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Everything posted by CESTUS III

  1. For the cheap lulz (click for full size) The moveset crack me up I had to put the spinach in Jamie's bottle lol
  2. I usually don't do non Capcom/SF stuff beside few selected japanese things, slots are precious and we should stick to holy anime roots against baka gaijin or something @Miðgarðsormyou need to know you're guilty of this (click for full size) The moveset crack me up I had to put the spinach in Jamie's bottle lol
  3. Half win for me would be a beardless costume alternative than the crap they did with SF2 one, but still pray he get one of these "martial artist" ones lol Good luck! 👍 In January/February we will move into our first home too, delirant months lol
  4. Thanks a lot, some were total new for me 👍 Still curious to so wich design they chosen, we are still waiting the official reveal
  5. Would be greatand different, after all Standard and Nostalgia ones already cover the Pro-Wrestling side But i can't deny big one on the left would look great too But if we watch all past already selected ones (Ken, Deejay, Cammy etc) seems these panel with multiple alt designs never included the "winning" one, so there's still hope for brain-training Gief 😆 For Ryu then we got two possible hints, but i'm not too sold in neither First is too "casual clothes" for my tastes, second still have the damn beard lol Hope one of these below will be selected, really like the second but also first is'nt bad Btw proof your theory have some ground is Marisa one (white dress) indeed come from Master images, Guile too have a very close one as far we can see (but in Master he sport usual haircut)
  6. I'm more happy it seem first dlc one will be basic SFV mma one, but now i want that too 🤣 Wonder when we will get first wave of dlc costumes and when we will see rest of selected ones... we seen some, but we are far from whole list So curious about Ryu and Zangief ones
  7. Yeah that for clothes (and skin) would be so cool, but sadly it would clash with capcom's greed-based logic Reality is they want to milk same stuff they already did as "new contents" Furthermore in the Nayshall arena tournament mission (Rashid update) some opponents had alternative colors of clothes from the hub shop that you can't dye at all Guess is possible at some point they will unlock a place to dye these too
  8. Drive Rush And these 3 list possibly still missing pieces from just to say some, we may add possibly full sets or more pieces from Retsu, Carlos, Rudra, Damn D, Eternity, Fang, Azam Then add the 99 color variants you can see around but can't currently recreate by yourself
  9. Tricky part is Haggar's face changes a lot depending on game/artist i picked this (from CFAS) as main inspiration but also gave it more chin to go bit after MvC3 look too
  10. About time JP got a buff, guess Ryu's reign of terror is finally over
  11. SF6 Haggar 😁 Tried my best to fight off the fake-suit effect The necklace was supposed to mask a bit the neck suit line, but it move in weird ways without covering much, so ultimately got removed Gloves solve the hands showing at the wrist the suit line Most tricky part was replicate skin color on the face (no base color match the suit) Click to see full size My fav screenshot, Haggar about to piledriver a lion For what's worth Moveset
  12. SF6 Haggar 😁 Tried my best to fight off the fake-suit effect The necklace was supposed to mask a bit the neck suit line, but it move in weird ways without covering much, so ultimately got removed Gloves solve the hands showing at the wrist the suit line Most tricky part was replicate skin color on the face (no base color match the suit) Click to see full size My fav screenshot, Haggar about to piledriver a lion For what's worth Moveset
  13. Random af, but whoever have done the colors of Pocket Bravery have tribute level over9000 ❤️
  14. My Sodom end up more accurate than this, today i will see if is possible fight off the Haggar's fake suit vibes Wish they just made pants and belt as a single piece without fake skin Fun thing i could not name the avatar "Sodom", i had to switch to "Sodòm" because some names censorship despite the fact they even gave pieces to recreate him 🤣
  15. WOOO New Fighting pass is out, and it's cool af, theme Final Fight! RIP to Sodom and Haggar? But that's their classic design, SF6 would have them heavy redesigned... but still
