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Everything posted by Hawkingbird

  1. All the outrage around this game is clown shoes of the highest order
  2. I never seen people try so hard to make a game fail. It's beyond pathetic
  3. The only female characters pushing 40 are the Williams sisters and they got cryostasis to thank for still looking in their 20s. Keep in mind that after Tekken 3 the timeline of the series hasn't progressed much. T4 one year after T3. T5 happens two months after T4. T6 three years after T5 and T7 immediately after T6. Not enough time here for any the adult woman to be a grandma. It's not like the guys look their actual age. Does Kazuya and Lee look 50 to you?
  4. I love Nina new look. The guns are whatever to me. Tekken fans like to complain about the most insignificant shit. Like a few months ago some doofus complained about why Jun isn't an old lady in Tekken 8.
  5. The dead space remake fixed the dreaded turret section. It is so much better now
  6. As far as the Dead Space remake goes I'm really liking it. The things I like so far over the original game - The Ishimura being an open environment you can backtrack and explore rather it being broken up into levels. The level design is more akin to mansion of REmake, and the police station of RE2. - The supporting cast is way better. Issacs crew actually feels like a crew rather than a bunch of assholes who give Issac orders out of self interest. They actually support the guy and provide it however and whenever they can. - Nicole plays a more active role. There's new video and audio logs that shows what she did to help when everything went to hell - It feels like Motive drew a lot from Dead Space 2 as Isaac's character, background and the lore of Unitology are directed lifted from that game. Unitology in general has a larger role to play in the overall story compared to the original where it had a few mentions at most. The game's combat is lifted from DS2. I like this a lot as I feel the second game is just as good as the first but doesn't get as much recognition.
  7. Dead Space isn't that different from sci-fi horror like Alien. Imagine if Metroid Fusion was a 3D game with a larger focus on its horror and having an religion be behind the conspiracy instead of the government
  8. I never found them scary. The atmosphere and the enemies are definitely creepy and unsettling.
  9. Dead Space remake auto saved me in a death loop. I haven't experienced this in a very long time. Thank God for manual saves
  10. I've been posting this around Discord and I'm going to post it here. The Barcelona discord will have a charity tournament for @AYO?! on February 12th to help pay for his expanses. If you can't participate you can donate directly to Ayo here
  11. It's legit. There's an option in the accessibility settings that allows you to turn on content warnings.
  12. There only one thing I want for the rumble and that's Dominic Mysterio eliminating all the fan favorites.
  13. It's fucked up that I didn't know this game even came out until Square announced it's death.
  14. The dead space remake is getting lots of praise
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