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Everything posted by CESTUS III

  1. He does "In a conversation with Guile published in the November 1, 2018 issue of "Weekly Famitsu", Ryu tells Guile that he has a fixed address, living a normal life when off, and having enough money to fly. Ryu's house also appears in the Street Fighter ZERO3 Drama Album where Vega calls Ryu to tell him that he’s kidnapped Sakura.[70] It's implied that Ryu lives in Tokyo as it's not only described as being Ryu's hometown but in the Drama CD, Ryu heads to Haneda Yamamoto by foot to confront Vega and other members of Shadaloo.[50]"
  2. I agree, but guess that's how things are now Must be considered chars used even to be essentially "free" in SFV (using fight money), so guess this was where Capcom chosen DLC aesthetics is where charge money But definitely hope SF6 will return to a more reasonable pricing as SFV DLCs were 9 times out 10 i would agree with this TMNT is surely one of these 9 Now, if we speak about SFEX or SNK stuff thing would be different lol
  3. HNK would be cool, Raoh pieces would help make a Bison CC too Considering anime/manga, beside Baki i guess some possibilities are Kengan -> they made a crossover chapter were protagonist dream about fight Ryu One Punch Man -> Yusuke Murata made a SF manga (not sure if some other SH own OPM rights for videogames) JoJo -> huge influence on SF and Capcom made games about it
  4. Good read, but just a little detail, post contain a false thing that fanbase keep push while devs say otherwise: "Those few seconds of film did more to tell the audience what type of person Ryu was than anything else in the movie. He was not a soulless fighting machine. He had sympathy, and understood there were many less fortunate. Even though he was essentially homeless as well, he knew he had his health, and friends to rely on. He made sure to fix his mistake, show some compassion, and leave the poor family with their dignity intact." The idea Ryu is some sort of poor guy that don't have much money because all his life is just do martial arts has been debunked by Capcom, saying through various gimmicks (like jobs that require strenght or even gambling on his own victory) Ryu basically ever have enough money to do shit he need to do. Recently (i think in SF6 WTM) they even gone further and explained thanks to Ken handling his savings, he's even rich probably lol... no much surprise considering he probably won big money through years and wasted none in luxury lol
  5. I hope they went much less retard than they did with TMNT collab, also because i really hope the fact almost nobody seem to have bought that shit (at least based on my BH experience on various servers) could have gave them a reality check Beside having childhood warm memories i don't givenshit about TMNT while i would love spend for the Baki collab... but products they offer must have a price i find reasonable To me it's not much the number they put on that price, is what they offer for it 15€ for a single turtle was retarded, glad they bombed Reasonable would have been 5€ each and 15€ bundle price for all four Would still have not bought it, but would have been reasonable and likely at the end of the day they would have made more money imho. Hopefully was just a very greed retardness test for us as audience lol On other hand i get tons of fun using SF6 editor, i like it as mich as main game. If anything i'm pissed the range of things we can do with our creations (in terma of playable modes and options) is SO limited. Mostly because i think they harm themselves too (as people is less willing to invest money in chars they can't do much with) but they're too stupid to realize it because despite all the dicksucking they got for SF6 nice launch imho we're still dealing with obtuse greedy capcom But have to admit If a piece is overpriced but beyond single brand-char recreation i see it useful for many many creations, then i may spend price bit more stupid Guess will discover soon if i like the offer or not lol
  6. Tbh i love the idea specially because does'nt necessary have much "identity", we can get simple sport/fighting stuff that can fit many concepts Even get just more shorts would help, so far capcom locked 2 out 3 (boxing style and MMA style) of the existing WTM shorts, just because they chosen to put HUGE limits of existing stuff we can actually use Btw i think of main cast only Baki and Jack fight in shorts (Baki with stripes on wrist/ankles that i will like get) Going by most common outfit, picking just main cast fighters Yujiro -> black shirt with rolled sleeves, black pants, kung fu shoes Doppo -> full karate gi with rolled sleeves Goki -> aikido uniform Hanayama -> yakuza suit (or japanese thong) Retsu -> kung fu pants and shoes (think like Fei Long) Katsumi -> full karate gi with rolled sleeves Motobe -> traditional japanese martial art outfit Pickle-> japanese thong Oliva -> various outfits (speedo being most common lol) Sukune -> classic sumo thong, but he also fought some with normal life clothes like beanie, flower shirt and sandals Musashi -> traditional japanese martial art outfit, katana+sheath. One version add stripes and a bandana As much is generic stuff would help me design fighters when SF6 so far throw at me urban crap 90% of times lol
  7. @Sonero gave me excuse to take some PS5 pics... since we recently got the SF6xBaki thing, here Baki stuff i currently did -click for full size-
