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Everything posted by CESTUS III

  1. This would me my mood while talking to Capcom about how they handled SF6 creation mode 😁
  2. Today is my 40th birthday, any legit reveal on Ed would be an appreciated gift lol
  3. Now that i think about it would be hilarious if Ed release 1/26, same day of T8 Steve
  4. Would like a december release, but sadly they marked him as 2024... let's just hope it's very early January But sadly i feel will be late jan/early feb Got also impression december getting outfit 3 has been a bit to ease the void period
  5. On JP "and felt it would be a shame to not show some skin since he is such a big-framed character." There's even an NPC in Nayshall who talks about JP's body built, saying he pass fuckton time training in the gym and that he could crush him (the NPC) with one hand Just funny to notice they remarked that, because effectively between his finesse based style and the emphasys on ranged mystical attacks is easy to miss they built him has an absolute wrecking machine
  6. if is of help, for the bowtie i used a thick necklace + cat ears combination It was very early creation, today i'll probably do it different... for what's worth we will get the bowtie item at some point, we know it exist already in SF6 thanks to Connor(?), the weird kid tournament organizer of Nayshall who wear one Yeah about any fighter who wear lot of clothes need to be shaped while dressed, specially those speedy ones who are supposed to look lean and dynamic (but on general i apply this to every creation) You end up with characters that look straight deformed while on "naked" standard editor mode, but you should not care as it's not how they will look once dressed and you're just compensating the fact Capcom while creating main cast have the advantage to chose how clothes should look in terms of volumes... we can't, so we compensate working on the body model
  7. Thanks, chance of tranform 3d items that can be enlarged so much make easy do very extreme stuff, what i found most difficult is find placement that does'nt conflict with ingame animations/movements Many times you have to work thinking in advance at the fight style stance the char is going to have, because work on standard standing pose does'nt prepare you to final ingame situation, some stances really deform your CC
  8. First time i see this, cool πŸ‘ Wonder if Sho Kamui chara design was based on this guy, ever liked Sho's look
  9. Thanks lol, was tricky find reference because indeed at times Paul change face lot chapter from chapter, so i had to pick I've end up using the most Tekken 5 Paul as main reference Another montage i made yesterday was one of the trickiest challenges i ever had with SF6 editor, had to use all possible tricks to get it done but final result ingame is awesome lol BABY HEAD (click for full size) Wish i had 1 more item to simulate better that unlike the CC original rest of the body is stuck inside the robot suit, but overall you almost never see the attachment point so it's ok, ingame it really feels head and suit are different separated things lol
  10. Another WIP, still need some currently locked pieces but this is my base for Tekken's Paul Phoenix (click for full size) face has been tricky af to do
  11. On reality vest is'nt much a problem, what pissed me off is that i had the perfect boots (style and colour), but to make them match with only brown avaible for leather gloves i had to pick otherwise here Decapre's model, will keep it just like that till i chose what to do with it
  12. Canon wise wear it in Nayshall is the equivalent of having the crown on your head Possible this alt will be used in canon cutscenes (future WTM chapters) to visually confirm he took over the country
  13. That's nice, Elizabeth was good addition to KoF If you have it i think the blue ribbon item would work well to enrich her costume Another item (a free one) you can use is head maiden item, bought by Cammy's merchant Ever like concepts that allow to use JP moveset (and on general all these master styles i rarely pick) Currently i use it only with Poison and on a clown/jester OC i did, would like create a Rolento too, but i'm waiting Ed update wich hopefully should give us some military stuff Later i'll show you the Decapre model i made with your stats πŸ‘ PS: about Seth i have one, but is SF4 male version, made to be used with the dressed version of original concept
  14. Cool thing it remind me real life former UFC fighter Alexander Gustafsson, who would tattoo on his arm one triangle for each pro fight he did (black in case of win, empty in case of loss, half in case of draw/NC) At the end they went with Lady Oscar/Rose of Versailles wich they already shown to appreciate doing Seth in SFV One funny thing is i may have an idea on why her giant brothers look so different from each others, they're likely a little tribute to most famous french judokas David Duillet and Teddy RIner, who both have won multiple golds at Olympics and World Games for France Extra thing black one (Riner) also have same white-black hair of Jaques Ducalis from Buriki One, a french judoka SNK char based on Duillett Duillet was also important inspiration for Abel
