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Everything posted by CESTUS III

  1. we don't get to know her surname, but we don't know JP name/surname either, just his current alias Soon we will not know AKI's either i guess lol For what's worth we don't know the full name of lot of vets, including many in the game
  2. Is'nt canon that at begin he was a Soul Power user? Since we got that info he hint is he got corrupted at some point kinda like Akuma, switching from Soul to Psycho Given the parallel Capcom did between SP and JoJo, i ever thought his corruption could have been for egoistic lust for power and eternal life (mirror of Straizo, wich ASF did a bit) But maybe they're planning to make him give up to dark side after something tragic happened to him, making him tap into Psycho Power Wonder if Dhalsim thinking specifically at Soul Power being dangerous too was foreshadowing of something
  3. Kinda sure we will get more, some enemies/NPC got outfits with same clothes as us, but some wear color schemes at the moment we can't make Guess Capcom will simply add more types of tint, unlocking new color schemes ps: how you unlocked Carlos sunglasses? Is possible get his gloves too?
  4. As somebody who knows very very well SC editor, SF6 one have HUGE limitations, lot of wich are completely intentional Capcom chosen to try keep people hooked by thirst rather than quality sadly Still, is possible do pretty cool stuff as long one accept to create starting from what we have at our disposal That's surely the case Also the avatar hub shop will add FC stuff too
  5. Exactly All while SF6 ignore all his mental gymnastics and declare him a Master 🤣
  6. i passed that part yesterday Pretty sure to remember Ryu does a point at NOT wanting recognize you as "student", but simply as person that train in same place he does So technically Ryu will train with you and teach you stuff, but as fellow martial arts practitioner that walk same path of him, looking for the meaning of strenght to find yourself and all that In other words Ryu is bullshitting hard to be our master without interfere with the lore portrait of him lol
  7. Not to interfere with your debate with him, but cut just this part wich link to the position i gave you at begin Of course the "bullshit" there to me is the addition of ballet in a moveset i would have prefered as pure -SF fantasy- martial art (or talking wishlist specific case Abel's Sambo/Judo), i think i explained my issue was the introduction of ballet rather than claim Abel is believable in terms of real life I think we can all agree on general all characters do impossible/exagerate stuff, because everything in SF goes within SF stylistical spectrum Then you have levels at that, be it the char trying to be somehow grounded despite still going through SFhuge exageration filter, or the char take intentional extreme departure from the traditional style he/she's supposed to rep, wich is Manon's case Sure you can absolutely debate 1% "bullshit" or 99% "bullshit" should not matter because it's all "bullshit", then we can agree to disagree as to me these levels of difference in character's concept exist and have a visible result on how the character end up be ingame Ultimately is about wich kind of characters you like to get in a SF cast, tastes will give you the direction to define what is bullshit to you* Devs themselves (think was Nakayama) explained in a vid they thought make a char centered around simple Judo would have been "boring" to them, so the whole ballet thing was an addition to the formula they specifically wanted to add to departure from traditional archetype, even if would have been surely a fantasy/exagerate one End of the day if let's say you want use game editor to create a character based on Judo or with Judo element, exagerate or not an Abel like moveset would make it feel more wannabe serious/legit (or to use another word, the gravitas you mentioned) while trying doing same with Manon, the ballet element will inevitably get in your face even if unwanted, because it's deeply connected with everything she does Reality is Manon is a char with tons of personality, wich work great for the char himself but is not as versatile as moveset template for a created character (unless you plan to do it full ballet based one, that would actually be much easier in comparision) *tbh i don't consider Manon a bullshit character, even if was hoping for her to be very different as Judo-Savate mix Manon as a whole is a good addition to SF, yet her intentionally bizzarre moveset still leave me wish we get Abel at some point, simple as that
