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Everything posted by CESTUS III

  1. This guy make a cameo too 😄
  2. To be fair to JP, considering my CC will be V.Rosso nobody ever had a chance of win No Akuma, Oro, Gouken, Gill or Bison
  3. Devs said themselves his style is based on a real martial art (Bartitsu, likely) and even without count PP tricks as old man he can do his cane fighting shit against best martial artists of the world He's clearly more than a simple financial criminal
  4. Just gave quick look Andore at 09:06:59 have some Judo like throws (including a special spinning one) and a roll... wonder if Abel have a +1% chance or if is just unused material from early Manon development 🤔
  5. Seems only reasonable way they can handle this is that they're just buying time and story will progress with new characters showing up
  6. Btw at cost of being repetitive whoever designed Kimberly's body is born under the blessing of gods 👏👏👏
  7. Seems they hired usual color-blind person with the mission of keep alive dat SF traditional "2/3 decent out 10" ratio Some got good sets though, Kimberly and Manon in particular
  8. If i think i will have to go through all that shit for every CC i plan to make 🥲 ⚰️ Must say my woman our lives must take different paths, wonder what we will do with new home we just bought
  9. For how was treated as completely irrelevant character, SF4 could have got SF6like kind of success and Abel would still not be recognized, they completely wasted his huge potential Literally whole Capcom effort at promote him as anything has been 1 -very good- artwork by Senno Aki
  10. If they replace all Kiki stuff with actual good artworks would be great day, but i find it extremely unlikely No, for JP i was thinking another Nayshall great tournament in the arena involving main cast and maybe few others, all due him starting to feel PP corruption and trying to justify it behind some rational profit reason Would be also great way to get some new "pure fighter" kind of characters for main cast Btw too bad they put in CC/WT nowhere near same passion of main game, they could do SO MANY quick easy to do mixes for CC enemies yet for the little i seen they seem to usually just slap one style and done Cameos like Retsu or Carlos seems got bit more care Curious about the CC tournament, may be chance for some interesting cameos
  11. thie is pretty interesting To some extent we got hint her spirit may be against negative forces, as it warns Lily against JP's Psycho Power But who knows, in the side story with Oro, Dhalsim himself mentally added Soul Power (wich is azure like Lily's aura there) to the list of ki that can be dangerous, wonder if can be that Another -warning, crazy theory- is that Gaia/the world is getting human avatars (destined to bring destruction) related to the elements, would be curious to see what G would say about Lily's wind spirit I would be inclined to exclude Necalli, even if is a shame they wasted hia concept in sfg Curious to see how things develop
  12. Small detail, but love how Marisa praise Guile's defense, considering it was the most famous trait of roman legions fight style
  13. 1- Not sure this reply to the question, but JP in the comics does'nt work alone, there was the bird mask thing 2- I think ASF and Ed/Falke story showed that all people touched by PP somehow resonate with it to some extent 3- This is interesting, i seen nothing of that, have you pic/link? 4- Cool thing about Juri is that her being more than willing to do things heroes would not allow her to be a step ahead lol, curious to see how things evolve, but i think we will keep see her with that ASF style allignment 5- WHERE? Show Cestus stuff 6- Yeah, if they follow up correctly i think we will see JP retry the Nayshall tournament thing, but for his own pleasure rather than with a profit meaning Line is line of the char as a whole not the crotch lol Btw if alt was done well you will not see it because upper gi lower part will cover it like in SF4/SFV lol Lol i love the whole Gief-Marisa thing, called it first day i seen her 😄 Curious to see the reaction of Mika (can be good excuse to get her in), even if Gief-Mika never had any romanticim to me, feel Capcom never pushed on it like they did with Sakura for Ryu
  14. Trouser crotch being super low, guess this pic show it easily Beside looking like crap also on pratical level feels like he would have trouble kick anything above a knee lol... of course "realism" never been much a thing in SF and there are times fuck it in name of aesthetic is the right thing to do But in this case look like crap, look unpratical and killed the dynamism of the line, now feels like a short legs sack of potatoes stuck to the ground And would look even lower if Ryu's belt had proper knot and not that loose shit they gave him in 6, imagine belt staying firm parallel to the ground rather than sloping down, then would be even more evident how they ruined the line I understand and even see it working on Default wich have it similar, but on nostalgia one was fucking amateur mistake Too bad it's the one i will use the most lol 🥲 *praying for a decent non-bearded alt* 🕯️🙏🕯️
  15. Cammy's one is the perfection On general most of nostalgia ones for vets are pretty good, rin some cases better than the default option Very curious to see alt colors both for default and alts Still can't believe they never fixed Ryu one
  16. You should live in Italy, almost 80 years ago possibly due SF6 launch we conveniently chosen the Republic Day being June 2 What a foresight!
  17. I did, and they're the two i'm most looking forward to in Season 1 DLCs I'm far more outraged i paid to get Akuma because SF fanbase have shit taste lol 😐
  18. Cool, thanks for the clarification, i thought there was nomething like that going on lol 👍
  19. Eh whatever They did shit move indeed if this pass is an additional one compared to preorder one But is Street Fighter
  20. Lol i see it normal with no problems, even squeezed on the sides to fit the page 😐
  21. No idea if they talk about it, but untill confirmed otherwise are two different events Second time (SF3) i guess Chun did the rescue privately, not as part of an Interpol operation
  22. Not sure how was hidden There was 3 options for Pre-order, 2 of wich mention a year 1 pass
  23. Is possible Ken sent Sean to train with Luke After all they're about same age (SF6 Sean and Luke are somewhere around middle 20s i think), and Ken had good scrap with Luke wich may have made him suggest Sean to go train with him... after all is likely in SF6 Ken is'nt even training Sean anymore, given the whole new lifestyle and revenge stuff Can see Ken be like "I've stuff to do, meanwhile you can go train at the gym of that guy in MC, i know him he's good" Would not even be first time Ken sent him to some friend
  24. Perfect 💎 At this point MMA stereotype rep should be there to stay in SF Just wish they improve his actual MMA... lot has been done from the days of SFV, but LOT still to do Send the guy to train under* Laura in Brazil**, if all his ground grappling is the shit RNC without hooks i seen in the comics (reason Ken got free like that lol) dude needs lot of Matsuda family help, rather than him training Sean lol *fully intentional ** omg somebody bring him there, with his geography skills he will end up somewhere in Africa
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