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Everything posted by DarthEnderX

  1. That's exactly what my expectations were for that mode. All the real plot in SF5 took place in ASF, and the replacement for that is seemingly WTM.
  2. That wouldn't be cool at all, because it would just make JP the final boss of Fighting Layer...
  3. He'd probably change that after sorting his glitches out. They just need to turn him off again then on again.
  4. FemSeth needs to get herself some artificial skin to blend in and become girlboss again.
  5. It's weird to me how much SF6's plot is reminding me of the idea I had for my own fighting game series. It was about a fictional small island nation in the South China Seas(like a Singapoor analog), where every year, there's a martial arts tournament held, and the winner becomes Emperor of the nation for the next year. And for the last decade or so, the ruler has been an Akuma-type(or, more accurately, an "Augus from Asura's Wrath"-type), who doesn't care at all about running the nation, and is only Emperor because of the thrill of the tournament fights. As a result, the capitol city of the nation has become a beacon of crime and corruption(like Madripoor from Marvel) where the wealthy and powerful can operate without restraint and crime syndicates and corrupt officials control the city, and the entire city has a cultural obsession with fighting and martial arts, for obvious reason. People from all over the world come to compete in this tournament every year, and your main characters would be the students of the previous Emperor from a decade before, who was a much wiser, more involved ruler, and a great martial arts master, but who was physically crippled in his fight with the current Emperor, and can no longer fight himself. The tournament, and the game, woulda been called Emperor's Fist. As you can see, it would have had both the "win the tournament, rule the small nation" aspect of Nayshall and also the "Battle City"-like aspects of Metro City in SF6.
  6. Oro has shown us that it's possible to use PP and SnH without them corrupting you. They're just different wavelengths of Ki. Now, Ed is obviously no where near Oro's level, but since it is possible, then Ed's warriors journey can be about him learning to master PP without letting it control him.
  7. Hmm. I've had no problem following the plot so far. Especially if you watch together. Cause I'm sure the home audience is gonna be like "Hey, that guys shoots purple stuff! That must be connected to that time all those Death Stars almost fell on us!"
  8. I kind of assumed he was referencing Jesus there. What with Gill believing he's the next savior of mankind. And Jesus being a savior of mankind from 2000 years ago.
  9. I mean, I think that story looks pretty cool. But I didn't even play the one in MK11. I just watched youtubers I like play through it. G and Q will just be guys hanging out in JP's lair you can challenge. Like poor Retsu.
  10. He's keeping Phantom Bison inside the little stone on the top of his cane.
  11. The whole SF world should be fictional. Like Red Earth. Everything is basically based on a real place, but it's not actually that place. 😛
  12. I don't see how Velma glorifies her behavior. She's clearly portrayed as being wrong, it continuously makes things worse, and everyone calls her out on it. To be fair, most people just use the SF wiki now. Better there than in a canon SF.
  13. I can argue with none of those points. But I also like Rick and Morty, who are also unlikable. And I'm easily amused by TV tropes references. And I didn't go into it expecting a compelling murder mystery...because Scooby Doo.
  14. Yeah, see, I've never liked Scooby Doo. So the fact that the show doesn't respect the franchise doesn't automatically trigger me to hate it. Even as a little kid, I was like "so it's a show about people that hunt monsters, where the monster is ALWAYS fake...". It was disappointment, the TV show. It's like those awful ghost hunter shows, except it's not a reality show. Somebody actually WROTE it that way. More Real Ghostbusters please. And you have these two characters that are always annoyingly useless and cowardly, despite the fact that the monster is ALWAYS fake. You'd think after the 50th time they'd be like, "Well, that story SOUNDS scary, but it's just gonna be another old guy in a mask." So, yeah. If you don't actually like Scooby Doo, Velma's got some good gags and meta humor. Instead of being an assault on my childhood.
  15. Rolento to Capcom: "Am I a joke to you?" How can he be a Pencak SIlat rep? He has no style of his own, like our CAC. Eh. That show was fine. Was trying real hard to be Harley Quinn.
  16. I wonder if you'll be able to learn special moves from characters like Retsu. HAGGAR! All of the Dolls in their retirement.
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