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Everything posted by CESTUS III

  1. Cool, never seen/knew the Otokojuku guy (the little Otokojuku stuff i know is either from your old posts or minimal internet research), guess they picked that name just because he was big fighter from Siberia and the wild animals connection? Fun thing SFDuel have an alt version of Gief called "Beast Zangief" where his theme switch from bear to wolves and one nickname is "Wolf KIng" 😁 Btw are'nt you fully convinced on Goda playing a role on Zangief concept? Ever thought he's the closest anime thing we could point at, both for look and the bear theme (and maybe even banishing flat?) Yeah lol, did'nt knew the slut/dirty/slob thing but the pig yes because looking at images for "La Cerda",were indeed stuff like but also bunch of pink dressed female pigs🤣 Tbh at first thought the ridicolous effect could have been main reason, but on second thought i guessed maybe i was looking at it with foreigner eyes, while maybe for them (spaniards) was familiar because the real existing noble family Think kinda like our Colleoni of Bergamo, wich straight mean coglioni and they even got 3 pairs on the emblem lol... like good luck at sell foreigners Bartholomew Balls, but for us became familiar name for a famous medieval condottiero (sure, Bartolomeo COGLIONI would have way harder time to sound legit lol), so i guessed maybe for them had similar effect where they had easy time associate "La Cerda" with a noble dinasty But if also had all these other negative meanings you say i can see that being primary reason lol You just made me remember phone-talking at work with people having it as surname and how they will insist on push huge accent on the "i" as if that move alone could save them Imagine go through elementary and middle school with that, no surprise Rosso grew as best fighter evah 💎
  2. Lol just discovered got yellow card, no idea how (did'nt even got notification, 🟨 just appeared on the profile banner) Don't talk trash (or talk at all beside lazy "Gg" at the end), don't ragequit not even if i'm on big lose streak My connection is shit and even if usually don't lag may occasionally fall during a match, but i play Battle Hub, not even ranked stuff lol
  3. Would agree Ryu does'nt need it, and that he probably think at himself just as "Ryu" due the orphan thing But we got also Capcom trying to tell us only because we never see Ryu do modern word shit he's not some sort of hermit but does normal life things, like work (bunch of different jobs), having a -hinted to be huge- bank account*, legit house address, and have all the papers/passports to travel and fly around the world Under canon world building perspective make sense even just on his documents there's a surname (either Gouken's or one Ryu made up) for bureaucratic reasons... then sure, for other things like tournament announcer asking him wich name+surname he should say, Ryu would surely reply "just call me Ryu" *thanks to Ken managing his money his money Yeah, i was saying would like it in western version too... actually i would like there will be no "western version", but only one single unified one My ideal world would use time machine to have universal M.Bison (Mike) for boxer, with Balrog being his ring nickname... think Mike "Balrog" Bison, just like Micheal "Iron Mike" Tyson. The two names could actually have coexisted even if the west chosen to use "Balrog", just having Mike Bison as not used but canon real name. Vega for claw... regardless of original name picks, Vega is 100% best for spanish matador lol Lord "InsertNewName" for dictator Also the Gouki vs Akuma bullshit make no sense, both east AND west should be Gouki = first name Akuma (devil) = nickname used in world of martial arts that started to exist after SnH gave him the demon-like look Akuma as legit real name make zero sense, while being called like that (specially from those that never knew him personally before SnH) make plenty of sense Yeah, beside being retarded, we even got even Tyson himself said he have no problems with SFboxer being based on him and find it amusing, so name similarity should be last of their concerns Plus i would like the idea Boxer was in SF1, as would mean Dictator took not one but two of his generals from there... the Sagat link between SF1 and SF2 is ever been cool to me To some extent even Claw could have been linked to SF1 as we know he interacted with Geki Is already canon Geki beated up Claw Is already canon hinted Geki got killed in asia Tbh would love if they just reveal Claw murdered Geki as retaliation for their first fight (like, if first fight left even the slightest mark on Claw's face, murder is only If all that that was a thing Bison would have selected his generals picking two SF1ers (including the former king) and one that murdered a SF1er... would be cool and enforce the idea he chosen his minions between some of the best of that (SF1) generation, creating this whole vibes he was lurking as a shadow over SF1 events
  4. Fun thing during this internet tour end up find a fan vid of 2011, a fan-made short about Balrog that may give us the origin of Luke SULLIVAN surname Not sure if has ever been mentioned here, but here it is this blond american guy called Sullivan about to fight Balrog lol Even the look is a bit Lukesque lol Also the thing of see Balrog fight a younger blond boxer with slighty long hair in a ring gave me Rog/Ed SFV ending, but this may be much more a coincidence lol For who never seen it (i was one) here's the whole thing btw