  15. @Miðgarðsormyou won 🀣 Guess Blankachan was inevitable too lol Jp and Honda indeed end up getting the two artworks ones Also Manon's Lady Oscar was shown in one Ryu indeed end up getting the jacket Chun Li chosen for him, overall i dig it even if was against it Luke one looks so much better than SFV counterpart Love them all, maybe just Juri and Kimberly are'nt great (but are'nt bad either)
  16. I reply here at this point, was going to do it on PM 😁 Thanks a lot! For Laura i don't find her bad, maybe think may help smaller mouth and more joyful expression Also taking SFV material as reference she have very "soft" facial features... she was a very tricky one btw, her look change lot based on angle and expression Biggest trap is that you go in to do an hot as fuck brazilian hooker brawler grappler, so first istinct is to go for aggressive strong traits, but once you go look at actual SFV model her facial features are exxtremely delicate if can help this was mine during beta (it's a while i dont update her, i'm waiting good items to call her done) wich i remember was done taking SFV shots as reference For what's worth was easily the female i struggled the most* to replicate for a bunch of reasons Curious also to see if my theory that at some point the barber shop in Beat Square will be avaible for more haircuts styles will end up true, a closer look to her iconic SFV haircut would help a lot sell it *maybe only Cannon Spike's Simone and Rival School Tiffany made me curse as much, but total different puzzle, straight costume stuff there and i had to accep atm we simply lack the stuff i need to recreate them properly beyond physical model... meanwhile Laura was difficult to recreate even as simple physical appearance PS: thanks for Decapre height stats πŸ‘
  17. Oh for me would still be ok, of the 4 DLC ones none interest me much beside Ed wich got good new design and will likely get SFV one as 2nd i guess... personally would'nt even ask for a "boxer" outfit, as i still pray for Dudley (or at least Rog) to show up as pure boxing rep as soon as possible My fear was them not covering in the upcoming update 100% of base cast, but just that half(?) characters they showed... wich would leave out some characters i'm interested the most (Ryu and Zangief) Irrc characters that got their final pick artwork showed are Deejay Ken Juri Cammy Guile Lily Marisa Luke Jamie Characters that still did'nt got their final pick revealed Ryu Zangief Chun Li Dhalsim Blanka Kimberly JP* Honda Manon 9 revealed, 9 still to see My fear was they will deliver only first group Hope the ones they chosen to show are meaningless and they will indeed deliver whole base cast as you say πŸ•―οΈπŸ™ Wanting to be optimistic they would be very retarded to NOT say in advance if they plan to deliver it only for half (base) cast, but on other side this is SF people, they can do anything ignoring any consumer friendly logic *i think we know wich is, i believe is the "leaked" art with blue Nayshall cloth, as was a single table artwork like those they revealed, so maybe for him is that... but officially has'nt been showed. Iirc similar case is Honda
  18. Don't remember the name and would be italian version one anyway πŸ˜… I think you can check here guess may be #56 in accessories page
  19. That's what i got as end up result (click for full size) But did lot of reinterpretation, if we want stick closer to original source probably this would have been more 1:1 Really wish we got at least a 4th item, or at least that gloves would be counted as normal clothes, keeping the 3 slots free
  20. Yea, i think you picked a very very rough customer with Reina, lot of stuff goes beyond what we could do with SF6 editor, specially if we count all current limitations (even if can't think any locked WTM item that would help us much either) But you got me intrigued, if you want after work i give it a try, will not find any 1:1 magic trick but maybe going through lot of reinterpretation i would end up with a different perspective πŸ‘
  21. Yeah, to simulate one extra clothes layer with sticker only option they give you is to give alternative color to the body(example blue) as if is a colored suit and then use the full face paint with a natural skin color Used it a lot, but is'nt a perfect system either... first problem face paint cover eyebrows, secondary it erase the natural skin texture replacing it with a flat color... you can trick it into look natural with make up and playing with numbers of shine, transparence etc
  22. No, as far i know without dedicated moves is purely aesthetic πŸ˜† I just liked the fact it somehow remind the spinachs eating act and you can even go in what seem a powered-up state (you can still go drunk, but you just obtain only that air trembling aura effect with bith of red)
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