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Everything posted by CESTUS III

  1. 😆 I said non-bullshit (aka ballet), not believable... Abel's stuff is as non-bullshit Judo can be in SF world 😁
  2. Tbh is well within usual CaC stories format, if we take Soul Calibur as the standard... it's kinda like a JRPG, your char start weak but by the time of endgame you're supposed to have dat anime shonen hero power to beat final bosses Very top priority not much different from what i want for main cast Sagat/Adon - Muay thai moveset and gears Dudley/Balrog - Boxing moveset Elena - Capoeira moveset and tribal african gears Laura- Brazilian Jiu Jitsu moveset Abel- Non bullshit Judo throws and martial arts themed gears Makoto- Would love use her moveset for a CaC Ibuki- Kimberly satisfy my thirst for epic ass, but not my Ninjutsu needs
  3. Too bad they did'nt included most important Ace feature too, option to be used in VS and Arcade 🥲 @Darc_Requiemfound this, are NOT all pieces, but still show we got lot to work with 😄
  4. For what's worth, jaguar for Adon make sense as long we compare it to Sagat's tiger Would describe jaguar as a "lesser tiger" in many traits, there's lot parallel between tiger and jaguar... similar body structure (different size), both jungle ambush solitar hunters Now, surely that's sure not the case in Capcom's intention, but in SF4 i liked this also because jaguar's method is jump on your back and pierce your skull biting the back of the head 😄
  5. Tbh they CAN explain Necalli's SFV failure in a way that does'nt compromise the char canon wise Going by prophecy, he was supposed to Lv0 Necalli: just woke up, weak but still able to prey on Ryu due SnH Lv1 Necalli: absorbed Ryu, have now the power to absorb Dhalsim Lv2 Necalli: absorbed Ryu and Dhalsim, have now the power to absorb Bison Lv3 Necalli: absorbed Ryu, Dhalsim and Bison, have now the power to eat the world as the prophecy shitjustgotreal Watching ASF, he was successful at defeat Ryu and trigger his SnH (wich would have probably gone to his advantage), but Dhalsim presence there prevented him to absorb Ryu and go into Lv1 Every Loss he got afterward can make sense Dhalsim -> according to the prophecy he wold need to be Lv1 to do it, was still Lv0 Bison -> according to the prophecy he wold need to be Lv2 to do it, was still Lv0 Balrog -> this is not in the prophecy, but can make sense if we consider he just woke up from centuries of sleep and never had the chance to eat, while having bunch of fights/defeats... canon wise at that point is reasonable consider Akuma -> at this point this does'nt need much explanation, would have required Lv3 for him to have a chance, while he still was at Lv0 lol Problem is i don't see Capcom give us much explanation, would not be surprised if ends up like "hey guys Necalli is back, maybe you remember of him from SFV! Bad guy eat people!" Btw happy if necalli returns, deserve another chance (even if having no faith in coward devs may doom his 2nd chance too lol) Seen like that 3rd seems like Necalli, but would say Balrog is more likely due hairline shape (wich was very typical of Rog) and his role of former Shadaking... if you add Vega between Sagat and Rog, you get whole SF2 boss run lol ☝️ First on the left is best, give me great Taekwondo vibes, give it to me as Outfit3 now ❤️ Watch some edgy shit steal his slot 🥲 Fun thing is that jaguar indeed exist in brazilian amazon forest, where is the apex predator too... and have nothing to do with Thailand Blanka have every right to watch Adon like "wtf are you talking about?" lol 😆
  6. Yeah, you see many of him around, same for some other basic goons
  7. Jokes aside i noticed a thing Somebody ( @Daemos? ) focused recently on Dhalsim feeling SnH or some sort of evil spirit when fighting Lily in Mexico But it's not the only Singing Wolf (who Lily compare to Dhalsim in terms of perception) when our avatar reach Mexico say "Evil Parasite" (at least in italian version, he say Parassita Malvagio"), wich cause Lily to fight us, because she thinks he's talking about us After the fight Lily say we are not-evil and that SW must have done an error (or that maybe she translated wrong his ancient language), but she say HE NEVER DO ERRORS So both Singing Wolf and Dhalsim feel this evil presence while in Mexico/Thunderfoot place Another intersting thing is the "parasite" "an organism that lives in or on an organism of another species (its host) and benefits by deriving nutrients at the other's expense." I'm truly starting to believe that this guy after SFV beatings returned to sleep in whatever aztec tomb in mexico, and something is waking him up PS: another possibility is that he's talking about Lily and her spirit but i doubt... the spiri is with her whole time she fights and Sim have no more that feel after their fight
  8. Idk out of nowhere this single mom started text like 5 messages, then asked if i did martial arts and i was like "yeah a bit" and then she's like "i understand, you got very beautiful posture" and sending emoticons I think would happen with other avatars too, but with V.Rosso privilege activated this mean shower scene incoming 🤔
  9. I'm thinking if do like this or use FC to unlock costumes anyway, so i can use DT to buy other stuff rather than gifts for Masters Anybody else got same thought? Also, can we farm Zenny forever in WT?
  10. Yeah definitely Retsu Btw Ryu could have carried all that thing by himself lol
  11. No 😄 She genius IQ and recognize devs being pathetic if they can't come up with something else, props to her But with Chun, Jamie and AKI we are already full of chinese doing Kung Fu, while i still not see Muay Thai, pure Boxing, Capoeira and Jiu Jitsu Pls, fuck off Li Fen
  12. I wish Ryu's denjin charge would power-up also next Shoryuken
  13. In his own arcade ending Ken wonder if he should murder JP with his own hands, wich as ansatsuken guy should be already a no no Combine it with Psycho Power and crap-fans have good reasons to start dream
  14. Little update, just finished all arcades Same goes for Blanka (who stay in the jungle promoting his adventure jungle tour) and JP (who stay in Nayshall hosting arcade as a tournament in his arena) Cool Guess we will see, would be hilrious if coward capcom wasted another brilliant villain concept because they don't believe on their own new characters to be able to compete with the past, when they're the ones to cripple their own stuff by lacking balls By itself JP is already one of the best villains we ever got in SF, if they turn him into weak shit filler boss it's only their fault lol Btw not sure how you made the 5 years guess (but i did'nt watched the WTM full spoilers, want keep something for my run)
  15. To some extent Arcade Kimberly seems to go in similar direction, with her W over JP giving her weird feel... and she come up with the conclusion "she's not strong enough to chase a monster like him", wich is strange after a W
  16. Touch of class Jamie arcade is EVER in same stage (MC street) as to show that unlike others that travel the world, he stay on his area doing his protector role, essentially are OPPONENTS to do the world tour ending up in your street 😄
  17. Ken arcade ending just proof we are just at beginning of SF6 story, he have a mental trip on him taking revenge on JP but things ends with him that wonder what he should do next
  18. AHAHAHAHA 🤣 Nostalgia Alt was leaked like 6 months ago if not more, plus being very predictable due most of SF2ers getting nostalgia As predicted they realized being trolled only after they got scammed hard into believe SF bent to their bullshit, when was just the surface made to grab 9.something score everywhere in the west Show once more how retarded western "gaming journalism" became, anybody with minimal knowledge/competence would have seen the whole SF6 being woke as a VERY thin mask lmao, but competence is something they never had, just their politics and mouth full of shit
  19. 2:09 AM here PS5 throwing at me like 5 notifications SF6 is ready I jump in only to get screen it can't access to server to verify license or something Eh, guess will have to wait till morning lol
  20. The 300 thing it's why i find extremely unlikely i will get the replacement with actually good artworks lol
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