  5. This post made me want try dig a bit in teh internet Did bit of "research" for the lulz, If they want to add some surnames canonizing existing stuff like they did in the past, here’s some potential material they could use RYU The silly 90’s movie gave us Ryu Hoshi, while Street Fighter Legacy (same people of SF Assassin’s Fist) made up Ryu Takashi… from what i understand reading online not only was named like that after his creator Takashi Nishiyama but there’s also some gimmick going on (i copy-paste from teh internet): the symbol for the first Chinese character used to spell Nishiyama's name "Takashi(隆志)" can also be pronounced "Ryu(隆)" Personally would like Ryu Takashi more, sounds badass lol There’s even a third possible name: “In the Japanese version of the Capcom arcade quiz game Quiz and Dragons, Ryu's full name is given as Ryu Takegami (武神 隆 Takegami Ryū?), though this has never been referenced in any other media and it is unlikely Capcom considers this his full name officially.” But tbh should be used as very obscure info about something rarely used (like on situations that require documents), as being an orphan with unknown biological father would refer himself just as “Ryu” CHUN LI Personally would be perfectly ok with them giving her the 90s movie Chun Li Zhang tbh, super common surname that does’nt disturb much ZANGIEF Would be fun if they dig back till char prototype phase when he was named “Vodka Gobalsky” lol Guess not Zangief Gobalsky as i think Zangief is supposed to be a surname i think (being wrestler Victor Zangiev the name inspiration), unless they want consider it his first name Would like if they somehow use Gobalsky as link to Goda from HnK (did’nt remembered was named like that, just found it while doing bit search) the char that inspired his look/bear theme VEGA (Claw) We got Vega Fabio La Cerda from SF2V anime, to some extent would even solve the JAP/USA name problem of four kings a bit, as they used it the same in japanese version, essentially Balrog Fabio La Cerda Only problem i would have with it is that "Vega" in spanish would work as surname, sure not as first name… in fact castilian spanish version changed the name into Fabio Antonio de la Vega… beside changing shit a lot, i like they moved “Vega” last No idea why they dropped Antonio there totally made up, have more idea why they removed La Cerda: apparently La Cerda was(is?) a real life existing aristocratic spanish family and the according to wiki ( i don’t remember it) the anime even state that Vega, bloodlusted psychopathic murderer, belong to that family lol End up find a solution for it may be harder than expected… maybe they could just go for something like Fabio de la Vega? (even if “Fabio” sounds so italian to me lol but still) But would be too short as spaniards have two surnames (and often two names)… so if we want ignore problems related to “La Cerda” in Spain, possible best could be Fabio La Cerda Vega BALROG (Boxer) M.Bison as Mike Bison would be perfect, even more if was same Mike of SF1 But SFV destroyed all that confirming Mike as his own character beyond any doubt lol Tbh would love if was possible just ignore SF1’s Mike, and go for Mike Balrog, but again SFV hate it lol No idea lol SAGAT The 90s movie gave us Victor Sagat, but tbh would hate if get canonized lol Guess they could use manga character and real life thai fighters he was inspired on, but we never got anything BLANKA Only legit point to start is we know Jimmy is his true name and Blanka a nickname , surname is only piece missing Maybe they can recycle “Carlos” as second name from 90s movie, like Jimmy Carlos + surname(s)
  6. Agree -can master different martial arts to create his own style -is still in the US after his last mission of find C.Jack -girls can't stop text him -he's humble and accept a beating for comedy effect -pretend to be not to good to not hurt masters feelings, but they recognize his talent -people ask him help for detective stuff Props to Capcom to find a way to make basically a SF about V.Rosso despite the tragedy Arika owns the rights
  7. Not by huge margin, but yes, Carlos and Azam have slighty more effort going on, Carlos in particular - Carlos have unique pose, 1 unique special, his normals moveset is made un specifically picked up normals from various main cast characters AND from NPC moveset (1 of wich, works essentially as special) creating an unique mix - Azam have 1 unique special (as you say very complex one at that), 1 Rashid special wich also have 3 different follow ups, and Zangief normals moveset - Retsu have unique pose, 1 unique special and Ryu normals moveset Without need to make up brand new specials (wich i would appreciate), for Retsu would have liked if they gone similar route to Carlos and just picked some character's single normals to recreate a bit his SF1 moveset, instead just give him Ryu's normals and call it a day Even just changing few normals would have breaked the feel it's just copy-pasted Ryu , beside pose and one special kick Retsu still is better than most NPCs, just wish they went less lazy on him as fight Carlos/Azam sells better you're facing unique characters PS: one thing Retsu have over Azam is unique pose, wish they gave him one
