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Everything posted by CESTUS III

  1. @Darc_Requiem Trying to find way to take pics that give models i did justice, the scrren-capture button while in WTM will trigger most of the time the smartphone mode 👺 Starting to fear i will have to make vids for each, wich in theory may work also to show selected moveset, but would be like x10 the work 🤯 Later today will try to post some prview, there will be SF1 stuff for @DarthEnderXtoo 😄
  2. Incredible post dude 👍 Do you believe this is the origin of Dankukyaku? knee - kick -kick instead knee - knee -kick, but still
  3. It's in the works 😄 This list Joke aside actually Pullum and D.Dark are indeed coming My problem with D.Dark is finding right moveset, i'm thinking AKI will help To do list is so fat as we speak lol Wonder how many will get actually done, i'm giving myself kinda high standard, so if i don't get the pieces i need will not do it if feel mediocre lol
  4. If you ask me would take Yun over Jamie, easily And would probably get Lee over Jamie too, he's not exactly my fav new character I like we got Jamie wich may save slots from getting Yun AND Yang though But again we miss the point, marketing wise they got an idea that required Jamie... not just as young, early 20s chinese man, but also as brand new character aimed at a new young audience that maybe never played SF4 let alone 3 to know Yun and would prefer a total new char that starts with them Again i find Luke, Jaime and Kimberly very representative of the side of SF6 that try to connect with new audience... i don't necessary approve it and sure af i would know better ways to use 3 slots, but i understand why they went like that Is same shit of "Modern" controls being pushed as default starting mode, they want claim a NEW begin happened while feeding us old guard with SF2 vets lol All i care is this strategy make them good money and we get great (6 chars, not 4 tnx) DLC seasons, if it mean RIP Lee* so be it *actually not RIP Lee, if was up to me Lee (and Geki, Joe and Mike) should have been used as opponent for the Strong Fighters quest, rather than go use fucking Final Fight minions as elite material lol Lee could have been in Chun Li's area of MC, Joe and Mike somewhere in different points of MC too, Geki maybe around sumo area by night (then move to Ryu's place like Retsu did)
  5. totally forgot this one, bravo 👍 Guess his bet was that if Shadaloo scientists can find way to contrast PP fast aging on Bison bodies, on him who does'nt even have PP problem the anti-aging effect would be even stronger
  6. As Master he also give you a speech about "victory" and how some people (but is implied, not him) are obsessed with it this is indeed correct, i think nobody else seen it I like to think he will look into methods to modify his own DNA and stay young, said many times for various reason him getting closer to Secret Society or Urien could make sense I usually dislike characters getting into lame scifi shit, but in Vega's case his character would justify try trascend humanity to stay young Vega sticked with Bison, because he made him rich while asking to do psycopathic stuff and occasionally some spying lol Psycho Power is not the path for eternal beauty, in fact it age you faster and Vega know it well after all these years And indeed never got close to Psycho Power, none of the kings did Actually Vega would benefit from SOUL Power, see how Rose (like Lisa Lisa) it's implied to be mich older than her look But i doubt he would be able to learn use SP, let alone Rose accepting teach him I think Urien's technology could be Vega's beat chance
  7. So if they wanted a young, early 20s chinese man for marketing reasons, you wish they turned SF1 Lee in that early 20s chinese man? Would also conflict with Lee being Yun and Yang's older uncle
  8. It's cool, but at same time wish they bothered bit more try to make these characters more unique Like Retsu just have his unique special kick (and later can double it by adding Ryu's command kick) and stance, for the rest he's just 100% Ryu... if was up to me would have added some stuff, even recycled from other characters... like Chun Li stuff could have mixed well with Ryu moveset to make up a Shorinji Kempo char But they just went lazy on that and much worse on many other NPCs (only Carlos is bit an exception) Also wish they worked bit harder on general on the "powerful fighters" big side quest, many were kinda pathetic (generic Final Fight thugs as world class fighters? why lol), i think if they worked bit harder there the potential was pretty great... one thing i would also have liked would have been have to find them as sub-bosses also on Masters nations I'm thinking a bit like Retsu at Ryu's place, but for everybody 😄
  9. Thing is Jamie in my eyes is part of the marketing trio Luke, Jamie and Kimberly imho are there both as characters and to fit some marketing slots Old man Lee would not have worked as cool young char, if that's what they was looking for Btw Jamie kung fu who does breakdance concept was a young guy when they thought about it the first time It's not Lee who got robbed by Jamie 😄 RIP to this other young guy too
  10. She and T.Hawk may still be same family being in same tribe... like cousins or something, may explain sharing same name Or maybe in that tribe you don't need bloodline stuff to have same name Only thing i remember is Lily considering Juli like a big sister
  11. Btw not sure if already discussed, but WT confirm Lily is NOT T.Hawk's daughter Another funny thing is we learn bunch of stuff about Blanka uniqueness -green color happened rubbing on vegetation/flowers iirc -electric attack confirmed to been learned from an incident with an electric eel, he now use it to fish too (guess hint he caught himself the huge brazilian fish we seen since SF2 days) -learned rolling attacks watching armadillo
  12. Some random funny things Kalima's bracelet wink hard to the one the girl give to Ryu in SF2V anime, you wear it also on same wrist -timestamped- The statue of Nayshall have a round hole on the chest, very similar to SF4 Evil Ryu Kimberly at some point for no reason tell us the story of a Ninja that beated her up We can't see clearly his face but we can see he's a man with dark hair and moustache/beard, not sure 100% as was doing other stuff too, but think she called him GOU Now, i know only a GOU in SF world and he may even match the illustration (i'm on SF6 gallery as i'm writing, it's "Kimberly Memory 2" ilustration), except he should not be alive lol In the illustration he's dressed kinda like a Bushinryu member Wonder if capcom is thinking to pull another Gouken lol 🤣
