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Everything posted by DarthEnderX

  1. What I hope for, is lots of guest costumes for CAF. Possibly some special moves from other fighting game characters. But no fully playable guest characters. That way, they can sate the guest character idiots, without wasting character slots.
  2. Ryu is the type though that would probably never call himself a master. There's always more to learn for him.
  3. Okay. Given that, my base will probably be either Luke or Dee Jay until Ed comes out.
  4. How exactly does the moveset of the OC work? I assumed you picked one character to have their normals, and then chose Specials and Supers a la carte. Can you actually have normals from multiple characters at once?
  5. It already sucks I have to wait till Ed just to get boxing normals for my OC.
  6. Just give me one full, fictional city per continent(plus an extra one for Japan), and then tell me all the fighters from that continent just migrate to those cities because they're all popular street fighting meccas. Every SF character cuts out their own little niche of said city that becomes the backdrop for their stage. That would make me happy. Although, technically, I'd have been satisfied if they'd done the same thing with just one city. Make Metro City the street fighting capitol of the world, filled with various ethnically themed neighborhoods(Chinatown, Little Italy, etc.) and just have every character gather in one place.
  7. I can't wait to see Katana Sodom. I'm imagining something like SF5's character stories, but with an extra piece of art at the end. That Jamie intro looks exactly like the SF5 character stories.
  8. It's unlocked when you beat it. We don't know if it's the entirety of his ending or not.
  9. Well, no, that's ALSO bad storytelling. Capcom telling stories badly in the past isn't an excuse for them to do more bad storytelling. Which is what centering on the Player OC would be.
  10. That's not a good thing! That's terrible! It means future lore would have to be all "And then Bison was defeated again. This time by [player OC]." That sucks.
  11. Which is 99% of why it's stupid. Why are all these people that hate Bison and don't want to become him, actively emulating him? Not for any logical reason. Just because Capcom wants there to still be a Shadaloo. It's like that stupid shit in RE7 with Chris being in "Blue Umbrella". WHY WOULD YOU CALL IT THAT?! I'm gonna make Rude if I can.
  12. With the returning characters all seemingly getting Classic Costumes, please, god, let them have Classic Themes as an option as well. That's all this game needs now. Hopefully, someone at Capcom realized that "Neo-Shadaloo" was really stupid. A bunch of people that were tormented by Shadaloo get together what exactly?
  13. So it looks like World Tour mode has 2 "major" cities. Metro City and Nayshall. And then a bunch of, like, single area location scattered around the world. Which kinda just seems like a version of their stage that you can walk around in. So we have a made up US city and a made up Asian city. I could go for a 3rd made up city in Europe.
  14. It looks like a US Marine tattoo, except it has scissors instead of a knife, and I think it says "Barbering is my life".
  15. Yeah, I know that guy has Dudley's mustache, but I didn't think it was Dudley. Dudley isn't really the...arms covered in tattoos-type.
  16. I'm shocked at those DLC characters. SHOCKED! Akuma looks worse than his previous concept art.
  17. I feel like, with SF6, I'm finally going to get "Everyone is Here!". Just...not as playable. El Fuerte is gonna be selling me tacos and Abigail will be pumping my gas. I hope Carlos' outfit is in CAC. I want to wear that suit, but in black.
  18. You understand though that that's, like, legitimately hard to do, and no small part based on Yen's skill. It's why those movies are impressive. Just wanting to recreate that doesn't mean you can.
  19. I just want to see Phantom Bison and Kage fight over a Ryu clone body, that Kage wins. Because if I have to keep putting up with this Evil Ryu motherfucker in every game, I want him to at least be a real, physical character.
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