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Everything posted by CESTUS III

  1. They may be for sure more qualified at handle some situation involving western/american chars in a way that western audience can find less awkward, but still i don't trust them because they take liberties when handling canon stuff Not necessary same people of course, but SF past had cases where western side changed shit from jap source material
  2. You know maybe is me having no reason to pick english (it's not my language), and that since SF is a japanese game i like it to keep this identity as much as possible, i will ever tend to consider jap as the original thing and eng as a marketing need End up i tend to pick english only for these specific characters (example in SF6 Guile, Luke or Cammy) where i feel pick english is "justified" as it add something to the characterization/context of the fighter, or where a performance managed to stuck in my head (JP, but tbh i did'nt gave much attention to his jap voice as i played whole WTM in eng before diacover the switch lol) Plus eng throw me out of anime vibes SF should have, there's something that american dubbers imho seem to miss most or times as if they don't understand (i know it's not the case, i'm trying to explain the vibes i get) how the character is supposed to sound in creators mind and they fill that void with their personal interpretation. To don't be unfair, i realize this is also part of a work of adaptation to a different audience wich make it even a desiderable thing (wich maybe is even encouraged by who pay), but still not for me But then you have chars where pick eng is really a plus, as can't beat it to make vet american soldier Guile or jokeful american dudebro Luke, so i'm very happy you teached me how to use selective switch 👍
  3. Wonder what they can do to help Zangoef too, seems lowest in most tier lists Never liked Banishing Flat because looks retarded though, would like if they find way to help Gief without it lol
  4. I have zero awareness of what would help him at high levels of play, but just for the fun i would like -Denjin to boost shoryuken too (without this giving devs excuse to nerf normal srk lol) -Denjin to level up after some uses kinda like Manon's throw, like after x times become permanent or gain different more powerful effect (maybe hado +2hits, hasho armor, srk becoming even more damaging with mini-shinsrk animation like it was SFV EXsrk) -Maybe it being special cancellable into hado/hasho/srk? Not sure all this would help him much at high level considering seems lot chars have lot of better stuff without need any build up, but would love it, beside get new stuff to play with i would like the concept Ryu have to work hard/struggle but then become powerful af... as now seem the work hard/struggle have no reward beside being called honest lmao
  5. Thanks, do you rember where? Iirc i found in some menu the switch to pick japanese or english for whole cast But did'nt found way to pick it selectively char by char
  6. By comparision was'nt like best Ryu did'nt made even top100? Shoto shit needs to be balanced hard lol
  7. Tbh set Gouki on english should be ruled as crime Actually i miss option in SF6 (or anyway i did'nt seen it) to set some chars in english and somebody in japanese In SFV english worked very well for some, like Guile, Nash or Rog/boxer But on general would keep jap for most Iirc i got everybody jap in SF6, but would like set some chars in english (Luke, Guile and JP in particular)
  8. This ☝️ Have her in > have her loved Honda is'nt loved and people cried over him getting a SF6 slot, but still he's in SF6 and they can suck a dick Hope same is for her, would have been in S1 (or start cast) if was up to me As for a healing super, following SF6 logic it can be done as Lv2, just with limitations to be less strong mechanic.. Like could be done with health returning in the form of grey-health, so even small strike will instant stop the healing Love the gimmick she could cure somebody else too, would like it even just as special taunt that give opponent minimal amount of health back, like the damage of a MP or MK lol
  9. Alpha had awesome art style Alpha did'nt gave much fucks about muh martial arts though, added nothing new on that side and even took to wait up to A3 to see boxing and sumo 3 and 4 did more for me in terms of new additions, even if A3 cast > SF3
  10. Still best cast ❤️ From SFV full cast would miss Urien, Laura, Menat and Kolin. Plus the chance to see Gill and Bison clash But still, SF4 love for martial arts is life