  16. Yeah Agito is another that would translate very well into a SF concept... specially if capcom could make a char with double personality a la dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde that have two stances wich show two radical different personality We had Necalli and now Jamie that had something that make them go more "wild" but both seem just an extremization of their normal attitude, while Agito switch from the two opposites, 100% cold technical to 100% wild formless Another i criminally forgot to add is Hatsumi the floating cloud. Damn, he's one that could have been traslated 1:1 and would be an awesome SF char alredy... The whole bored/shabby attitude mixed with his immense aikido skills is something i would love to see, even the fact canon wise he's unreliable as depending on mood he may lose with middle tiers then give Agito an hard af fight is very unique Plus in some way dude remind me one of my fav HnK char Juza, wich likely is'nt even random vibes as Kengan author imho gave Hatsumi the cloud nickname also as wink to Juza. To some extent i think as parallel Hatsumi vs Agito was a much less dramatic version on Juza vs Raoh
  17. Yeah, i think to remember the Sawada thing was discussed already at SF6 launch, it's definitely likely it played a role... plus we know SF is familiar with Kengan, the manga even made one special with the protagonist dreaming about fight Ryu Plus we seen Marisa have many many winks at Baki's Hanayama, so we know SF6 is'nt afraid of go take lot from mangas when developing characters If you could get a SF6 char heavy inspired from Kengan what would be? Saw Paing would be my first pick, Leithwei still missing from SF, but real reason is i love the heavy Joe Higashi (my fav SNK char) vibes they put on the char. Plus a fast light/medium striker that try to land atomic headbutts would be fun Another is Cosmo, the idea of a male small genius submission grappler wearing full grappling gear that rely 100% on technique to win fights in a field where usually we imagine big slow characters would be another cool thing. I know Laura's bjj and Manon's judo broke a bit the trend, but would still be something new, specially if they focus on ground grappling (wifh should have been more a thing in Laura's moveset btw) Another cool thing is that could be of any nationality, as just like MMA submission grappling is modern and take influences from many places Last Naidan, just so cool approach at mongolian wrestler archetype, and mongolian char is something i truly feel missing from SF
  18. Lol SF6 Ed is so far that i should tackle my backlog too... got Ghosts 'n Goblins resurrection,Tails of Iron and Final Fantasy 16 waiting me So far i'm betraying SF6 mostly with Fall guys editor mode lol
  19. @Darc_Requiem Have you bought any of the new items? I took the golden bomber jacket and the white-azure samurai pants There are some other i may be interested in, but i want to wait new Fighting Pass first
  20. The problem is that they could have effortlessly made WTM something that evolve through time without have huge dead time to wait between one char and the other, specially with the weak 4-chars model There's so much already in WTM that is simply locked
  21. Eh tbh there is'nt much new to discuss... unless we count fighting pass ending soon and new one follow up soon after Next big new is Ed in 2024 lol For what's worth story/speculation wise, next update (Ed) we will likely find the last three pieces of NS uniform (jacket, pants, boots) and imho use it to infiltrate into NS pretending to be a member But again, very far sadly Hope they're planning some big DLC wave to break the wait, to begin with we're still waiting main cast new costumes update
  22. That's a fair point, i was mostly thinking how Nash and Bosch solitary tragic run against Bison and JP felt very alike... did'nt considered much the "power level" side Guess one more reason to consider ED/NS doing it a more desirable and meaningful outcome
  23. Idk to me feels strange after Nayshall Arena events Capcom insist with Yua saying this after you tell her he's dead In particular "the worst thing in the world could happen to him, and he'd still find a way to come back" line feel like hard anime foreshadowing to me lol Also the fact you can't offer her a proof to give her at least some closure (like at least a funeral) make me guess the body somehow has gone missing, yet we know it was'nt completely destroyed by the explosion, as was basicallys still completely "intact", only darkened a with smoke steaming out of it As for who could have the means, i think we have a clear candidate: Ed. Let's say NS recovered the body and Ed at some point of his SF6 story arc split from JP (likely realizing he tricked him and his friends with fake promises into work for him) and JP is defeated for good, a potential way good-guy-Ed could repair some of the damage they did to Nayshall would be use NS resources to get Bosch back and fullfill Yua's dream, with her brother making Nayshall a better place Another possibility is that body was'nt taken by NS members (who had reason to be there), but by Illuminati... we all seen the strange coincidence of Nayshall Arena having Gill's colors after all. Maybe NS messed up a country wich was already under Illuminati influence and they may want to get it back ASF style, pulling a ZombieNash2.0 with Bosch But tbh would much prefer first theory (Ed/NS redemption), as beside will like to avoid the repetition of Nash/Illuminati thing, i believe Ed and friends fixing the damage they did under JP's guide would be cooler story development