  8. Sonero gave me excuse to back up my words, here some Baki shit i have 😁 -click for full size- fun detail Goki's fake glass eye is fake here too lol I like lot of stuff she have: Basic moveset may work well on my Gen's Apprentice or malaysian girl Pencak Silat fighter* The bubble stuff may work nice for Menat The "dart/rope" attacks may work for my Zubaz or to simulate Maggio's yoyo if i give it a try There's also a command throw i would like to try on Laura There's even something i would try use on a Necalli if i will ever do one (currently it's not worth it) Cool think even if you don't like a char you can still steal shit from him lol Like Akuma is one of the very last chars i desire in a SF game, yet if he get some original non-shoto stuff to steal will be better than nothing lol *don't remember precise full number but side by side with recreations of main cast wanted to dedicate bunch of slots to make OC based on legit rejected SF concepts... stayed loyal with original sketches some times, went for huge redesign some others 😁 Gave also name to all those that did'nt got one, but should see my save data, don't remember them lol So far iirc i made SF4- King Cobra SFV- Malaysia Pencak Silat woman SFV-Gen's Apprentice SF4- Smalt Raven SF4- Franch judo girly boy (Abel prototype) SFV- Aikido girl Asuka SFV- "civilized" Yeti SFV- Hawaian fire dancer fat girl SF2- Legendary ZUBAZ (already posted pics iirc) There are some more i wish to do, but stopped for a while waiting they release some locked stuff and we get more pieces to work with... currently specially non-urban chars are crippled hard by the selection Capcom allowed us to use. Unlock all Nayshall people (and lot other already existing NPC items) stuff would be already a big step, but wonder how long will take Iirc the fighters side-quest have them all listed on the map when you activate the mission, try check it Only truly tricky i remember was Shen Long, mostly because irrc there's a ladder to climb to the top that appear only after a specific point of your progress through story
  9. Don't remember but most is kinda common stuff i think Here are some item guides around
  10. Moveset looks good, don't care much about the char but lot of cool stuff i can steal for created characters lol
  11. @Sonero Deejay style is mandatory lol Capcomized his proportions a bit, hope you don't mind, dude need it to stand and bang in SF world Click to see full size Face details and formula under spoiler, formula is in italian but you should still be able to use it just follow editor's order of elements If you want go more accurate face wise jaw does'nt need to be that wide, instead 100 go for somewhere in 50-70 range i guess
  12. Thanks! 👍 Cool that they linked somehow Blanka to him, fact we know Oro was in amazon jungle make their meeting feel reasonable/not shoehorned story wise Got also pieces about Ibuki wich seem saving a little girl from being ran over by a truck and a drawing of Necro+UFO+cow (guess somebody seen him and took him for an alien? lol), wich were on same page
  13. Guess -More AKI gameplay -Show the first 4 DLC costumes (Guile, Deejay, Juri and Marisa) with ingame graphic -Possible announcement of Baki collab -Possible announcement of brand mini-collab (now there's one with a snacks brand iirc) -Possible show of new WTM expansion with AKI introduction, they did'nt with Rashid but he did'nt added much -Would love get Ed teaser too, but December is still so far away
  14. Love they gave him gold chain and watch, small chara design detail but sell the idea even without know his story 😁 @Miðgarðsormhave a question over a pic, do you ever translated this? I think it's supposed to tell us about Honda and Blanka during SF3 days, as seem part of same bunch of pics/ministories where we knew about Zangief throwing Pulk Hogen out of the ring with Sean knocking him out, and Rog losing to Alex in a mma tournament Maybe you already this in some old post, but i don't remember anything
  15. Half OT but beside Baki, also Garouden ever by Itagaki have awesome characters Overall i prefer Baki ones, but Bunshichi Tanba may be my Itagaki's fav char ever Imagine be me trying to like Naruto when my fav char was Kiba, who was quickly fucked up and thrown into 3rd/4th tier Naruto teached me the pain of watch a shonen while disliking main char 🤣 Being spoiled af by being a Sagittarius guy and Seiya fan in Saint Seiya did'nt helped either lol
  16. The Baki Experience done right 😁 -Give no fucks about tier 1 Yujiro and Baki shit -Hope to see your 2nd tier favs get some spotlight one day -Pray one day your 3rd tier favs will return and be promoted to 2nd tier -Itagaki will feed you with 5% of what you're asking, but you will still like it
  17. It's bit complex because different anime series cover different periods Here you will find a list of the series and what period each cover That's a question even more tricky than the first The author have 999mental problems and if you stick around enough the story show them all... likely multiple times LOL LOT of super weird stuff BUT The author also created some incredible characters, and regardless how much absurd/cringe stuff Itagaki throws at you, you want see what happen to these characters because if you love martial arts anime you will inevitably grow attached to them and because dude can create legit hype and epic memorable moments Btw my fav version by far is read the manga scans, the anime are well done and try to bring everything on screen but for some reason the manga charm is leagues above imho
