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Everything posted by CESTUS III

  1. For sure there will be "premium" colors with the pre-order (i have the most completed version preordered), the colors #10 What i'm saying is i see nowhere anybdy using colors from #3 to #9 Wich is strange considering we are seeing bunch of review/leaks running though modes, example Arcade or WT Would have said 3-10, but bonus/paywall being already #10 (in SFV was from #11) seems in SF6 we got robbed of a free color lmao Unless now they count default as #0 An alternative is #10 is not exclusive/paywall, but they save you from loooooooong grinding to unlock it
  2. Bit bizzarre we still did'nt seen any alt color beyond 1P/2P (and preorder ones)
  3. He will be a "protagonist" as Rashid was in SFV, do something important without be the one actually fighting the final boss My guess was and still is, his role may be have to fight Ed (bit like Rashid fought #2 FANG) They seem designed to have even rivalry, both young, around same size and both using mainly punches Now going really fantasy guess, but would be cool if happen and Luke use against Ed the same left liver hook counter Ken used on him in the comics to finish their fight
  4. If Luke and Ken reach semi-final, pretty sure Luke will let Ken pass on the final even if he improved after their first fight Luke vs JP: “As much as I want to give you a piece of my mind, I’m not the guy who’s got a score to settle.”
  5. There could be multiple ways to fix well the bullshit they did, but problem is till they don't confirm it in the canon we have nothing 🥲 I'm not worried at all, guess story will be truly developed in future, when we get more characters We got the hint after comics event JP still is in Nayshall and fueled by PP he's developing a taste for the tournament gimmick that push him out of his usual logic way to do thingsz... My guess is that this will push him to do a new tournament pretending to do it for some complex reason, while on reality he just tasted blood/conflict and wants more... that will be the chance for Ken to join it, reach the final and finally fight JP face-to-face If they do this by itself would be a respectable way of execute what elements so far only hinted
  6. Seems bit similar haircut to what Luke sport in SFV lol Who's that guy, maybe some big brother/cool uncle that raised him after father's death? May have been some kind of role model for Luke growing up, may explain him being cocky/showboating/smiling while his father felt all the opposite in the few parts we seen of him... humble, silent and serious Veritable madman indeed
  7. This resonate with Oro-Dhalsim dialogue Interesting part here is i think is while Oro was being honest, JP is a master of lies and bend the narrative to fit his needs as we seen in comics One of best way of lie is tell the truth JP as scholar may be aware of Oro's theory either because they interacted at some point, or because he came to same conclusions by himself studying psycho power I think there he's just bullshitting Cammy after being exposed as PP user, just like he will bullshit Ed or Falke to lure them in Trick is, the theory itself being possibly true does'nt necessary proof JP is not evil 😄 Ah, the definitely not evil hobby of impale people alive #notallimpalers
  8. SF protagonist Ryu changed hair color multiple times, same goes for Vega, Zangief, Chun Li and some others Ken changed eyes color, Zangief and Rose too Lucia somehow is younger in SFV than her age in Final Fight 2 debut, many years before in the timeline SFV Urien is bronze skin/silver hair as normal form since childhood, in SF3 it was just his combat form while pale and blond as normal self Birdie gone though more shit than a lv99 Pokemon Characters far more important than Juni and Juli got multiple design changes, is part of SF history
  9. only other version you ever saw of Juli was her being brainwashed in Shadaloo uniform (wich of course will wear no more) how we do know that this was'nt her usual attire before be kidnapped? Of course to this day STILL believe it's all bullshit and Juli was german to combo with Juni as a duo, while Noembelu was T.Hawk's girl before them realized animate Noembelu too as her own char would have took time/resources... but if we must accept Capcom's lazy ass decision that Juli was from Thunderfoot too, her returning to dress in the style of the tribe make sense
  10. Then imho our reaction shoul be: "Still dubious, wish Capcom could give us some kind of proof 🤔"
  11. Based on skin/hair colors, i would say Juli... lighter skin and brown hair Noembelu have been ever portrayed having darker both, kinda like Lily
  12. Something about how fuck up people remind me SFV Gill combos lol
  13. So we was wrong about Bison new body being the gorilla, he chosen a more agile incarnation E.Bison is born.
  14. Funny Guile thing was already in his "Dislike", at first point while at it: Dislikes Nattō (fermented soybeans that Ryu made him try when he was in Japan)[1][2] I guess mean we will see Ken getting his revenge through DLC cicles, tbh i like it because it mean at least they're not burning JP as vanilla only filler-boss lol
  15. Considering the average retardness of "gaming journalism" people like that being the exception rather than the rule is already a blessing Thanks gods Capcom pulled bit of gimmicks to please on surface american bullshit, so even most of crap reviewers got the memo they have to score it high 🤣
  16. Don't worry when game is out will not infest here, more likely will open my own thread place lol 😆
  17. In Birdie's defense he tried to fit into a sexy Flanders style suit just in case they hire him as Sabretooth's partner, what a professional
  18. This i guess have been VERY intentional... given USA hobby of get mass shooting every tuesday, maybe people in charge of american/western version did'nt liked the idea of bunch of characters being dead by machine gun fire Have Sabretooth defeating them in combat is easier to sell as he knocked them unconscious or something
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