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Everything posted by DarthEnderX

  1. Filter looks "better". It's still a joke compared to what ArcSys has been doing.
  2. "We added a cel shaded mode! Just to rub in your face how much SF6 ISN'T going to look the way you want!"
  3. I do tend to prefer a sporty look on my fighting game chicks. I love this Makoto: And this Juri: And this Sakura:
  4. I think they're all a bit "too much" to be her default costume. Chun Li is not Mai.
  5. Her card LITERALLY says Capcom Fighting All-Stars and NOT Street Fighter.
  6. Because she's not a SF character. Solid selection. Though I wish it had more non-SF4+5 returners that just Sean. Sodom and Eagle! Their time is now!
  7. Noembelu for sure. T. Hawk needs a tag team partner. Completely disagree. I enjoyed the hell out of ASF's crazy anime tone. It's way more fun than MK9+'s melodramatic attempts at seriousness.
  8. I mean, it doesn't really matter to me at this point. I don't want to see all those characters in that art style anyway.
  9. One thing SF4 and 5 got right. I only need, like, 4 newcomers. Everyone Is Here!
  10. SF6 is literally that awful realistic Guile render from a decade ago. I wanted, like, Alpha 4 made with ArcSys level graphics. And this is pretty much the exact opposite of that.
  11. Fuck this art style. This realism shit looks worse than what ArcSys was doing 8 years ago. I'm out. The Fighting Collection looks cool, if a little Darkstalkers heavy.
  12. I miss Alpha 3 Bengus. Some of my favorite concept art ever... No. It's just SF4's style again. And I didn't like SF4's, but I gave it a pass cause it was SF's first real 3d graphics game. All over the place. Most of them from SF Alpha and SF3. The 1, 4 and 5 sprites came from various deviantartists. All the SF5 ones came from Reluu.
  13. No, that's not true. You can just slap costumes on SF5 characters because all of the hair and clothing physics are handled procedurally by the game engine. That's not the case with ArcSys models. Every strip of hair and fold of cloth is animated by hand. Which means creating a new costume requires a TON of animation work that SF5 costumes don't, even though the models are also 3D.
  14. Can't argue with that for Capcom. Greed is gonna win out over quality there. But SNK doesn't have that excuse. As they rarely have alt costumes.
  15. Every yeah that goes by that every other Japanese 2D fighting game developer DOESN'T just rip off what ArcSys is doing with graphics is a knife to my face. I consider it right up there with rollback netcode in terms of "This is a SOLVED issue. And nobody else is using the solution. And that's infuriating."
  16. When somebody makes a 30+ image post, do you guy think you could avoid quoting said post in its entirety?
  17. Reluu released their Luke sprite. So I've finally been able to finish my Tag Teams list! 😛 Edit: Reluu says hi!
  18. Too bland until the Secret Society pulls a Nash on him. 😛 Looks better than SF5, but not as good as the SF2 anime movie. It's gonna be Luke vs. Ed. Blonde boxey boy showdown.
  19. If it means new anime graphics, then I am all in. I don't care WHAT the story does. Lemme ask you something... Is your Chun-Li fan art all of her with the shit beat out of her, like your avatar is?
  20. I also don't care about KH(I hate Nomura, he ruined FF), but the world does. Nobody cares about Luke.
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