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Everything posted by CESTUS III

  1. These are mostly good, wish we got more than 4, post-release content is poor (and over-priced) so far
  2. I think the truth may be in the middle... my guess is his soul indeed survive in the ether, maybe not even needing to return home, but he can do this because his original body is still alive and only thing destroyed is a temporary artificial shell (the "Bison bodies" we seen in games), the real Bison is still somewhere projecting his soul/ki and looking for new body to parasite with it Kinda like (Ryu does same with a part of his soul in SFV, causing Kage to appear in fighters mind) It's interesting he seems to need have planted Psycho Power in advance to use somebody as host later, is as if he turn people into living "radio receiver" Like (copy paste from wikipedia lol) "Radio waves are generated artificially by an electronic device called a transmitter, which is connected to an antenna which radiates the waves.They are received by another antenna connected to a radio receiver, which processes the received signal." Let's take for a moment Bison's gimmick works like that, his original body is the transmitter, everything else are just radio receivers... but to keep the trasmission going on original body should be alive, otherwise the transmission would interrupt as soon the shell body is destroyed 😁 But interesting part is in SF4 prologue Bison accept to be imprisoned in the shell body while it's still closed in the lab growth capsule, and he's even so frustrated by that that push his scientists to release it earlier Make me think if he still have an original body to live in must be in such miserable conditions that he can't do anything with it, otherwise would have likely lived decent life in original body waiting the SF4 shell to be ready to be "piloted" Now that you make me think about it, i'm curious to know in case he will find a perfect host and successfully parasite it, if he will still be forced to keep alive his own original body hidden somewhere attached to machines, or if he know some method to do a full 100% transition and keep exist beyond his original body death
  3. As shameless Akuma hater i would like if that many people smoked him, but sadly is'nt the case When younger Gouken indeed defeated clean Gouki first time, Gouki fucked him up in the rematch and after years Gouken "won" the third by using Mu no Ken, but we have no idea if he actually beated him up or just successfully defended himself using MnK as shield... we do know that right after the match Gouki was'nt injuried but accepted defeat (as he could not harm Gouken as long he got MnK) and left Beside first, follow up become them one-oup each other with a new technique: Gouki with SGS in SF2, Gouken with MnK in SF4, Gouki is working on new one in SFV (to pierce through MnK)... my fear is ultimately Gouki will manage to kill Gouken as set up for Ryu vs Gouki Gen was able to give him competitive fight but Gouki left when realized Gen, who was sick of leukemia, would not be able to fight 100% (implied Gouki would have likely won, but the disease interfering with the outcome would have not made it a "pure victory") Oro an Gouki both agreed to interrupt the fight as some sort of draw, as they both realized the outcome of the fight would have been mutual destruction BONUS: We may have Garuda making Akuma literally escape with tail between legs, but being SFEX events from there are not canon in actual SF main chapters story, even if at this point the characters themselves are canon to exist (Darun being canonized in SFV) So we have Garuda likely to exist somewhere in SF world, but we can't know if in a re-written SF fight they would give it same outcome of SFEX
  4. Considering he's supposed to be old as fuck and does'nt trust his own body as fitting to be used for fighting, more likely
  5. Tbh both can be true EH is surely chasing these outrage clicks, but devs words don't seem to contradict much how SF6 interface by design seems to encourage people toward Modern over Classic
  6. Thought we are far from her release (mid october was my guess) full reveal would be bit awkward... maybe a teaser? But tbh we seen more bizzarre stuff lol, they may just throw a trailer for th lullz of generate hype at big event
  7. The bad part to me is that the head of the project seems to give no fucks about classic having modern as priority Modern there was never in doubt, classic could have been
  8. Idk about america, but here in europe (Daemos is french) it's full holydays period, maybe he's on travel and want take a break from the forum for a bit
  9. Also how talk about some in the team being "old players" as if he's distancing himself from them Another from different interview Director Nakayama: We might be quite unique in that regard. A producer and director being so friendly with each other, and on top of that, Matsumoto really loves Street Fighter. So we realized in the office that "If it makes Matsumoto happy, it will make our customers happy", and that was our approach for a lot of what we did. Matsumoto loves Street Fighter, what a strange thing lol Idk, every time Nakayama open mouth feels to me he does'nt give fucks about SF legacy
  10. "Nakayama then adds a line about how he and his team could have made modern controls the only option, perhaps implying how numerous the more casual fan base is. This statement paired with a follow up from Matsumoto makes for a sentiment that may make classic control diehards a bit nervous for the future of the franchise. Director Nakayamaa: To put it bluntly, we could've just made the game without Classic Controls at all if we wanted to. But that would have forced this ideal upon all of the legacy fans and caused a lot of problems that way instead. On the development staff we actually have a lot of 'old players', and a lot of them said 'I don't like you calling it Classic Controls!'. So we figured we'd just have it all in there and let the players settle it in matches which is better."