  8. Loved they got him back, just wish they bothered bit more trying to give him bit more unique moveset... they gave him unique stance and unique special kick, but after that they just gave him Ryu normals... would have liked if they did bit more, even just steal from rest of the cast, like Honda's LP palm or some Chun Li stuff, some kicks and her back throw would look cool on Retsu to sell the Shorinji Kempo vibes On general i truly love they gave a chance to shine to Retsu and even more obscure SF lore martial artists like Kenichi or Somsak... but i just wish they did more to make them feel actual characters Azam and Carlos are probably the best ones in terms of effort ps: i also wish WTM tournaments had more respect for them rather than just mix them with shitty clones and generic metro city people lol I'm ok with former bosses like DamnD (or now Rudra) or even semi-bosses like Andores to be dropped there too, but the stadium tournament truly add the most generic shit lmao I know you're cool dude 😁 But thought could have been a legit assumption/mistake as Testarossa sounds so similar to english redhead, that a foreigner could have made that reasoning 👍
  9. Not for hair, here was ideed used just as specific name for that Ferrari car wich -i just googled, because got me curious- got that name from another older model of race car wich was called Testa Rossa We don't use a straight translation of english "redhead", in colloquial way girl may be simply refered as a "rossa" without add the head/testa part, or if she's being described say she have capelli rossi (red hairs) Closest may be use "testa di capelli" (not even sure if is used in whole Italy) but is usually used not much for the color but to indicate the person have many/thick hairs (and likely long too) making it some sort of impressive trait and the testa/head is used to indicate that (kinda like you would use "full head of hair" i think), so maybe Disney's Merida with her crazy hair could be described as having a gran testa di capelli rossi (such full head of red hair) but at same time some redhead guy with thin or balding shit going on would never described in same way (would even seem make fun of him lol)
  10. Used online translator (so wiill be probably far from perfect, but at least we get idea of what's going on), i put it on spoiler as is kinda long text
  11. Rossetti would not be used related to hair For somebody with red hair we would just say "rosso di capelli" or that he have "capelli rossi", may be used shortened for females, like for example a ginger girl could be refered just as "una rossa" Rossetti closest word would be "rossetto", with is the word we use for lipstick (as classic color back when word was invented was just red/rosso) Actually rossetti is plural version of rossetto Btw absolute shame on them for not calling her Marisa Rosso, so Shadaloo can kidnap her and Capcom would be forced to summon her cousin to rescue her, and SF6 would be saved We know JP's declared surname, wich is Petrovich, we just know it's fake... but that's part of the char nature of use multiple fake indentities, still the effort of give him a surname to keep the trend alive was done A.K.I. is same as JP in the sense for the gimmick they done with her name we can't have access to that info, if she was just a regular woman instead F.A.N.G.'s disciple we would probably have got her surname too 👍
  12. Cool you're right 👍 Did'nt gave much attention to udon comic, thought it was just generic Nayshall (because in WTM we meet Rashid ithre) General rule of SF6 is if you don't have your own stage, you'll be dumped in one of the big WTM cities AKI will eat last stage avaible, Ed and Akuma will likely get both personal stage (as Season1 is supposed to include 2 new stages) Future Seasons will likely follow same or similar path Personally would like S2 be like 6 new chars and 3 new stages
  13. Yeah, will not be surprised if they drop her in Nayshall as generic location like Rashid Even if i would like her getting personal stage, either Palazzo Mistero or her returning home in Egypt
  14. I said base cast, then now with DLC we got Rashid and soon Ed, both outside SF2 indeed But SF6 base was all SF2 + Juri as only exception Btw be in base cast or even Season1 does'nt necessary mean they consider these characters to be the absolute biggest money, LOT of sure big money is still sitting in future DLC seasons Bit strange they used only female slot of Season1 for a new char rather than a returning female, but guess they had their reasons... after all the build up for AKI was already in SFV days with her origin story, so guess they cared to have her show up early
  15. It's not about females, SF6 returning base cast was all about SF2ers+Juri who straight print money Juri was an exception literally the only non-SF2 char to return, male or female One could argue Luke too, but Capcom said bunch of times to consider Luke a SF6 char who did a cameo in SFV, rather than a SFVer returning in 6 Would not use presence in SF6 base cast as absolute popularity meter, otherwise Honda is more popular than any SF3 or SFA character... when if i remember correctly there was lot whining when let's say Honda, Blanka and Sim were confirmed in Said that yes, Juri imho still is best post-SF3 addition Tbh SF not having Korea/Taekwondo char till SSF4 was a crime with Kim Kaphwan and Hwoarang already being a thing for years lol First proper female villain too
  16. Beside Menat, Laura and Kolin were great additions I believe C.Viper can be made to be popular Poison as SF char seems popular too, if we count him/her as female (pretty sure average player consider Poison female) The good/forgettable ratio is'nt bad, not much different from male ones in terms of actual quality, and probably better if we speak about simple popularity
