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Posts posted by zatalcon3

  1. 20 hours ago, Maxx said:

    .... Every way a dude beats off is disturbing. You out here tier listing jerking off techniques? 

    Then why not stop? You guys are not the only ugly people in this world, there is so many of you out there. Why waste your time with self-service when you have a ton a free-unwanted females out there?


    Take a look at it like this, you are broke and you need to upgrade your living space but you don't have the finances to buy furniture in Ikea so how do you put new things your home? Do you laydown and just imagine you are laying in furniture, no! You go to the salvation army or goodwill, or get anything that is old, dirty and used. Aint no shame in that, you are just living with what you got. 

  2. 36 minutes ago, Camacho said:

    Reading about unit 731 will introduce you to a whole new level of evil.

    Yeah, i read stuff about that. All the experiments they did on people were all evil. I've been reading a lot of WW2 books, and while there is no doubt the Nazi's where monsters I just think by comparison the Japs where a step higher in terms of evil. 

    Anyway, what is Wong doing in the first couple of seconds in this video? He looks really ugly now. I'm concerned since he looked like he was beating it off in a very disturbing way.  



  3. The Rape of Nanjing was a solid read. 


    Japan did some evil shit from burying people alive to using babies as test subjects, there is a photo of them putting various forms of bacteria on children as young as 1 years old as a way to experiment shit.  It gets me curious as to how you can brainwash an army to be that evil, there should have been at least a few Jap soldiers who would think what was going on was fucked up.. but nope. The entire army that went into Nanjing and the rest of Asia raised the bar in human atrocities.  

  4. I've finished the book The Knights of Bushido which talks about the Japanese war crimes during WW2.


    Who do you think was more evil during WW2, the Nazi's or the Japs? I think 8/10 people in the west would likely choose Germany because many Americans of this current gen don't know much about Japan other than Pearl Harbor. At the same time, Japan being an asian are a minority and they also have so much appeal due to their anime, technology, and video games saves them from being demonized in comparison to Germany.


    However, after reading some books and learning about WW2 through the POV of other countries like South Korea, I think someone can build an argument that they where more sadistic (maybe more evil) than the Nazi's where. Its not just about who killed more.

    The Japanese fucking ate the corpse of American and Filipino soldiers when they invaded the pacific. They also used babies in Nanking as target practice, hurling infants high up in the air and just trying to slice em in half with their sword or shoot em on the way down. They would impale women through the vagina after raping them, too.


  5. 9 minutes ago, J-ride said:

    I don't know if anyone noticed but a ton independent women who are stunning and brave are currently fleeing Ukraine while the men are expected to stay behind to die for their nation.  I guess they don't want equality when shit hits the fan!

    Its our evolution. Women are the best type to care for children, they are gatherers.


    It does make me wonder if we ever had a war, how would these roles apply to hood rats and extreme leftists?

  6. 9 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

    I don't know how to solve the policing issue. I do know that there are some obvious problems that need to be corrected. 

    • It's too easy to become a police officer. There needs to be more and tougher training.
    • Police don't need military's grade hardware. Guys without the training don't need APCs.
    • Police shouldn't be the catch all for everything. For example, they shouldn't be doing wellness checks. They aren't trained for it.
    • Existing protocols needs to be adhered to. What's the point of body cams if they aren't on?
    • Police shouldn't be investigating themselves. It's like Congress getting to give themselves raises. Shouldn't be a thing.

    The thing that keeps coming up is a lack of training. There needs to be more training, higher standards, and with those higher standards higher pay. Getting more qualified individuals to take up a dangerous job is going to require higher compensation.

    One thing that can be tried to solve the issue is probably teaching black communities in major cities to stop breaking the law. 



  7. 1 hour ago, HD-Man said:

    I went to a concert last night, and some dude came in the men's restroom "joking" (maybe)  about swole dingalings, I hurry up and got outta there so fast. It was probably Zata saying that shit 😂


    Hmm.. maybe. Did the cops show up again because of people causing a shoot out? If not, that wasn't me because I was in a rap concert which was all black.

  8. 19 minutes ago, Sonero said:






    In other words, he is very ugly. 


    People like him are examples as to why some internet people have to stop watching porn and stop jacking off, and just get some one fat to release all that hormones on for real. otherwise they can end up like him and just be a massive inconvenience to someone browsing the net. 

  9. Tim Pool is a complete shit head. Someone has to deck that guy in the head. He looks like pot smoking bum who tries to skateboard  to catch attention regardless of how much he sucks at it. He's likely a guy who always has phlegm come out of his mouth while he coughs and doesnt bother to wipe his chin after. 


    Fuck that guy. I hope some one gets a roll of bread and just slaps him in the face for being stupid and useless. We should stop getting these guy rich off of social media, they have no right at all to be living better than various homeless people out there who have actual skills and talent but piss poor luck in getting a job. 

    He has no talent, no skill, very unintelligent, and is also highly unattractive so him being able to make a decent living is absurd.


  10. 3 hours ago, DarkSakul said:

    How this shit head not dead yet?



    Fucking cult if yoy ask me

    What happens if he is right and we are at the end times, and through out the duration of the final moments of earth you are still doing imaginary sex with your hand?


    Don't worry about the news, prophecies, or preachers. The common message you need to understand is that life is finite and we do not know when it all ends. Covid, nukes, putin, Robertson, god, we don't know! 


    Its time you make your life have some realness and meaning, retire the hand and get an ugly girl. 


  11. 8 hours ago, RSG3 said:


    You failed us bro. How could you not tell us the amazing Morena Beccarin has a new show on the Peacock? You're supposed to be keeping tabs remember!?!?!

    Maybe its time you stop jacking off bro. What if Puttin nukes us all out, can you imagine the double defeat knowing the Russian who died with you managed to go out having real intimacy, while you were still using your hand?

    Go find an ugly girl while there is still time. 




  12. 1 minute ago, Darc_Requiem said:

    The World: "Those damned American's need to do something about this."

    No one really says that though other than Americans themselves.


    I want Germany and Japan to do this. It would be very interesting to see the two monsters of the past resurface to take down the current monster, just like Kenshin Himura reverting to Battousai when the enemy provokes him enough. 

  13. 3 hours ago, MillionX said:

    Hoodrat Trash shot this dude in the face over a hamburger, apparently 


    haha of course I'm already eagerly waiting on Tommy Sotomayor to do a video on it... you know he won't be able to resist.

    She is going to pull the race card

  14. 3 hours ago, DarkSakul said:

    Then why you got a White Dude for your Profile pic?
    Why you posting your self in drag?

    You are about as Black as Mitch McConnell at the Sunday lunch special at the Golden Corral 


    Im showing you some options bro. This is not for me, it's for you. 


    You don't need that exact girl, but that is just an idea for who you should pick up. There are tons of those in every starbucks at the back of a target store. You got this!

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