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Everything posted by CESTUS III

  1. Yeah AKI will bring some plot, specially FANG trying to resurrect Shadaloo But i'm more interested in Ed DLC, even if is so damn far lol
  2. Was thinking about items AKI getting China Stage as location mean she will have her Merchant Guess we will get china-themed stuff, like the fake "Chu Li" dress and...? Must take a trip to WTM chinatown, not sure there's anything else we're currently missing, so maybe is new stuff EDIT: we still don't have the Bao Bao guy suit to complete his costume, we just have the head Mean also that with two stages still to see in S1 (included in Ultimate edition) Ed will likely get his own stage/merchant and guess we will get some military stuff? Guile stage show NPCs having camo pants, wich at the moment we can't buy But hope Ed may mean also get some "combat sports" theme stuff, last Nayshall tournament for example showed there are 2 types of unreleased food protections Akuma will likely get his own stage/merchant too, and i fear i will have to wait till that day to finally get basic Karate/Thai hand stripes Seen some chars wearing brown praying beads too, guess we will get also these On general can't wait to see normal shops/merchants expansion, easy example there are 3 different gladiator sets and in Coliseum we can buy almost nothing
  3. Idk dude, marketing guys do big gambles (usually based on anti-consumer greed lol) and often lose too Only because the model exist within some areas of videogame world, does'nt mean is automatically going to work on every game player base This does'nt mean i believe you and i are smarter than them, just that gaming history and other stuff (think big movies/series bombing hard) show these slimy shits have far from 100% win ratio lol While i admit it's just narrow perspective, what i see in battle hub give me the impression large majority of people that would be the target audience for that is not buying shit In last 24h i think i seen like 2-3 TMNT, wich at current scam price of 15$ each is a grand total of 30-45$ in a sea of people wearing mostly free 0$ items or few dollar stuff If they made these like 5$ each and all four at bundle price of 15$, i'm pretty sure you will see LOT more around Personally i love editor stuff (as semi-casual mostly love the thing i can recreate SF characters that did'nt made it to SF6), would have bought fuckton of it if quality/price was there Bought just some, and i will give zero fucks at pay much more, but price is holding me back not for the $$$ itself but because what they offer is blatantly not worth the price Plus you have other hints they're handling it brainless Marketing wise whole current avatar thing make no sense if you want to push most of your DLC $$$ there, simple stuff that allow to use it elsewhere in Fighting Ground (I'm thinking Arcade, local VS, non-ranked VS online) whould have given huge incentive for people to buy items, but just to use it in WTM and shit BH stage vs random people make it waaay less appealing under consumer pov, and tbh while Capcom it's at their first experience at it, the smart nerds we speak about had more than a decade of Soul Calibur to copy to boost DLC sales lol
  4. Thing is even if you want that, still you need Capcom to be on less retarded scam mood, because current prices make most people simply not buy shit Back to SFV fuckton of people were showing off last DLC stuff, go to SF6 battle hub and see 90% of people use only free items
  5. Seems people talking out of their ass without knowing shit... i don't know much about Nickelodeon, but seems perfectly in line with absurd prices Capcom is putting on SF6 avatar-related DLCs
  6. Lol they got Yuriko Hibiki working in the collaboration shop (like current TMNT one)
  7. Quick update Just did out of curiosity, indeed the japanese version say stuff completely omitted in western version Used google translate, so may be rough translation, but still it's pretty clear english version cut a piece about AKI's age English "Upon hearing the voice, F.A.N.G stopped. A young woman stood in a small, dark corner of one of the city streets. Similar to an assassin, she was a worker in one of the other oldest trades in human history. It was a scene familiar throughout the world - though it was illegal, it was not rare to see such women using the streets for their trade. " Japanese translated (with google tool) "The man stops." A woman was standing at the entrance of a narrow side street, shaded by a streetlight. Along with assassin, it is the oldest occupation of humankind. A sight anywhere in the world. Despite being completely prohibited by the laws of this country, the appearance of a woman who is looking forward to spring is not so rare. But she was too young to be called a woman. English translation stops at generic "young woman", but original Japanese version straight contradict it, mentioning AKI back then was "too young to be called woman" aka underage English version seems also to paint a generic prostitution on general ("such women") being illegal Japanese version seems to point more directly at the fact is "completely pohibited" for underage girls (if i'm interpreting correctly "woman who is looking forward to spring" being related to age) to do the old job To be completely fair we could take in consideration it's not an 1:1 traslation, as it's basically same story written differently in many parts, but pretty clear why western version chosen to skip that line completely