  11. Lmao at Nakayama saying he could have done SF6 modern only So much respect for fans that keept SF alive
  12. Damn, you're right 😮 Iirc you said also SF4 Abel one comes from there Capcom seems to love it a lot lol, also in SF6 we got another spinning throw used by big body NPCs and i think maybe also Zangief Lv3 add it on ultimate version he does'nt spin himself, but make you spin 😁
  13. Speaking of items, the new Nayshall tournament shows even more how much Capcom is holding back on give us access to very basic pieces LOT of the NPCs had unique cool parts or color schemes we can't create
  14. Azam special throw is awesome, make me wish we could give our avatars also NPC exclusive specials Example Azam one would be awesome on Abel (and even more the spinning "judo" throw some NPC do) Btw as creation mode bro, i suggest you (if you're not doing it already) to grind the infinite Haggar Stadium tournaments, you can find super rare items or even get multiple copies of ones that going through normal missions could only be x1 Example Bosch sister in main story gift you her red-blue necklace (x1), now you can get more thanks to the tournament I'm hoping some of the bullshit exclusions (like example muay thai/karate white hand stripes the fake Sagat and many NPC wear) will be fixed coming as tournament rewards
  15. Completed everything about Rashid, bunch of stuff -Remnants of Shadaloo are stalking Rashid, guess it's FANG holding personal grudge and we will know more when AKI release (maybe her mission will be stalk/kill Rashid?) -There's somebody else that somehow have same face as Rashid, proof is that Rashid accidentally entered a room where the facial recognition device allowed him in. Wonder if may be an operation similar to when JP made that vid with Ken saying evil shit... maybe rather than edited video there's somebody that copy characters appearance (like Eleven could) -Rashid can't say 50 words without mention "i saved the world" -Now that i seen how they done it, i'm not sure in ancient times there was a dude literally looking like Gill... just like Rashid and Azam appearance was used as metaphor to show us the arabian faction as same people/bloodlines, Gill look could have been dropped there in same way just to declare the other faction were SS ancestors
  16. Yeah to the latter 👍 But about Gill and Urien being "put in their place in terms of both combat " i will indeed like it, but not before they actually had time to shine as villains, neither ever truly did Gill SF3 run felt like foreplay of something more epic that never happened (because SF gone missing right after SF3), Urien ever been just the guy on the side of the scene with angry face lol I mean i'm all in favor of big Bosses get their ass wrecked, so they can leave space on top of the mountain to new bosses (instead recycle ssame big baddies over and over), something Capcom seems terrified of (they prefer sacrifice new villains giving them no chance to fly) , but in Gill case i want first see him go full out openly evil, massacre opponents, seem invicible dropping dat Seraphic Wing on somebody (despite being one of the greatest show-off of power in SF, canon wise it's never mentioned as if he never used it in a canon fight)... then yes, underdog hero beated up close to death does that shonen desperation attack and defeat Gill saving the day But so far we're far from this Bison had fuckton of screentime doing his big plans shit (lot of losses to, but still lot of shining) Akuma is a shit character and still get nothing but hype moments (with only lowest point during SF timeline a "loss" off screen with Gouken wich is unclear how's gone and we don't see him get beaten up) Even discount filler villain Seth had full development in SF4. Then was disposed by Capcom as trash to feed Bison legacy, but that was AFTER he had time to actually rise and fall vs hero Ryu Gill and Urien never had it much, despite Gill (and SS) by design being supposed to be super big deal SF3 -Gill had only his mysterious loss to Alex (who in theory should be well below him*) and we know he take losses on purpose, we seen it vs Urien and later will even claim to do it often in one SFV w quote. Rest is Mr.NiceGuy sportmanship shit -Urien get a confirmed fake W and have some kind of "amusement fight" losing to fucking Chun of all people SFV -Gill get two quality Ws vs Urien and G, but have not much relevance story wise, felt kinda side-events -Urien lose only serious fight vs his brother (wich is normal, ever thought canon wise Gill>Urien), then beat up weakened Nash and bum Balrog Essentially i agree with you, but only if it happens in one huge big deal arc where he goes all out, proper rise and fall If they want to pull a capcom and throw him under the bus in some irrelevant side arc i prefer them to keep him in current lame narrative limbo of "See that guy? He's super powerful, and one day will do something!" that bring nowhere but at least does'nt compromise the char chances of have a future One thing i would like is at some point Urien going full desperate after the SFV beating and start experimenting straight on himself (Urien is actually confirmed to be pro af at genetic shit, even his scientists are impressed by his theories), surpassing his brother and becoming a fucking big deal Boss On general i would like the idea to have more characters (villains too if possible) able to give Akuma a competitive fight**, because currently Akuma is the ceiling and capcom hold him as neverending blue balls hype, and they already post-poned his last duel beyond the cool moment... Ryu even aged past anime hero age and became a fucking middle age man, we still have to see them ending this crap 🤣 At least we would get credible villains while they struggle with the cowardice of lose Akuma as cashcow (something i doubt will happen over a canon story development, Bison still sell after having lost bunch of fights) *we know in SF3 Oro consider Ryu and Gill to be equal, when Ryu meet Alex it's absolutely an one-side beating ** not that characters that should actually fight him, just being canon implied to be able to do it
  17. Irony is Rashid would have indeed far greater chance at damage Gill using the streaming rather than using the fighting 😆 Like, Rashid playing smart tricking Gill into do/say something evil while being streamed all around the world, would be a very Rashid thing to do and quite effective
  18. I doubt, he may use female body as emergency solution, but he seems to vision himself as male See the bodies he usually use (SF2, SFA, SF4/V) The thing that ever got me curious is that none of the bodies he used had that genetic blond/blue trait, but seem to have recurring traits between each others, being very similar Similar facial structure, similar height (officially just 5cm difference from shortest to tallest), similar body structure even if some had heavier musculature It's like for some reason Bison had that model in mind, but when they play with his -original body- DNA we ever get different chars with the blond/blue thing
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