  17. Do you believe whoever made the english post added the "meaning umbrella in Japanese "to Nakayama's words?
  18. Yeah, AKI does this in her lv1 Plus she does even crazier stuff, she have some whip kicks where her knee bend backwards
  19. Ok here we are, just seen the trailer Some random thoughts -First and most predictable (but not less awesome) i love they gave her Snake Kung Fu style, for 99 reasons was the right thing to do lol -Everything is just so straight to the snake theme with her, even without consider in your face stuff (like the back-sliding) there are nice details in how they imagined her, for example she seem able to dislocate some of her joints wich remind me snakes ability to dislocate their jaw (they actually don't, but became part of their imagery lol)... iirc at some point they wanted Necalli animations to have boneless look Also in the intro her claws remind snake retractable fangs -The claws remind me Soul Calibur Ivy's sword Valentine... wich is called "snake sword" 😁 It's cool they can also operate like chinese rope darts -Beside obvious RS Kurow some things remind me also early Kolin concept: -I love she have two command throws -The poison bubble looks nice -Supers are pretty good, curious to see Lv3 alt version -Did'nt read all comments, but i seen here and there is mentioned the sexual pleasure thing I think is worthy mentioning that canon wise we know from side story that FANG's poison have on the user the side effect of kill any sexual drive: "another side-effect of the poison was that he no longer felt that sort of animalistic desire" FANG became asexual due poison, i think it's possible same happened to AKI Would be fitting too, as we know still underage she was pushed to striptease naked for perverts to do the scam/blackmail thing, so her having nothing but disgust for actual sex would blend well with her new condition Her pleasure now seem just kill preys -Seen some comment on similarities with Juri, on general i think that of course they're trying to get some of that Juri-money with a new char that mix some Juri vibes with imho also some creepy Lady Dimitrescu (another marketing success) vibes too To some extent AKI's win animation ending may tribute this -On general SF people seem to just love a lot the female "broken toy" thing -Not a fan of her alt costume, but we knew already was that -very happy we get new location, it mean new merchant and goods to buy without use Fighter Coin -release date is sooner than expected, make me hope will get Ed (Season1 char i'm waiting the most) within 2023, would be cool -AKI's Fighting Pass items are good, will buy
  20. At first thought it was just summer holydays break, but kinda long time we don't see him at this point Hope he's ok and just silly mad at no Bison, and no serious real life thing If anybody have way to contact him just stell him we wish he's ok and we are here for whatever
  21. Just to fill the dead moment, anybody have theories about Fou-Lou and E.G.Connor?
  22. Denjn Tatsu could be fun lol Did'nt thought about it because i ever imagined Denjin stuff done with hands, was also thinking SFV Denjin Renki where he get buff on hado and srk, plus his punches (but not kicks) were buffed by it SF6 Denjin not buffing srk imho it's the most bizzarre, if we think Lv3 Shin Shoryuken get a Denjin version on desperate mode lol Actually would like if current Denjin Shin Shoryuken was just a power up (by denjin charge active) version of regular shin shoryu, kinda like denjin Lv1 and Lv2 already do, and desperate lv3 got an unique finisher animation 😁
  23. That would be cool, maybe the command grab could be Russian Suplex, they could just have Gief NOT bounce so backward after the slam And maybe give it specific imput rather than share same with Siberian Express... both hcf+K or hcb+P are avaible options That way from close RS would have that use while SPD will be about pure murder single damage lol
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