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Everything posted by DarthEnderX

  1. Which is only represented by a normal Ken fight in that game though. But, like Evil Ryu, is not canon in that game. Ken's love for his family supplants any of the feelings in Ken that would lead to him using the SnH. Stripped of them, he is once again vulnerable. In this game, he's gonna track down the ones who framed him and separated him from his family. He's gonna go berserk, his hair will turn white, and in a future DLC, he'll be a separate version with a different moveset, just like Kage. And it'll suck and be a waste of a character slot, but they're still gonna do it.
  2. It seems to me like the city's entire economy is now dependent on fight culture. All business and tourism seems to revolve around it. It's like if there was a city where every hockey player in the world came to play hockey, would you have the cops running around breaking up impromptu street hockey games? Let's be real here: The ENTIRE reason they are doing this storyline with Ken is so they can make Violent Ken canon.
  3. Not if it's legal. Remember, this is a city that elected both Haggar and Cody!
  4. I just like the idea that Metro City has become such a Mecca for street fighting that every martial artists on the planet goes there to hang out or open a shop. I'm just gonna make FF7R Rude. And if the CAC can't do that, it fails.
  5. If I can't have "Everyone is Here!" as playable characters, I'll settle for it as background appearances and hanging around town.
  6. He literally looks up to them. I don't think Yun & Yang were old enough they needed a replacement...
  7. Fuck yooooou! Rashid ruuuuules!! Which, as I've said before, is kinda shitty. Because it means she was never a cop in order to protect people or honor her father's legacy or anything like that. It was just a means for her to pursue her vengeance.
  8. Agreed. The MK story modes are better produced, but I like SF5's more because it's just dumb anime fun.
  9. Looks like they redesigned Lily to be less of a stereotype. Is that G at 0:56? You're assuming S1 isn't going to have 4 characters?
  10. It's weird that Zangief is the only original World Warrior that they didn't reveal. I mean..."forced to abandon his family" isn't a ton better.
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