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Everything posted by DarthEnderX

  1. When that thing calls Abel an "android" does it mean that in the regular sense of "a robot that looks like a human" or does it mean it in the Japanese usage of "any kind of artificial human". Like, would they also consider Cammy and Ed androids because they were artificially grown humans?
  2. Alpha 2 replaces Alpha 1. Alpha 3 is a sequel to Alpha 2. But later SF games seems to act like the events of Alpha 2 happened, but the events of Alpha 3 didn't.
  3. I just read it as she IS something of an agent-for-hire, but she also doesn't listen to authority.
  4. And if they just wanted to keep making it as a free fan thing, more power to them. But having a kickstarter page for something they expressly don't have permission to do is weird. I mean, arguably anyone who can afford it, since she seems to be a freelance agent. Like, who hired her to wake up Seth?
  5. IF they say yes. But if you asked, and they said no, it's kind of insane to go ahead and do it anyway, and then ask people for MONEY for it, when you KNOW you don't have permission. The only problem with that is that when people say "which shoto should I play" they're talking about the PLAY STYLE, not the martial art. They're saying "Which character with a QCF fireball and DPM rising physical attack should I play?"
  6. Sure but, what difference does that make? If I ask Disney to make a DuckTales cartoon to sell, and they say no, that doesn't mean I can do it anyway and not expect them to shut me down. In fact it ensures that they will, because now they officially know about it.
  7. I mean, yeah but what did they expect. You can't SELL something with someone elses IP and not get shut down.
  8. Nice to see they're as reverent with Japanese SF lore as they are Japanese Sentai lore.
  9. Oh...were you sarcastically referencing the Nash thing? If so, then woosh indeed sir. Well done.
  10. I mean, you are 100% wrong. Just like you would be if you tried to suggest that Charlie Nash was still "Nash in Japan, Charlie in English". His name is clearly retconned to be Clark Still now. But if you want to pretend his name, written on his in-game model, is "just an easter egg" instead of being canon, that's on you. You Vasili10 up that plot guide all you want. Like...his SNK official English trailer can't get any clearer than that. I mean, jesus, they even fully write out their names in Japanese...
  11. Nah man. If Darkstalkers 4 ever happens, Ruby Heart should be in it, the way she was originally intended. Ingrid though, absolutely.
  12. In regards to the question in the thumbnail? Absolutely. Street Fighter's only guest character...
  13. Why wouldn't they? he's an incoherent babbling piece of junk in this game.
  14. If I had to pick one FF2/3 boss to promote, that would be it. As long as he looks like his character art, and not his sprite. They're both basically just ripping off Clockwork Orange.
  15. I mean...arguably none if he's still here. Sure, he's been physically demanifested a few times...
  16. I have a problem with Sagat losing to a normal SRK, because Ryu has done a lot of SRKs since then, and not burned a hole in anyone else's chest. Also, I seem to remember when the Metsu Shoryuken was added to Ryu's moveset in SSF4, they said "This is the move that scarred Sagat."
  17. 3. Just, Ryu is getting his ass handed to him, but then the SNH awakens in him, and he catches Sagat off guard with a SNH SRK. But none of that "Sagat thought the match was over and was helping Ryu up".
  18. Might as well. If you're gonna reset any of it, might as well ditch the shit that doesn't work.
  19. I still want a scene where his Ryu-clone body is finally complete, and he goes to possess it, but Kage jumps in at the same time. And they have a "battle inside the mind" for control of the body.
  20. So does anyone around these parts do the thing where they take the SF5 character artwork and remove the backgrounds? I don't have backgroundless versions of Dan, Rose or Eleven.
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