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Everything posted by DanZan

  1. I'm glad that more people will get to experience the series.
  2. New jailbreak/hack called "h-encore" Release date 1st July. Vita owners go cray cray!
  3. I actually watched DSP play it thru, LOL. It was actually quite cool and i noticed that there are alot of choices/paths to take. Anyway...Here are my E3 predictions!
  4. I will tell you this in the most respectful manner... You need to ditch your sister and just play all the game for yourself. Especially Y2 on the PS2.
  5. Here are the ones you want to get : Odin sphere (limited print & great game, guaranteed future collectors item) Dragons Crown (limited print, not on psn store) Umvc3 (hasn't been on psn store for a long time) Shinobido 2 revenge of zen (hasn't been on psn store since beginning of 2016) You can thank me later when you see how the prices skyrocket even more in a near distant future.
  6. I present to you... Shakatak - Easier said than done
  7. I did a short review of Y6, saying why i think it's one of the best. Don't watch it if you don't want 2 be spoild cuz there is alot of spoilerish footage in there.
  8. I've finished my 2nd playthru (legend) now. I think i can say that Yakuza 6 is among my top 3 in the series despite its shortcomings. Really really like this game!
  9. My friend made this. Really suprised by how good it was!
  10. One of my favorite moments in the game. I laugh everytime!
  11. For those that are playing GOW... Can you tell me in one sentence or less what it is exactly that makes the game so good? Thanks
  12. I present to you... The Sushi club - Niku Jaga
  13. My only real about Yakuza 6 is that i feel like the game was too easy. I was playing on hard and yet still Kiryu "devil trigger" fuckt everything up like it was nothing, even bosses. I'm gonna do a playthru on legend where i don't use extreme heat mode just to see how that would compare.
  14. I'm also of the opinion that Lost odyssey is the best "FF game".
  15. If this video don't convince you to get Yakuza 6...nothing will!
  16. Joker as Kiryu Ryuji as Ryuji (lol i see what they did there) Futaba as Kage the florist Makoto as Saejima Yusuke as Akiyama Haru as Haruka (damn these guys are clever) Ann as Majima The costumes are on-point. Also have to add that i LOVE when companies to this sorta collab.
  17. @Deadly_Raver Hey bro! Can you post that gif of the japanese girl who was doing that wacky anime face? that gif is def worth saving in a folder somewhere.
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