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Everything posted by DarthEnderX

  1. I've also been grinding out Mastery over the last couple days. That poor subway is really getting a workout.
  2. Dunno if he used those exact characters in Japanese, but that's exactly what he says in English. "In Japanese, it would be pronouced "Edomondo". Like Edo-period!"
  3. No, it isn't. It's not stated anywhere that "the suit was specifically designed by S.I.N to make some a tournament class fighter". The suit was given to Viper, by SIN, to test during the tournament. That's it. There are no sources anywhere stating what the purpose of the suit is.
  4. To the extent that Ryu is always holding back whenever he isn't using the SNH, yes. Mm, I don't agree with that. She doesn't say that until AFTER he goes berserk. That suggests she didn't think her life was in danger until he started using it. Speaking of which, after seeing my CAC learn to use Psycho Power from JP, I'm kind of interested to see how we start learning SNH from Akuma now.
  5. I'm talking about standard Ryu. Not SNH Ryu. She was able to go toe-to-toe with him, until he went SNH berserk. They also haven't given us any indication that it wouldn't. Which is my point. Capcom has given ZERO indication of how strong she is or isn't without the suit. So stating with confidence that she's sub-Dan is pure bullshit. Neither can Balrog or Zangief. Are we going to suggest that they're weaker than Dan now?
  6. Ah, cool. So a bunch of speculation, colored by your dislike for the character. I also don't like Viper or her techsuit. But I'm not just going to make shit up to make her seem even worse than she is. That's Vasili shit. It's a Battle Suit. It's purpose is to make someone stronger. He gave it to Viper to test during the tournament. But the idea that it's specifically designed to elevate scrubs to tournament fighters only is purely your headcanon. Even if I subscribed to your notion that Seth would have given it to a total scrub in order to test it(which I don't), that ignores the fact that she is a highly trained secret agent, a fact which Seth was unaware of. So if he gave her the suit thinking she was a scrub, that doesn't mean she actually was, because she was hiding her capabilities from him. And if she actually was a scrub, then the fact that the suit made her stronger than Cammy, and comparable to Ryu(i.e. well beyond the "tournament fighter" level) means that either A. Viper was not a scrub to begin with, hence her being buffed well beyond the "tournament fighter" level, or B. the suit on it's own is comparable in power to Ryu. Which is just an asinine suggestion.
  7. Yeah, if you'd told me the leader of one of Metro City's gangs was going to be a former Dhalsim student, I wouldn't have believed it.
  8. All of those make sense except Jamie. That puts him above most of the World Warriors.
  9. Seemingly other way around. He's telling a story about earlier in his career and says he used to be a "heel". Well that's just silly. I have no problem with him being evil without a tragic backstory, but unless he's not human and is actually some kind of demon there's no reason for him to be "born evil".
  10. A character slot where you have to spend your in game money to switch between characters isn't really a character slot.
  11. Well. Completed the main story and unlocked the last fighting style. To be fair, he does say that his pro-wrestling persona is a "heel". So to the public in the SF world, he is a "bad guy".
  12. I did his questline, then you can attack him whenever afterwards and the glasses are one of the rewards. I believe fingerless gloves are just a shop option later. No idea if they're the same.
  13. I'm sure we'll get more clothing pieces, but I'd be surprised if we get more colors in the clothing that's already there. I'm pretty lucky that all the pieces of clothing I wanted to wear had a "black" option. But every item I'm wearing is like a slightly different SHADE of black. So it only KINDA matches. The Investment Vest isn't going to get a "slightly darker shade of gray" option later down the line. Especially since, that's just not how the dye system works. You also have no control at all over secondary colors on an item. Like, my tie is the color that it is because it's the tie that comes with the black vest. There's no changing the tie color without also changing the vest color. Contrast that to, say, SFxTK, where, granted, you could only color the whole outfit, but you had options for like the primary, secondary outfit colors, and then primary and secondary accessory colors, and each of those had WAY more than 4 options each. tl;dr The character creator for the character's body in this game is fantastic. The character creator for the character's clothing kinda sucks.
  14. Ayup! I will say, my biggest disappointment with the CAC(other than the weird special move limitations), is the lack of color options. Any given piece of clothing only has as many as 4 specific alternative colors that you can dye the item. And the options available are specific to each item. Like, I know Soul Calibur is the gold standard when it comes to this. But FFS, SFxTK did a better job than that!
  15. Well, it took me 59 levels, but I was finally able to put the finishing touches on my CAC. It's time to get Rude, baby!
  16. That is...incorrect. I just played through that portion of the game. Both gangs had a battle to see which of them would represent Metro City in the underground fight tournament. You run into their leaders in Nayshall later, but that's because they'd already bought their tickets before you beat them, so they're there on vacation instead.
  17. Speaking of that, I'm annoyed they made up a new gang in the Crows to be Mad Gear's rival gang. It should have been the Skull Cross gang. Please, god, no. Damnd is second only to Abigail in terms of lame FF bosses. His entire gimmick is summoning mooks, and that is not a gameplay mechanic I want to see in a playable SF character.
  18. That's assuming Cammy isn't wrong. She is, after all, only telling the story from her own perspective. Considering Marz had a Disney "fell off a cliff" death, it's always possible that she's alive. That said, I don't really need or want her to be. "Laptop Doll" was not one of the Dolls I was ever hoping was going to become playable. The entire point of the Bond system is to represent your relationship with that character. At the higher Bond levels, the point where she starts telling you those things, you're no longer a "complete random" to her anymore. And even then, she's like "Haha, that was all a lie, loser." which is exactly the kind of thing I would expect Juri to say if she ever found herself accidentally being sincere. Well, obviously. I would hope that, if the existence of the CAC is considered canon, that they're only ONE CAC. And not EVERY CAC. It's one thing to think maybe one person was able to get Ryu to train together with them. It's another to think Ryu was shown how to work a cell phone by a million different people he was sparring with.
  19. The "parts that don't fit my theory" are you just referencing other video games and anime. Yes, I realize that photographic reflexes are a pre-existing trope in fiction. But I'm trying to explain the CAC's abilities within the scope of established Street Fighter lore. And the only characters that can do what the CAC does, to the EXTENT that the CAC does, are Seth and Twelve. Both artificial lifeforms specifically designed to copy other fighters. It would also explain why your character doesn't have any kind of "real" motivation. Just a vague "I need to learn what "strength" is". Which is exactly the kind of thing an android designed to copy other fighters without knowing it was an android would be programmed to think. Certainly, it could all be handwaved away by Capcom as "gameplay and story segregation". But it's also possible that it's not, and it's all being set up intentionally. Also also, it would explain the absolutely inhuman monstrosities that players are allowed to make. 😛 I just feel like calling it an "insane reach" is ignoring most of the stories SF has ever told. Artificial lifeforms has practically been the focus of SF for, like, the last 3 games.
  20. Maybe they just like them. There's 12 of 'em. It makes sense there'd be at least a couple who would wake up from brainwashing and be like "You know, I kinda liked what we were doing." I feel like you're being intentionally obtuse now. Yeah, Sakura learned to throw a Hadoken in a relatively short time. She also knows how to do a Shoryuken...sorta. And a Tastumaki...sorta. She uses Ryu's fighting theory. In practice, how she performs it is very different. And now, she's a character that has been around for years, and she's integrated...nobody elses moves. Contrast that to the CAC, who can perfectly copy 18 fighting styles after one training session each. It also exists in the SF world. As Shadaloo androids. Speaking of which:
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