  18. props to @Sonerofor posting it in the other thread The thing itself is'nt big deal, i swear i already have a more accurate Baki in my save data... but if this mean we will get also items from characters of the series i'm all for it 💎 Baki shorts, wrist and ankle stripes are a must to recreate him accurately Then guess since the other avatar is Hanayama they will give us some shiny suit from him, likely his glasses and possibly his tattoo... not greatest Hanayama fan, but the back tattoo would be sick Btw i'm not surprised they picked him lot of Marisa stuff has been ripped off from him lol 🤣 This was a comparision i did bunch of time ago, you can see how 1:1 they went with Marisa 😁 Btw i hope we will get other characters stuff too Like, would love get simple stuff like Katsumi Orochi's karate gi or Shibukawa's aikido attire Nice thing would be that are super simple things but extremely compatible with SF world Just awesome collab pick, if they do it right i will throw some money lol 😅
  19. You're right, never thought about Marisa concept coming also from SFV Elisabeth concept (+bunch of SFV "italian girl" concepts, all with red hair) but very likely did, actually all Marisa armor moves would have got even more sense on Elisabeth, can imagine her armored arms doing same block Marisa does at start of Scutum looking so natural Was'nt much fan of that specific concept, but the idea or a fighter using euro plate armor as signature gimmick could have worked well lol Fun thing is even after SF2 Vega devs ever toyed with add an armored european fighter for a while in concepts phase, SF3 had one done Beauty and the Beast style who had chest plate armor SFV also had the crustacean-skin dude, wich remember SF2 templar knight Vega Can't find it, but was this guy below with hands/forearms fully turned into crustacean like spikes and had an closed helm pretty similar to prototype Vega's one also i'm pretty sure to remember a "Swiss Guard" (like Pope's ones in Vatican City) one i can't find to save my life, wich iirc was still SFV, back to when they was exploring various ethnicities for Necalli There's the "How to make Capcom fighting characters" book scans, but neither of mentioned concepts can be found there No idea where find, so just take my word lol
  20. Starting with the premise final version is much better than both, i prefer templar knight on the left Don't like much the idea of a sword in SF2, but the knight stereotype was so absurd/anachronistic that could have worked, give that dude SF2 Cammy stage lol Design on general was kinda cool, also it already have an hint on final Vega slender/elegant built wich contrast nicely with the other 3 bosses I don't like the other on the right... it's not that they did'nt put some thought on it, they did effort trying mix on same design ninja+matador+knight elements, but ultimately end up lack a strong direction Probably a colored version would have got blond hair to further sell "european ninja" thing, but still if was all there was weak imho Most interesting part of that one may be that could gave them ideas for final M.Bison look, the shoulder and forearm metal protections are the same and were'nt a thing on Washizaki Also the stocky built and low center of gravity as if he's about to jump may come from there Even if the anti-riot cop concept is also likely candidate for the protections idea Fun thing also final version Vega was mostly made grabbing stuff from HnK... guess they wanted one villain from there lol
  21. Would be very ok with it I think we had this conversation back when not so long ago devs(?) asked if we prefer JAP or USA names for the shadaloo kings, my position was exactly that... overall i prefer western ones, but for obvious reasons i like M.Bison more on boxer than on dictator Would have accepted indeed Balrog going to Dictator, not only for the original "Tolkien" shadow/flame evil thing, but even more since @Miðgarðsorm(iirc) told us the name reached SF likely because was in Strider main villain Boss flying ship was called like that... suddently added militaristic/tech/scifi theme i associated with Dictator a lot too Tbh i would be fine even keep things as they are (JP using Gouki and US Akuma), but simply make clear the thing that Gouki = name Akuma = nickname The only thing i'm truly against is USA version retardness of treat "Akuma" as an actual name, because kinda betray the concept that Gouki is born as a normal human and only after through life got corrupted by SnH Imagining an universal version my 2cents is most logic way would be in to go for Akuma, as that would fit some sort of legendary reputation in martial arts world and would work for all those that don't know his real name... to make a parallel kinda like many in Baki series often call Yujiro not by name but with "the Ogre", specially those that know him mostly by fame rather than personally Then have very few people (Gouken, Ryu, Ken, Retsu and possibly Gen) that knew him before the SnH transformation and canon wise prefer to call him by name... i ever thought specially if used by Gouken or Ryu the name "Gouki" can be full of meaning, as to refuse recognize him as superhuman being but only as a fool human that lost his soul Idk, to me despite being ninjutsu characters they feel very different I mean, it's true in SFV Zeku show off he can use lot of classic stereotype "ninja" skills and tricks in fighting instead being just all Bushinryu taijutsu stuff... but at same time feels to me Zeku still is more a taijutsu fighter that will punch/kick/throw your ass, while Geki was all about try fuck you up with a steel claw and shurikens I mean, in my mind i associate more Geki's ninjutsu to some elements of Vega and Ibuki, rather than Zeku's
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