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Everything posted by DarthEnderX

  1. And also uses ArcSys's graphical methods to look anime as FUCK. Not me. I have just as much problem with "old generation of similar characters meant to replace the characters everyone likes" as much as I do "old generation of similar characters meant to replace the characters everyone likes".
  2. Rare instance of the SF5 theme being better than the SF4 theme. That Battle Costume is sweet. Nostalgia Costume doesn't really fit the name. I know it's an old Midnight Bliss form, but that's not really what the Nostalgia Costumes were. I guess that's what happens when your actual Nostalgia Costume is just your default.
  3. I don't think just having a pair of rabbit ears is a furry by even furrys' standards.
  4. And as much as I like Last Blade, Hibiki still doesn't really fit cause LB takes place, like, 80 years after SamSho does.
  5. I think in the case of the Arena of Valor character, I wouldn't be surprised if that was a business arrangement. SNK being part Chinese owned and AoV being a big Chinese game.
  6. A character is a guest if the continuity of their own game is separate from the continuity of SF. So far, that's Ingrid and the EX games. It USED to be Rival Schools, but now Capcom has rolled RS into SF's continuity.
  7. 100%. Adding guest characters is just an admission that you don't think people care about your own characters. Leave the crossover characters for crossover games. Samurai Shodown's DLC characters have been legit infuriating me. Surpassed only by DBFZ.
  8. I'm praying the last DLC character is a Street Fighter character. Or Haggar.
  9. Please, God, don't let the last S5 character be a Power Ranger... That mid-air Shinku Hadoken animation though...comedy gold.
  10. I would have thought that, if they'd had access to all the FL characters, that FEXL would have...ya know, had some FL characters in it. Instead of just being a straight put of every SFEX character. Isn't the entire reason the game is called Fighting EX Layer instead of Fighting Layer EX because they don't have the rights to the name "Fighting Layer"? If they don't own the name, I doubt they own the characters.
  11. I wish Arika could get the rights to it's other Fighting Layer characters back, so it could start adding them to FEXL.
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