  11. Joke aside SF4 had the best cast i seen in a SF game Despite shitboss Seth and gimmick suit C.Viper, think was the one that tried the hardest to rep the "martial arts world" thing, and i loved that SF6 had decent start but LOT of shit still to cover with DLC, and S1 suck dicks at that Hope next season will make me feel cast is complete, SFV took years... well at least this time game started with Honda already in lol
  12. wish could vote lol, but can't access the game That's tricky, Bison is of course best Boss in the sense he got developed the most... he got everything: multiple chapters dedicated to him, lore ties, sub-bosses, locations, the role in fucking SF2, anime/manga etc Everybody else barely got anything lol Would vote somebody else because last thing capcom need is to be encouraged into more Bison spamming to play safe Would probably vote Gill, he's designed to be superior fighter, greater scale threat and so his org has been portrayed to be larger scale of influence than Shadaloo. His whole SF3 arc felt like foreplay, as if they was expecting to follow up soon after with a SF4 made by them that never happened. SFV did baby steps to set him straight leaving behind the "i lose on purpose uhuh" bullshit, and started use him as the powerhouse he's supposed to be, going through Urien and G Hope we will finally see something great scale for him Necalli could have been great if they had the balls to let him take over and fullfill his Kars potential, making him scariest shit heroes ever faced But Capcom burnt him beyond repair imho Curious to see if Lily thing will evolve into anything G can still be saved and he's a likeable char, i just have hard time consider him greater villain than Gill, but i like his believe to do right thing madness Seth was a failure, even attempts to waifu him don't save shit Good idea at start(concept phase), died as soon touched the game Sagat is my favourite character of all them and first i would like get in SF6 (still no muay thai you fucks), but don't consider him Boss Worked for small world of SF1, wwould not work today Wish they will make him honourable rival of Ryu able to offer a competitive fight, i liked it in SF4 and SFV(intro) JP is cool af and could have been great if they dared make him equal to Bison (they had canon elements for it too), but they was scared of touch the status quo and made him a small ceiling char... original/interesting take, but still He's cool and written very well, kinda sad they denied him the chance to rival other big baddies Even the big hype Ken thing lost lot of fuel now that we know bunch of chars likely beat JP Too bad, really liked him, was great chance to bring forward psycho power threat without rely on endless Bison recycle
  13. Yeah iirc the direct similarity goes even more backward, even to SF1 and FF sprites 😁 Fun detail during current fight pass is possible to unlock what is supposed to be Joe's SF1 intro jacket (even if look bit different) where he smash the wall Personally i completed the free version till C.Viper glasses at lv20, but the prizes did'nt felt worth the fight coins price
  14. Cody would work well, but tbh i just love how Deejay style works on my Joe CC It give him kickboxing stuff, a smile on his face (like in some Joe artworks) and Deejay's qcf+K works well for Joe SF1 special kick I'm not at home for two qeeks but iirc specials i gave him were Deejay qcf+K Deejay qcb+P Deejay charge d,u+K Ken srk+K Supers Deejay Lv1 Luke Lv2 Guile Lv3 Usually i try give CC moveset as much variety (of characters) as possible, but in Joe's case lot of times best pick felt Deejay's stuff One thing i noticed is Capcom despite having even more freedom than us very rarely use for NPCs moves from different characters, usually they go lazy ass both in appearance and moveset, picking one single char style and calling it a day Azam at least mixed Zangief and Rashid + exclusive stuff, but he's rare if not unique case
  15. These are nice lol
  16. That would be a good alt Still pissed they did't released third for everyone already lol
  17. Canon wise no, beside the fact we can assume being a Secret Society experiment good chances she got an element (like Kolin) or maybe an element AND something else too in terms of body modification + chip (like Necro)* Being part of same experiment group of Necro (G-project), would find more coherent the latter. Would fit also the difference between Kolin who's treated with "respect" and just received a gift without deform her body, and Necro who have been turned into a freak (Effie having very very pale skin/dark eyebags/unhealty look may be result of her body modification) Capcom SFV CRI profile had her with a chainshaw, not sure if they plan to keep that going on or if they was just rolling with Kiki's artwork Keep in mind lot of Kiki stuff was ignored even in SFV itself, so who knows Udon got her having the ability to modify her weight/density up and down at will (kinda like One Piece's Miss Valentine), but that was back when udon had zero direct power on canon *personally as element would like her having water in the form of mist/vapor, could be used to make her a ghost-like form and tricks wich would fit her kinda pale goth style features while having a "grounded" explanation that fit SF world 👻