  9. -Could reply you're actively ignoring parts of what i say that don't fit your theory 😄 - Yeah, and despite gameplay representation same is what the CaC does... he learn to imitate masters fighting style and he's pretty good at it (imitate), but beyond ingame appearance does'nt do it perfectly Game actively try to hard hint you even max the style does'nt put you on same level as the master, Luke (who's kinda middle/high-middle tier guy in SF universe) is an absolute monster next to you even the day you max his style, what you have in your hands is a pale imitation and you have lot of grinding ahead to reach his actual level (of a friendly, non-life-or-death sparring) Max the style is kinda receive a black belt, it's nice achievement and way to aknowledge your progress but does'nt mean much in terms of turning you in a world level fighter Is also worth consider one thing NONE of the masters i seen so far (9 iirc) is freaked out by our CaC progress and ability to learn, everybody seem to perceive you as pretty good, great spirit, fast learner up to recognize you're exceptionally talented but nobody seem to consider you some kind of anomaly that can't be explained by SF world rules You're just being a Strong Disciple Kenichi 😄 While at it we also have lot of absolutely normal people (NPCs without backstory that barely have a name lol) that probably without have 10% of our CaC shonen hero "special guy" talent learned to imitate SF main cast characters special moves ingame... Like one random guy of Guile area NPC say Guile arrived on the ship not long ago, yet he can already fight like him We may add if story give you a cheat mode to reach "strenght" (you being a cyborg and all that) it will essentially betray the game mission of put you in same shoes as characters like Ryu or Luke To be clear, i don't doubt in capcom ability to fuck up CaC story, i just hope they don't lmao To pick a videogame that have some parallels with WT (and that imho inspired it) Shenmue i think is another good example Without be a robot Ryo Hazuki just goes around following his story events, know new martial arts masters and learn their moves after a demonstration, adapting it to SF crazy world standards the parallel stand lol
  10. Sakura did not passed her whole life to being able to throw her first hadoken, she's was an high school girl that seen Ryu and withot proper training was able to do ansatsuken superhuman stuff in relatively short time Key is some SF feats while being incredible even in SF world are not so impossible to pick up, to make it simple whole point is almost everything we see is made possible by ki, and every human have ki The SFV indian cop feel average unskilled as you can get, yet in SFV he was able to generate a (very small) start of flame like Dhalsim ones Dan seems relatively dumb and not particular talented, yet in short period at Gouken's dojo developed his gadoken and even bigger stuff Btw again, what CaC does it's an archetype that exist within anime world... you have Kenichi with whle series being about very same gimmick, or to pick another Chiba Takayuki in Kengan Ashura I remember also Noritaka picking different martial arts based on next opponent To some extent even Kenshiro from HnK once gave proof he could replicate techniques of masters he meet Even the concept stay pretty similar in all these, the fighter being able to imitate multiple different styles, but in most cases the imitation being not as good as the original But as said the biggest point is understand what are CaC abilities hinted by canon, and not take gameplay as accurate mirror of canon ability (just like does'nt work for main cast either) I repeat max master full Luke style does'nt make you able to fight exactly like Luke, once after lot grinding you get there he just consider you worthy to be teached his last technique (lv3 SA), but then you can have a serious sparring session with him only to discover he's still FAR stronger than you PS: of course this could get absolute absurd if/when we get actual not-humans like Seth or Necalli, but they're not going to selectively remove this or that single technique only to please lore credibility, you just get 100% of the moves and call it a day lol
  11. Gods i hope not lol, i just wish the CaC to be just another guy that started the martial arts journey to find himself, just like Luke and Ryu before him Mostly because i hate the whole lab rats gimmick, we got already too many in SF But beside that would lessen the concept that you can create the char to be whatever you want and regardless of your choices would lessen it to another of these silly lab things
  12. -premise, i did'nt completed WT so this post reflect my current mid-run perspective, i don't know if end game will give hints about CaC being SiRN- I said Kenichi, and is essentially what Kenichi does Btw let's not pretend this kind of shit is impossibru in SF world, we literally got a high school girl that without secret powers of any kind or even just proper long Ansatsuken training under Ryu/Gouken, can do this ⬅️ watch this canon shit lol Would add is important say beyond some weird/forced stuff due gameplay reasons, canon wise you're NOT supposed to be good as your Master at that style, pretty sure to remember Chun Li after one low-level fight saying she's not going soft on us, but that she adapt her performance to our level (wich is a