  8. Tricky part on her moral portrait is the she was a normal good girl till 15yo, when Shadaloo destroyed her life Essentially her evilness did'nt developed naturally as part of her character, is the result of a trauma... she would have probably never became a villain if was'nt for Shadaloo To me the most revealing gesture was her helping Cammy (another victim of Bison) in ASF, she keep pretend to do it for "amusement" but that's because she's a broken toy that can't even admit to do a good deed She's bothered by Chun, because Chun gone through same shit but managed to return having a good life, something that for now Juri seems still unable to achieve Guess at some point they will write a slow gradual redemption for her Imho she's already changing a bit, she talks the same about kill this murder that, but actions tell otherwise I think SF4 Juri would have murdered our avatar for the lulz when she took Bosch in London, now she just accepted Bosch request to don't harm our avatar (despite the fact they just attacked her 2v1 and lost) Bosch there had zero negotiation position, yet she accept and spare us... not even knock us unconscious, just left us there unharmed as Bosch asked AKI on the other side, is another toy broken by life (guess was even underage when was poor and working as scam fake-prostitute*), but in compared to Juri, feels like she still mean "murder" when she say the word lol Wonder if Juri and AKI will interact, i find it likely specially considering both made they SF6 debut in Nayshall streets I find possible that interaction with AKI may be a way for writers to start Juri's redemption *side-story call her "woman" (wonder what the original japanese version say) at the moment she meet FANG to be completely fair, but tbh feels like "Lily's being 19yo" lol, they know west go histerical at mention underage girl in any sexual-related theme One thing that make me think AKI was supposed to be very young (despite the fact that x years later she still looks very young) is that as image they chosen to tribute Leon sure FANG is tall af and even adult woman would look little girl next to him, but still if the movie wink had a meaning (beside the easy assassin taking gurl under his wing analogy) the very young age of the girl was a factor too Plus the guy trying to blackmail FANG, feels like the untold big deal is her age rather than just the prostitution thing, story of course mention that it's illegal but still
  9. Think was some post i did with bunch of pics, both crane and snake are related in kung fu imagery 😁 But my point was that FANG design wise PRETEND to be a crane as a disguise (with some bird-like gimmicks too see the flying CA), while being a snake whole time Used the crane wing (the big sleeve) to hide his snake poisonous fangs (the hand inside it) On other side AKI is just straight snake, her design goes straight to it and her artificial claws are fully exposed Cool to think FANG had 2 "animals themes", who if not him lol
  10. Guess they're also building up new trio for future lol ???-Ryu, Mel-Ken, Li Fen-Chun Li Li Fen and Mel designs feels already kinda complementary lol
  11. AKI surprised me pleasantly I love they did'nt gave her just hot anime girl with white hair, but pushed her aesthetic into albino look with eyebrows and eyelashes... make clear how the FANG poison training put huge stress on her body (getting The Witcher vibes lol), plus that psycho smiling face at 0:41 lol It's nice design detail that while surely she got lot of that poison during her training, she still did'nt had to go through same shit FANG did... her hands did'nt got "mutated", and seems rather than be able to produce poison with her body these little chains on her forearms are soak in it and send it to her artificial claws (wonder if this mean unlike Fang her poison may not be infinite?)... guess either FANG did'nt want to ruin her hands look (he have to conceal his own hands with sleeves) or he invented these metal "gloves" to compensate the fact she did'nt got same amount of years he got to train the poison hand (let alone she may not survive it, survival rate was said to be very tiny) I like also her facial features feeling very chinese, and also her ultra slender builtwith long neck and fluid movements (combined with reptile scales dress) giving her a snake look Could care less about her because would have needed that slot for 99 other things, but i have to admit she's very very well done for what it is Only super small thing that bother me about her is they could have done it without histerical bitch laugh, we got Juri to cover that, would have much prefered her to be just a whispering psychopathic... the part when she explain how poison is going to fuck you up was nice
  12. AKI surprised me pleasantly I love they did'nt gave her just hot anime girl with white hair, but pushed her aesthetic into albino look with eyebrows and eyelashes... make clear how the FANG poison training put huge stress on her body (getting The Witcher vibes lol), plus that psycho smiling face at 0:41 lol It's nice design detail that while surely she got lot of that poison during her training, she still did'nt had to go through same shit FANG did... her hands did'nt got "mutated", and seems rather than be able to produce poison with her body these little chains on her forearms are soak in it and send it to her artificial claws (wonder if this mean unlike Fang her poison may not be infinite?)... guess either FANG did'nt want to ruin her hands look (he have to conceal his own hands with sleeves) or he invented these metal "gloves" to compensate the fact she did'nt got same amount of years he got to train the poison hand (let alone she may not survive it, survival rate was said to be very tiny) I like also her facial features feeling very chinese, and also her ultra slender builtwith long neck and fluid movements (combined with reptile scales dress) giving her a snake look Could care less about her because would have needed that slot for 99 other things, but i have to admit she's very very well done for what it is Only super small thing that bother me about her is they could have done it without histerical bitch laugh, we got Juri to cover that, would have much prefered her to be just a whispering psychopathic... the part when she explain how poison is going to fuck you up was nice