  24. Pencak Silat thing* was half joke lol (half because i would still take PS over made up generic style) Btw don't believe he's dead dead, this is SF So i think we will see him again, maybe even as main cast new char (mostly because -i may be wrong but- as body he seem only NPC who's not been built as "a NPC" using SF6 editor tool as base) Iirc we also have a line from Yua (his sister) who refuse to believe he's dead... of course is normal thing to say for a young girl who just lost her brother, but you know how that shit goes in anime lol *give us SFV malaysian female Pencak Silat concept pls I know, said myself canon wise he's from Nayshall lol And to add even more mess to make up the "Nayshall" culture as clothes capcom also used visual links to Bhutan... and on general Nayshall people as a whole dress lot like Bhutan, just scrolling these images you'll find lot familiar (due WTM Nayshall) stuff Bosch attire on particular have some details straight from there definitely, pretty sure back to SF6 launch posted the pics But still found interesting that both name and surname have potential link to Indonesia (wich does'nt mean in any way Indonesia have any canon relevance, just that devs may have wanted some vibes from there)... even if to be completely honest while one source said it's most common in Indonesia, another said Pakistan One interesting thing is Waraya apparently have some possible meanings in japanese too, and one or more seems particular fitting to Bosch story arc; (copy-pasted) 藁谷- Waraya - 藁 means "straw." Withering - The process of a tree becoming dry and brittle. Draft - A preliminary version of a written document. 谷 means "valley, ravine." Valley - A depression between two mountains. Path - A road or path. Reach a Limit - To reach a point of no return. Nurture - To raise and care for. These three i've put in red feel like describe a lot Bosch's WTM run Guess they liked the idea of pick surname that have a fitting meaning for them japanese but can work also as "different part of Asia" for that confused concept that is Nayshall That's tricky Despite having his own personal stance since first time we meet him, we see Bosch showcasing his unique fightstyle only after he got infused with Psycho Power And that fight style does'nt resemble the one used by any other nayshallese fighter we seen, interesting thing is only other char to share it, Fou-Lu* does'nt seem to be nayshallese (he's actually another BoF NPC "guest") So far make it kinda hint that Bosch may have learned these techniques at same Neo Shadaloo place where he got infused with Psycho Power This based on ingame events, but going bit by logic we can assume his PP style is a fusion of his previous martial art knowledge with the new powers... so some of the elbows/shoulder/kick strikes we see may indeed come from what he already knew and be stuff he used to do before the MC MMA training under Luke Another thing to suggest Bosch could have been already decent (not great as we see in WTM) in some Nayshall traditional martial art is that his red robe as chara design seems to identify him as martial art monk Btw would like get a non-PP version of him, even if we will ever get him 99% will keep PP lol *Fou-Lu is another SF6 NPC who got named after BoF character, wich share also same look Fun thing after defeating him in SF6 Fou-Lu will tell us we will meet again and we will see his "complete form" or something like that... this made some (myself included) speculate about potential future WTM development, but may just be a reference to BoF character lore, who concept wise is literally half of what should be as he's been summoned in a wrong way and he's an incomplete entity who wish to merge with his other half (game protagonist) to reach his complete form and wreck shit Wonder if they plan to keep play on that and make us fight him again in future lol Nice detail, even the place (at night time) where we can fight WTM Fou-Lu remind also the one where BoF Fou-Lu awaken in very first scene of this vid
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