way to say she's going soft but said in diplomatic way to not hurt our feelings lol) or something like that Essentially just like in real life when noob join the gym you don't need to sparring in super slow-motion or to turn your fist in a caress, but at same time you're not supposed to use your best feints to strike his chin to KTFO him, bomb his liver as if you're fighting for the belt or try to make him limp whole next week lol One good example i seen in my run is even maxing Luke style (the only i maxed so far) after defeating hundreds of street thugs and some good fighters, will NOT put me on par with Luke 😄 I got his whole moveset up to Lv3 super art, yet only thing i obtained is unlock the option to have a serious sparring with Luke where he is completely overpowered compared to me lol, guess canon wise THAT's the true Luke lol Then you have ingame limitations story can't cover years of our CaC life training, so it's all condensed... but agan, even within SF canon i'm not sure if took THAT long for Sakura to throw her first hadoken (wich canon wise is'nt comparable to Ryu's one) Just like for regular cast ingame feats don't necessary reflect canon ones Imagine if main cast gameplay would reflect actual canon power levels what impossible to play mess would be 😄 Last as i mentioned i think a page ago, if format is similar to Soul Calibur one whole gimmick is your CaC evolving/grinding from noob up to anime hero boss beater, JRPG style, same shit
  13. Would be anticlimatic AF You're supposed to be just young shonen guy who starts from noob then become some kind of martial arts prodigy thanks to many different masters Essentially you're Kenichi lol
  14. AKI is so fucking unnecessary lol, feels they will just try to replicate Juri's success as the new evil edgy crowd bitch I know she's been built up with SFV side story, but still Would like new female villain though Marisa could have been a cool bodyguard sub-boss for JP lol Give me malaysian girl with tiger scars repping silat
  15. These are indeed the most logical options Rashid alone will bring whole middle east representation in SF6 Ed definitely deserve a NeoShadaloo stage, plus Germany would be unique in current options A bit a deviation, but i find kinda sad some chars did'nt got the stage where they could have got a strong theme... talking just to parts i reached in WT Ken -> could have got the worksitem kinda like this Honda -> the sumo restaurant is perfect they would need to polish it a bit but would be great theme for him Luke-> i consider MMA cage his stage, butthe Buckler gym would be even more loyal to his concept
  16. But them confirming Sodom is the owner of... Sodom's truck/business, is not surpring tbh Gomorrah could be simply his #2 and most loyal employee, keeping business going on while Sodom is away We have similar case for Abigail's workshop, some minion clearly say Abigail is the owner but that at the moment is not there Another point for believe they're likely two different people is a possible little wink at SF2V anime, where there was two villains called... Sodom & Gomorrah 😄
  17. Just fought Max and Somsak, both movesets were incredible but at least got some personal moves
  18. That's very cool I know he had tons of great feats in SFV but these imho pale in comparision of Birdie throwing a fucking train out of rails back in Alpha days Well Gief had a the cossack dance train pulling but still not the same But now, pulling a gigantic submarine, and more than that, pulling a gigantic submarine THROUGH SOLID ICE BREAKING WHOLE AREA? I'm satisfied 😆
  19. Damn thanks these are awesome Will comment later one-by-one in the noon, but can just say their concept work improved A LOT from SFV days
  20. I'm still waiting to add the shit i did during the demo days, so far i'm just WTM mid run trying to collect as many clothes/moves as possible Then i will pass a day importing all characters in a single save data session lol This will be my Q Moveset will probably go like Basic Moveset: Marisa (waiting G) Moveset will probably be a mix of Marisa, Luke and Blanka (wild hunt), will have to find a way get moves without overlap commands Super Arts: Lv1 Marisa Lv2 Luke Lv3 Marisa
  21. @Miðgarðsorm@EvilCanadian^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1663559379873067008|twgr^ffb153c945a6e4305521dc28420ee2a4430d9895|twcon^s1_&
  22. Tbh i would not bet my life on that being her canon age in devs mind, if i will have to bet would place her in 15/16/17 range Canon wise her age i think will stay vague (like for rest of the cast), while her being 19 feels diplomatic lie to keep the west quiet while they fanservice the fuck out of her with summer costumes and shit lol Like, i doubt "19" would have been the reply if the answer was for japanese audience Kinda like Ono reply on Poison's gender... there's the devs truth and the version of the truth they throw at this or that audience/market to dodge shitstorm lol
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