  13. Thank you very much, exactly what i was looking for 👍 End up i got basically everything, needs just few missions levelling up the master thing
  14. If i go more specific i risk to say some big bullshit, yesterday gone through such grinding on level up many different chatacters/dialogues that don't remember accurately everything 😅 Just remember he made a distinction between western friendly Edmond and Edomondo having deeply japanese meaning, he explained it but don't remember beside Edo period was involved Zangief have some great ones too One gold was with bond (i think) where he talks about Hadokens and projectile shit... while explaining to our CC they may be legit strategy after all, for a moment have a 1% temptation to learn them himself, feel instant guilty af and punish himself with extra squats training lmao Another fun one is max bond bring you to library, fit the old canon thing of Gief being big into reading Even before that if you speak to the two disciple wrestlers they will tell you that Zangief gave them big books, but they just seem dumb about it lol In another he mention that R.Mika is now a big star even more popular than himself and he desire one day we meet her There's also fun pic of her tackling a young bear Speaking of bears they sadly toned down hard one element of Zangief lore... he say the scars are results of the fact once he wrestled a bear... like one single crazy event, rather than be his daily routine vs multiple animals Maybe we can get it as his first bear fight had him still new to that kind of fight wich made him very injuried, while maybe afterward he fought many without get more scars? Btw we see a pic of him younger in clandestine masked fights when he still had no scars Still have to complete the mastery, wonder if i will get something about Haggar or the Slammasters ban lol
  15. Yeah, explain it's relative to Edo period iirc, was quite proud about how he found a western friendly name that also have deep japanese meaning Just level up Honda mastery (as moveset i think, still did'nt started work on bond with him) and you can trigger a dialogue where you have double option to ask about his name/nationality Iirc he will say that people occasionally mistake him as foreigner but that he's born and raised in Japan and goes on why he have that shikona SF6 is filled with this kind of interesting stuff, master everything will enrich our canon treasure 💎
  16. Bit OT Ended WT story, found all the masters, done most of side quests Before dive hard into Creation Mode i will try to grind as many costume pieces as possible (already bought every shop item).. anybody have any trick for super rare stuff beating people around? I noticed keeping beating up people you may eventually find some with "ULTRA" red tag items, but atm we have no wiki with 100% full list Maybe we can start list where we spot very rare stuff (that is NOT quest reward), even if probably is more related to enemy type than location Some i remember Carlos Sunglasses -> thanks to @DarthEnderXjust complete Carlos quest and challenge him again afterwards T-Shirt "Ken" -> fight Master Ken using Ryu style Gas mask with helmet -> found beating MMA guys with long white hair, possible find them near Nayshall Tournament location iirc Some i seen but did'nt unlocked Special Crow mask -> found on Crows gang building rooftop, failed to unlock it for some reason (condition is launch+air combo, i did Luke's launch uppercut into Luke's srk but didnt worked)... is that version of crow mask with white paint mark and red eyes, like some enemies have Special Television head -> fought on car parking rooftop, is a television with colorful spray paint, like some enemies have Big turban -> larger and different shape than the one you can buy in shop, fought in Nayshall slums Anything else very rare that can be unlocked by fighting? I sure have lot but don't remember all, maybe at home will do a more serious list PS: anybody know ho to unlock full Ryu costume? Got upper gi and karate gloves, still need headband and pants PPS: in particular will love unlock karate/thai hand stripes many enemies have, no idea if we can find it anywhere
  17. Now that you say it, just yesterday i was raising Master bond with Honda, at some point he actually explain the Edmond thing He say "Edmond" is his shikona to be popular also in the west while having also a japanese meaning as Edomondo, you came to my mind because i think to remember you exxplained that thing in Story thread long ago iirc 😄
  18. Iirc he mention she still have her tail as a stump (due her biting it off) but she's still beautiful of something like that Cane-grip seems to have normal full tail My take was either cat is still alive or he had her stuffed, but just seen @Daemosmentioning the feeding thing, so alive it is Beside white hair he have sunken face full of wrinkles, IF he have 40-50s range then it's PP aging him fast
  19. Yeah i noticed him mentioning she's still alive, thought was strange too considering pic could be 60-70 years in the past lol
  20. Thanks for the clarification, so essentially they added the source but the source does'nt say what they say? 🤣 You just traslated that part or you have the whole page?
  21. SF wiki say it with source " Rose was once M. Bison's disciple. He taught Rose how to utilise Soul Power along with warning her of it's weaknesses.[20] " 20 All About Street Fighter ZERO page 347 Don't know if is same book you speak about
  22. Him killing other students was'nt said anywhere, canon wise was just confirmed he killed his Master Personally i think he got corrupted switching to PP AFTER training Rose, as Rose learned Soul Power from him This would make that at some point the SP situation was like Old Master v Bison - Student -Student v Rose Wich would mirror basically JoJo ripple structure Tonpetty v Straizo - Zeppeli - Dire v Lisa Lisa
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