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Everything posted by Hawkingbird

  1. I've known about Yakuza series since the original PS2 release. I couldn't get into it then as those games were hard to come by then. I remember a friend managed to play it and he would complain about how awful the English dub was. Much like yourself, I was at Best buy when I saw Zero and Kiwami discounted.
  2. I'm new to the Yazuka series. I started with Zero and currently playing through Kiwami 1. Great to see we're getting 2 in 5 months.
  3. I have the "Hold it!" Voice clip from the Ace Attorney games as my notification alert. It sometimes scares the shit of me if my phone is loud.
  4. I don't think she was a hypocrite for saying that. To her to he was trading in one addiction for another.
  5. I'm with you on the episode of Legends. The fact there was no racism at all in the time period they were in completely took me out of the episode. Amaya and Zari walk into a all white church and no one says a thing? Wally talks to a highly prejudice preacher and nothing? This is bullshit. Sucks because the show has addressed the racism of the time period before.
  6. I'm on same page as you @Darc_Requiem . Trish's motivation and the way she went about making it happen is what I expect from a villain. Horgath ended up being more likable and I'm suppose to hate her.
  7. As long as Luke and Jessica have their own shows I doubt they'll hook up again.
  8. Unlike the other netflix heroes there isn't a lot of source material to draw from for Jessica. After adapting the Kilgrave story the showrunners will need to create their own material if they want to keep things going as she doesn't have much else.
  9. Mikey was my favorite growing up. Loved him in 87 and 2K3 series.
  10. I'm meh Kristen Wiig playing Cheetah. The character is no scared cow and one that's been rebooted many times. If the movie goes the friend turned enemy route they should save the heel turn for a third movie.
  11. I watched the entire season. It's not as good as the first season. It moves at a much slower pace than the first season, there very little character development for Jessica and it doesn't have a real villain.
  12. Things were never like that. You don't always have to jump to latest tech that drops. It takes a few years for any developer to take advantage of it since they know people like holding on to their old shit.
  13. Recent PSN sales have been matching prices with PC digital marketplaces. I brought the digital version of Mirror's Edge: Catalyst for $5 during their black friday sale. If it starts having 20-25% discounts for pre-purchases it will be in the same ballpark.
  14. I saved a bunch of money going digital. When games go on sale they tend to be super cheap. I spend more money getting a meal at Wendy's compared to when I buy games on Steam, Green Man, Humble Bundle and Fanatical. Game of the Year edition of Shadow of Mordor is $3 right now on Fanatical. Definitely not saving.
  15. I don't care for swapping discs or re-selling my games. My physical space is limited and don't have room to have a few bookshelves and storage bins for them all. I'm not a collector so posters, artbooks and booklets hold no value for me. I like OSTs but I prefer that to be digital too. I like the convenience it affords me.
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