ryu, red headband and brown hair
  5. That's silly reaction tbh He did good job at show multiple legit points that you're not even trying to counter, and simply dismiss his theory Biggest is that unique muscle structure match, and again that's NOT an arm made with editor but truly looks like same model of Bosch's. The way lateral deltoid donward tip insert between bicep and tricep like a "wedge" seems to match Bosch and on general can't be replicated with editor not even playing on purpose on mass and definition settings, as editor's puppet have a much more round deltoid that lack that developed downward tip. That's something that even on simple technical level must raise a doubt on that character. Why give random #6 third line Buckler jogging trainee an unique 3d model (+unique clothing) While at it he also wear same unique hand stripes of Bosch (go check the 2 gasps near thumb, only Bosch and that NPC stripes have it) and his pants seem indeed same unique ones of Bosch's So you have an NPC who for some reason seems to prefer low profile (stay behind others, cap on, head low) who sport an unique 3d model that seems to match same musculature, overall size, compatible face structure and skin color We can even see a portion of his hair being red in an area where Bosch's hair are indeed red (and being shaven can either match the burn/explosion, or also have done it to be less recognizable as black-red is pretty distinctive trait, in SF6 we see it in Bosch and his sister Yua) And him seeking help in Buckler would even make sense easily, as there he will find Luke that was his last Master and our Avatar who's the closest he have to a friend, plus the person who knew his plans vs JP and who even defeated JP (and possibly our avatar is also who rescued his body-> saved his life) Actually would be not only first place he should seek help, but would also make sense on story development of the character... first time his general attitude was refuse help/friendship going with lone wolf mood, as he was fully committed into believe that's a thing he should have done alone Is possible the complete failure of his mission finally made him change heart and fully accept Avatar/Luke help and friendship Is also possible our avatar recovered his body and went to Luke, so would make even sense if he woke up at Buckler HQ Even if author of the post made the "error" of declare to be sure of his theory claiming is proven (wich to be clear he DOES'NT as his post at least starts with "is ALMOST certainly alive", admitting he still can't be 100% sure), he raised HUGE points that could at very least justify a debate
  6. Yeah, guess i could pick one of these two to get job done, both are canon and relatively easy But for a stylistical reason i would like more to find a way to do something that link harder with her standard succubus look, kinda like i reworked Demitritrying to not end up too far from his classic design Guess i will give a shot to try make up one, but if i see current pieces don't allow to do anything catchy will simply push her into future to do list
  7. Yeah, idea was mix it with 5 Legends big dude Santa Claus 😁 Too bad i could not give him the giant beard as conflict hard with xmas jacket While at it, completely unrelated, yesterday also made the montage of my Demitri recreation (click for full size) I kinda like it, had to imagine how redesign him a bit without betray too much original source... gone throug bunch of different versions before finally find one i prefer Got a nice Morrigan model too, but i still have to go through whole redesign/items picks to give her justice
  8. Ohhh found on reddit huge hint my theory of Bosch being alive may be almost confirmed and we may have seen him already without realize it 😮 Props on the guy, pretty detailed argument (if may add one more, that's same muscle structure of Bosch's arm too, and you CAN'T replicate it so accurately with the normal editor all other NPCs are made of) Guess he survived but prefer JP believe him being dead, also will avoid JP using Yua against him Wonder if Luke know he's alive (and share knowledge with Ken too) considering Bosch returned in Buckler
  9. Getting in Xmas mood lol (click for full size) See him fuck up people never cease to crack me up lol
  11. And still the only outfit where got right face, no shit beard (1), no second day shade beard (2) 🥲 Waiting dec 2024 for decent alt
  12. Omg character creation just got HUGE stealth buff @Darc_Requiemplease go check how many costumes you can save 😁
  13. I like it to be white, to stick with rest of color scheme, but yes, would have been much better get just a normal headband Sad part is imho first costume where Ryu's face looks how it should lol
  14. Just had bit time to watch costume and colors before go to work Ken color #10 with white hair, dark skin and black jacket remind me so much lol Will be the edgy shits fav alt+color ever lmao Btw i understood why Ryu's wide af "headband" (towel) with spiky hair sticking out backward gave me deja-vu (not saying idea came from there, just why felt visually familiar) even if i wish Ryu alt was handled like this, with hair space on top of the head not SO pushed backward
  15. In theory you can go with a multiple like 1500 This make even easier to me live with the fact i don't really need them all tbh Ryu and Luke sure, maybe 2-3 more, but that's about it
  16. You're not necessary supposed to keep fist clenched whole time Actually if was real llife would advice against it
  17. Thanks dude Also let me add further Adrianne Palicki material for men of culture here
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