  13. you're right, that must be the memory i had we knew FANG did'nt died in the furnace 👍
  14. Don't remember how, but i thought we knew FANG was alive after ASF Maybe was the side story, i think him taking AKI under his wing is supposed to happen after Shadaloo end He also looks different than he does in Shadaloo and Nguhao days, would say definitely older too Also one typical trait of FANG is survive Survived the poison training Survived the massacre of Nguhao Survived the fall in ASF? We seen him fall, but as ridicolous it is we know he have the ability to fly for short distances using sleeves
  15. As expected AKI is stalking Rashid Cool to see Dan getting a draw with Rashid lol
  16. My 2cents GUILE: While will never beat Nostalgia design (wich is only i use currently) would have prefered this as defeault "new look" over the shit he got in SF6, pretty good. 8/10 MARISA: Idk i completely missed the Marisa hype train so i don't have that great attachment to this design becoming reality, but overall i dig it, the imagery will feel like fighting an ancient goddess statue that became alive, i will wait to see if they can nail it ingame 7/10 JURI: Lol when i seen this first time weeks ago in that vid i thought would be Li Fen alt if she ever become playable lol. It's not bad (is even fun they thought to use loose pants cloth to alter silhuette between legs when she kicks) retty typical Juri kind of alt, guess does'nt accomplish much beyond please bit of fetish, wich is usually what Juri alts are about lol. Still wish one day i will get the SF4 Taekwondoo sketch 6/10 DEEJAY: Pretty good, this will look awesome during his Lv3 in particular, very fitting in style and offering something very different As we speak sure will buy Guile and maybe Deejay. Waiting to see Marisa final result PS: hate this 4 costumes bullshit, wish they just release 3rd alt for all, like was for Battle Costume in SFV Of sketches we seen i'm waiting Nayshall JP and Holyday Honda, will sure buy these Need a lot Ryu beardless alt that does'nt suck like nostalgia crap one lol
  17. These are mostly good, wish we got more than 4, post-release content is poor (and over-priced) so far
  18. I think the truth may be in the middle... my guess is his soul indeed survive in the ether, maybe not even needing to return home, but he can do this because his original body is still alive and only thing destroyed is a temporary artificial shell (the "Bison bodies" we seen in games), the real Bison is still somewhere projecting his soul/ki and looking for new body to parasite with it Kinda like (Ryu does same with a part of his soul in SFV, causing Kage to appear in fighters mind) It's interesting he seems to need have planted Psycho Power in advance to use somebody as host later, is as if he turn people into living "radio receiver" Like (copy paste from wikipedia lol) "Radio waves are generated artificially by an electronic device called a transmitter, which is connected to an antenna which radiates the waves.They are received by another antenna connected to a radio receiver, which processes the received signal." Let's take for a moment Bison's gimmick works like that, his original body is the transmitter, everything else are just radio receivers... but to keep the trasmission going on original body should be alive, otherwise the transmission would interrupt as soon the shell body is destroyed 😁 But interesting part is in SF4 prologue Bison accept to be imprisoned in the shell body while it's still closed in the lab growth capsule, and he's even so frustrated by that that push his scientists to release it earlier Make me think if he still have an original body to live in must be in such miserable conditions that he can't do anything with it, otherwise would have likely lived decent life in original body waiting the SF4 shell to be ready to be "piloted" Now that you make me think about it, i'm curious to know in case he will find a perfect host and successfully parasite it, if he will still be forced to keep alive his own original body hidden somewhere attached to machines, or if he know some method to do a full 100% transition and keep exist beyond his original body death
  19. As shameless Akuma hater i would like if that many people smoked him, but sadly is'nt the case When younger Gouken indeed defeated clean Gouki first time, Gouki fucked him up in the rematch and after years Gouken "won" the third by using Mu no Ken, but we have no idea if he actually beated him up or just successfully defended himself using MnK as shield... we do know that right after the match Gouki was'nt injuried but accepted defeat (as he could not harm Gouken as long he got MnK) and left Beside first, follow up become them one-oup each other with a new technique: Gouki with SGS in SF2, Gouken with MnK in SF4, Gouki is working on new one in SFV (to pierce through MnK)... my fear is ultimately Gouki will manage to kill Gouken as set up for Ryu vs Gouki Gen was able to give him competitive fight but Gouki left when realized Gen, who was sick of leukemia, would not be able to fight 100% (implied Gouki would have likely won, but the disease interfering with the outcome would have not made it a "pure victory") Oro an Gouki both agreed to interrupt the fight as some sort of draw, as they both realized the outcome of the fight would have been mutual destruction BONUS: We may have Garuda making Akuma literally escape with tail between legs, but being SFEX events from there are not canon in actual SF main chapters story, even if at this point the characters themselves are canon to exist (Darun being canonized in SFV) So we have Garuda likely to exist somewhere in SF world, but we can't know if in a re-written SF fight they would give it same outcome of SFEX
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