  18. Yeah but was wondering if/wich special power she will get She got experimented on just like Necro iirc, so she's supposed to have unique abilities too
  19. Wonder if rhey will bother give her an unique power or if they will make her generic NPC
  20. Now that you make me think about it, a realistic take can be watch at previous collabs Sadly none of these interest me in the slightest lol On bright side recent history also have
  21. Was thinking, with the TMNT update we meet Yuriko wich tell us this is only the first of many planned collaborations Wich collaborations you guys would be willing to spend money on? Would need to be something really cool to make me ignore the scam prices To me is SNK -> specially if Fatal Fury characters. Would ever welcome Terry, Joe or Geese as guests ARIKA -> for SFEX, furthermore now that SFV made their characters canon (i already made V.Rosso, Allen, Darun, Pullum, D.Dark, C.Jack) NAMCO -> Tekken of course, but would depend a lot wich char get picked BAKI -> even if they would need to be VERY good as are pretty simple characters and when we finally get locked contents i will be able to recreate them well ingame myself lol and one awkward that will appreciate more than any else and will NOT count as collaboration STREET FIGHTER -> yes, would pay to get pieces for characters that they know already will not return in SF6. It's something they would have done ingame if they was more fan-friendly, but it is what it ispack I expect we will get also Capcom stuff, like the Resident Evil pack, the Monster Hunter pack and stuff like that (from these i would like Final Fight, Rival Schools, CFAS, Darkstalkers) Anybody thinking to say "Mortal Kombat", please, have some self respect and don't do it lol
  22. He have Zangief style as base, one Rashid special and an unique special throw that look awesome
  23. Random af, but just discovered you can fight Azam to win his monocle item Nayshall arena entrance, day time Requirement for the challenge is'nt even hard, iirc was just big damage combo (most lv3 supers will do the trick)
  24. Tbh i was'nt expecting much plot from Rashid If anything i got more than expected with the thing Shadaloo remnants are stalking him, but that's about it I was also hoping to get bit more Azam, see him fight and story cofirmation of him training Rashid We got to see him fight, and the confirmation he can use wind powers too and that he's indeed who teached Rashid to fight (before Rashid learned parkour on his own to complete his current style) Overall i'm satisfied with Rashid DLC It's true did'nt pushed main big plot, but i expect very few characters will do it I think AKI will offer a window on what it's left of Shadaloo world under FANG, but even there will imho just be bit foreplay waiting the big events (maybe in Season 2?) Ed will offer us the whole NeoShadaloo thing, i'm very curious about it and hope they will not go lazy, with all the freaks they got will be a treasure for new characters... would love be able to fight at least Falke, Knife and Gorilla Overall it's an interesting faction, because while will not necessary become main villain material they can help crazy shit happen From Akuma expect usual Akuma shit He will likely not do anything for general story, but just push forward his and Ryu personal sub-plot, wonder if Gouken will be involved Only thing i'm curious about that is get more info about Sf4 fight with Gouken and SF3 Oro Beside that i don't expect much more, i doubt SF6 will be the game where Ryu defeat him and we get rid of his ass (at least as baddest guy title) Bison, Gill or maybe G DLCs is where i would expect possible big push of main plot, anybody else imho will just jump in and enrich what we currently have... wich is ok to me, would prefer chars that help cast variety like Sagat, Dudley, Elena etc over any big Boss shit Hope Season 2 will have 6 chars, because current 4 deal sucks hard Rashid was welcome, but for me that interest on AKI is zero next interesting update is like January
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